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Old 02-19-2009, 12:52 PM
  beetlejuice's Avatar 
beetlejuice beetlejuice is offline

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Default Re: Photo Gallery Mod


I've PM'd DataViking a couple of times, sent two emails via his contact page at and no response from any of them.

Does anyone know if this guy is still around ? A week and no response is pretty ordinary support.

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Old 02-20-2009, 12:34 PM
  beetlejuice's Avatar 
beetlejuice beetlejuice is offline

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Default Re: Photo Gallery Mod

Looks like DataViking and phpsolutions may be one and the same

Not a single reply to any contact I've made in the last week or so. Not via the forum thread, PM's nor contact from either of his sites and

I've got to get this finished for a client otherwise it's more money down the drain and here in AUS with our dollar for some reason poor against the US it hurts a bit more than others.

As per the thread 2 posts back I've listed the gallery.php below to see if anyone might be able to see why shadowbox which is used for detailed images is also being called for photos in this gallery mod. I battle around with PHP but it's not my strong suit.

<?php /*****************************************************************************\ GALLERY FOR XCART! \*****************************************************************************/ # # $Id: form.php,v 2007/03/22 13:54:23 svowl Exp $ # require "./auth.php"; require $xcart_dir."/include/categories.php"; x_load('files','image'); x_session_register("file_upload_data"); if (empty($active_modules["Image_Gallery"])){ func_header_location("error_message.php?access_denied&id=7"); } if ($_GET['gallery_cat']){ $cat=$_GET['gallery_cat']; }elseif($_POST['gallery_cat']){ $cat=$_POST['gallery_cat']; }else{ if ($first_cat = func_query("SELECT * FROM {$sql_tbl['gallery_categories']} WHERE avail='Y' AND parent_id=0 ORDER BY order_by ASC LIMIT 0,1")){ $cat=$first_cat[0]["id"]; }else { $cat=0; } } $smarty->assign("list_type",$config['Image_Gallery']['image_category_select_type']); $smarty->assign("lightbox",$config['Image_Gallery']['image_lightbox']); if (@$user_account["usertype"]=="C"){ $smarty->assign("client_upload",$config['Image_Gallery']['image_client_upload']); } //Location if (!function_exists('sortMdArray')){ function sortMdArray(&$aArray, $sBy, $sOrder, $sType){ $sSortby = "sort$sBy"; $sFirstval = current($aArray); $aValues = array_keys($sFirstval); foreach ($aValues as $sInit){ $keyname = "sort$sInit"; $$keyname = array(); } foreach ($aArray as $sKey => $sRow) { foreach ($aValues as $sNames){ $sKeyname = "sort$sNames"; $aTest = array(); $aTest[$sKey] = $sRow[$sNames]; $$sKeyname = array_merge($$sKeyname,$aTest); } } if ($sOrder == "DESC"){ if ($sType == "num"){ array_multisort($$sSortby,SORT_DESC, SORT_NUMERIC,$aArray); } else { array_multisort($$sSortby,SORT_DESC, SORT_STRING,$aArray); } } else { if ($sType == "num"){ array_multisort($$sSortby,SORT_ASC, SORT_NUMERIC,$aArray); } else { array_multisort($$sSortby,SORT_ASC, SORT_STRING,$aArray); } } return $aArray; } } function get_parent_path ($parentid){ global $sql_tbl; $parent_path=array(); $iCount=0; while ($parentid!=0){ $parent= func_query("SELECT * FROM {$sql_tbl['gallery_categories']} WHERE id={$parentid}"); $parent_path[]=array($parent[0]['id'],$parent[0]['name']); $iCount++; $parentid=$parent[0]['parent_id']; if ($iCount>5){ die('Hiba'.$parentid); } } return array_reverse($parent_path); } if (isset($_GET['mode']) and $mode=='show'){ $image=func_query("SELECT * FROM $sql_tbl[gallery_images] WHERE id={$_GET[id]}"); $location_add=get_parent_path($image[0]['category_id']); $location_add[]=array("",$image[0]['name']); }else { $location_add=get_parent_path($cat); } foreach ($location_add as $loc){ if ($loc[0]){ $location[]=array($loc[1],"?gallery_cat=".$loc[0]); }else { $location[]=array($loc[1],""); } } $location[count($location)-1][1]=""; //Back cat id $smarty->assign("back_cat_id", $location[count($location)-2][1]); $smarty->assign("back_cat_name", $location[count($location)-2][0]); $smarty->assign("current_cat_name", $location[count($location)-1][0]); $smarty->assign("location", $location); $smarty->assign("cat", $cat); global $sql_tbl; function get_all_categories(){ global $sql_tbl; if ($all_cats = func_query("SELECT * FROM {$sql_tbl['gallery_categories']} ORDER BY order_by ASC")){ //Replace category names by path foreach (array_keys($all_cats) as $sKey) { if ($all_cats[$sKey]['parent_path']!=""){ $aPath=explode('/',rtrim($all_cats[$sKey]['parent_path'],'/')); $sFullName=""; foreach ($aPath as $sParentId){ if ($parent = func_query("SELECT * FROM {$sql_tbl['gallery_categories']} WHERE id={$sParentId}")){ $sParentName=$parent[0]['name']; $sFullName.=$sParentName.'/'; } } $sFullName.=$all_cats[$sKey]['name']; $all_cats[$sKey]['name']=$sFullName; } } $all_cats=sortMdArray($all_cats,'name','ASC','text'); return $all_cats; } } function get_categories_client($parent_id=0){ global $sql_tbl,$config; if ($cats = func_query("SELECT * FROM {$sql_tbl['gallery_categories']},$sql_tbl[images_H] WHERE $sql_tbl[gallery_categories].avail='Y' AND $sql_tbl[images_H].id=$sql_tbl[gallery_categories].id AND parent_id={$parent_id} ORDER BY order_by ASC ")){ return $cats; }elseif($cats = func_query("SELECT * FROM {$sql_tbl['gallery_categories']} WHERE $sql_tbl[gallery_categories].avail='Y' AND parent_id={$parent_id} ORDER BY order_by ASC ")){ return $cats; }else { return false; } } if ($_POST['mode']!="create_image"){ $images = func_query("SELECT * FROM $sql_tbl[images_G],$sql_tbl[gallery_images] WHERE $sql_tbl[images_G].id=$sql_tbl[gallery_images].id AND category_id=$cat AND $sql_tbl[gallery_images].avail='Y' ORDER BY $sql_tbl[gallery_images].id ASC"); //adding th postfix to the image file name $imagesthumb=array(); if(!empty($images)){ foreach ($images as $image){ $aFile=explode('.',$image['filename']); $image['filename']=$aFile[0].'_tn.'.$aFile[1]; $image['filename_big']=$aFile[0].'.'.$aFile[1]; $imagesthumb[]=$image; } $smarty->assign("images", $imagesthumb); } $cats=get_categories_client($cat); $smarty->assign("cats", $cats); if($config['Image_Gallery']["image_category_select_type"]=="D"){ $smarty->assign("all_cats", get_all_categories()); } }elseif($_POST['mode']=="create_image"){ //Create images from the client side if (!isset($user_account) or @$user_account["usertype"]!="C"){ func_header_location("error_message.php?need_login"); } if ($config['Image_Gallery']['image_client_upload']!="Y"){ func_header_location("error_message.php?access_denied&id=7"); } $cats=get_categories(); $smarty->assign("cats", $cats); if (isset($_POST['image']['id'])){ //Form validation foreach (array("name") as $key) { $err = $err || ($error[$key] = empty($_POST['image'][$key])); } if (!$err){ //Create action db_query("INSERT INTO $sql_tbl[gallery_images] (name,descr,avail,category_id,user_login) VALUES ('{$_POST[image][name]}','{$_POST[image][descr]}','{$_POST[image][avail]}',$_POST[gallery_cat],'{$user_account[login]}')"); $top_message["content"]="Image created!"; $imageid=db_insert_id(); update_image(db_insert_id(),$mode,'G',true); func_header_location("gallery.php?gallery_cat=".$_POST['gallery_cat']); }else { $top_message["content"] = func_get_langvar_by_name("err_filling_form"); $top_message["type"] = "E"; x_session_register("nwslt_object"); $nwslt_object["error"] = $error; $nwslt_object["list"] = $list; func_header_location("gallery.php?mode=new&gallery_cat=".$cat); } } }elseif($_GET['mode']=="show") { //Show one image if ($image=func_query("SELECT * FROM $sql_tbl[gallery_images] WHERE id=$_GET[id]")){ if ($image[0]['avail']!='Y'){ func_header_location("error_message.php?access_denied&id=7"); } $smarty->assign("image",$image[0]); }else { $top_message["content"] = "Invalid image ID!"; func_header_location("gallery.php?gallery_cat=".$cat); } } switch($mode){ case "show": $smarty->assign("main", "gallery_show"); break; case "new": { if (!isset($user_account) or @$user_account["usertype"]!="C"){ func_header_location("error_message.php?need_login"); }else { if ($config['Image_Gallery']['image_client_upload']=="Y"){ $smarty->assign("main", "gallery_new"); break; }else { func_header_location("error_message.php?access_denied&id=7"); } } } default: $smarty->assign("main", "gallery"); } func_display("customer/home.tpl",$smarty); ?>

Hope someone can see it, i've been staring at this for hours.



PS if I need to supply any other codes just yell, I'm standing by.
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Old 03-01-2009, 11:12 PM
  DataViking's Avatar 
DataViking DataViking is offline

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Default Re: Photo Gallery Mod

Sorry for my delay response, but I'm not workign on x-cart much this days. We sold and the gallery mod last year. all support should be done via the new owner.

For the few that contact me directly, thank you for your patience.

For all future work, will be a $25 hourly charge and due to our busy schedule I have to schedule all future work.
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Old 03-01-2009, 11:13 PM
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DataViking DataViking is offline

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Default Re: Photo Gallery Mod

DataViking and phpsolutions are not the same
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