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Can admin login be redirected to orders.php page?

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Old 07-04-2005, 11:01 AM
  bullfrog's Avatar 
bullfrog bullfrog is offline

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Default Can admin login be redirected to orders.php page?

When we log in to the admin page at the beginning of a month, it takes about 10 seconds for the page to load. By the end of the month, it takes a couple of minutes, and it's rather annoying. I assume this is due to the load time of the month's statistics. We have advanced statistics turned off, but there are still statistics on the main admin page.

Does anyone know how to make the admin login go directly to the "admin/orders.php" page, instead of to the main admin/home.php page? That's the page we're wanting to view.

We really don't use the statistics on the main admin page, so another option would be to disable them. Does anyone know how to do that?
Bullfrog ~~~ X-Cart Gold v4.7.2 (2) v4.7.8. ⌠If the road is easy, you're likely going the wrong way.■ ― Terry Goodkind
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Old 07-04-2005, 11:30 AM
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Try this.

Open include/login.php


else { func_header_location($redirect_to."/home.php"); }

Replace with:

else { $sendto = $redirect_to; if ($sendto == "admin") { $sendto = $sendto . "/orders.php"; } else { $sendto = $sendto . "/home.php"; } func_header_location($sendto); }
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Old 07-04-2005, 12:26 PM
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Default Admin login redirect - still not working

Thanks for the reply. I replaced the section of code in include/login.php as you suggested, but when I login to the admin area it still defaults to the home.php statistics page (not orders.php) after login.

Any ideas? We are running version 4.0.5. Would that make any difference?
Bullfrog ~~~ X-Cart Gold v4.7.2 (2) v4.7.8. ⌠If the road is easy, you're likely going the wrong way.■ ― Terry Goodkind
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Old 07-04-2005, 01:16 PM
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It might be the version difference, I was referencing 4.0.13, or it may be redirecting somewhere else which would take some debugging to see where the redirect is occuring. If you post your login.php maybe I can help.

Alternatively, if you don't want to use your home.php any longer, you could open up your admin/home.php and at the top after <? put:

header("Location: orders.php"); exit;

This will just redirect to orders.php anytime home.php is loaded, and you can just remove the code to use home.php in the future.
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Old 07-04-2005, 02:10 PM
  bullfrog's Avatar 
bullfrog bullfrog is offline

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Default Admin login redirect to orders.php

Here's a copy of the current login.php file. I located the code segment you sent, just above the "login incorrect" section.

<?php /*****************************************************************************\ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | X-Cart | | Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Ruslan R. Fazliev <> | | All rights reserved. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PLEASE READ THE FULL TEXT OF SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT IN THE "COPYRIGHT" | | FILE PROVIDED WITH THIS DISTRIBUTION. THE AGREEMENT TEXT IS ALSO AVAILABLE | | AT THE FOLLOWING URL: | | | | THIS AGREEMENT EXPRESSES THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON WHICH YOU MAY USE | | THIS SOFTWARE PROGRAM AND ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION THAT RUSLAN R. | | FAZLIEV (hereinafter referred to as "THE AUTHOR") IS FURNISHING OR MAKING | | AVAILABLE TO YOU WITH THIS AGREEMENT (COLLECTIVELY, THE "SOFTWARE"). | | PLEASE REVIEW THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT | | CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING OR USING THE SOFTWARE. BY INSTALLING, | | COPYING OR OTHERWISE USING THE SOFTWARE, YOU AND YOUR COMPANY | | (COLLECTIVELY, "YOU") ARE ACCEPTING AND AGREEING TO THE TERMS OF THIS | | LICENSE AGREEMENT. IF YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO BE BOUND BY THIS | | AGREEMENT, DO NOT INSTALL OR USE THE SOFTWARE. VARIOUS COPYRIGHTS AND | | OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS PROTECT THE SOFTWARE. THIS | | AGREEMENT IS A LICENSE AGREEMENT THAT GIVES YOU LIMITED RIGHTS TO USE | | THE SOFTWARE AND NOT AN AGREEMENT FOR SALE OR FOR TRANSFER OF TITLE.| | THE AUTHOR RETAINS ALL RIGHTS NOT EXPRESSLY GRANTED BY THIS AGREEMENT. | | | | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ruslan R. Fazliev | | Portions created by Ruslan R. Fazliev are Copyright (C) 2001-2004 | | Ruslan R. Fazliev. All Rights Reserved. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ \*****************************************************************************/ # # $Id: login.php,v 2004/09/20 10:08:12 max Exp $ # @include "../"; if (!defined('XCART_START')) die("ERROR: Can not initiate application! Please check configuration."); require $xcart_dir."/config.php"; x_session_register("login"); x_session_register("login_type"); x_session_register("logged"); x_session_register("previous_login_date"); x_session_register("login_attempt"); x_session_register("cart"); x_session_register("intershipper_recalc"); x_session_register("extended_userinfo"); x_session_register("merchant_password"); $merchant_password = ""; $login_error = false; switch ($redirect) { case "admin": $redirect_to = DIR_ADMIN; break; case "provider": $redirect_to = DIR_PROVIDER; break; case "partner": $redirect_to = DIR_PARTNER; break; case "customer": default: $redirect_to = DIR_CUSTOMER; } $redirect_to = $current_location.$redirect_to; if ($REQUEST_METHOD == "POST") { $intershipper_recalc = "Y"; if ($mode == "login") { $username = $HTTP_POST_VARS["username"]; $password = $HTTP_POST_VARS["password"]; $user_data = func_query_first("SELECT * FROM $sql_tbl[customers] WHERE login='$username' AND usertype='$usertype' AND status='Y'"); $allow_login = true; if ($usertype == 'A' || ($usertype == "P" && $active_modules["Simple_Mode"])) { $iplist = array_unique(split('[ ,]+', $admin_allowed_ip)); $iplist = array_flip($iplist); unset($iplist[""]); $iplist = array_flip($iplist); if (count($iplist) > 0) $allow_login = in_array($REMOTE_ADDR, $iplist); } if (!empty($user_data) && $password == text_decrypt($user_data["password"]) && !empty($password) && $allow_login) { # # Success login # x_session_register("login_change"); if ($user_data["change_password"] == "Y") { $login_change["login"] = $user_data["login"]; $login_change["login_type"] = $usertype; func_header_location($redirect_to."/change_password.php"); } x_session_unregister("login_change"); $login = $user_data["login"]; //$username; $login_type = $usertype; $logged = ""; if ($usertype == "C") { x_session_register("login_redirect"); $login_redirect = 1; } # # 1) generate $last_login by current timestamp and update database # 2) insert entry into login history # $tm = time(); $previous_login_date = func_query_first_cell("SELECT last_login FROM $sql_tbl[customers] WHERE login='$login'"); if ($previous_login_date == 0) $previous_login_date = $tm; db_query("UPDATE $sql_tbl[customers] SET last_login='$tm' WHERE login='$login'"); db_query("REPLACE INTO $sql_tbl[login_history] (login, date_time, usertype, action, status, ip) VALUES ('$username','$tm','$usertype','login','success','$REMOTE_ADDR')"); # # Merchant password # if (($usertype == 'A' || ($usertype == "P" && $active_modules["Simple_Mode"])) && $mpassword) { if ($config['mpassword'] == md5($mpassword)) { $merchant_password = $mpassword; } else { $merchant_password = ""; $wrong_merchant_password = true; } } unset($mpassword); # # Set cookie with username if Greet visitor module enabled # if (!empty($active_modules["Greet_Visitor"])) include $xcart_dir."/modules/Greet_Visitor/set_cookie.php"; # # If shopping cart is not empty then user is redirected to cart.php # Default password alert # if ($login_type == "A" || $login_type == "P") { $to_url = (!empty($active_modules["Simple_Mode"]) || $login_type == "A" ? $xcart_catalogs["admin"] : $xcart_catalogs["provider"])."/home.php"; $current_area = $login_type; include $xcart_dir."/include/get_language.php"; } $default_accounts = func_check_default_passwords($login); if (!empty($default_accounts)) { $current_area = $login_type; $txt_message = strip_tags(func_get_langvar_by_name("txt_your_password_warning_js")); $txt_continue = strip_tags(func_get_langvar_by_name("lbl_continue")); $javascript_message =<<<JS <SCRIPT language='JavaScript'> alert('$txt_message'); self.location='$to_url'; </SCRIPT> $txt_message $txt_continue JS; } elseif ($usertype == "A" || !empty($active_modules["Simple_Mode"])) { $default_accounts = func_check_default_passwords(); if (!empty($default_accounts)) { $txt_message = strip_tags(func_get_langvar_by_name("txt_default_passwords_warning_js", array("accounts"=>implode(", ", $default_accounts)))); $txt_continue = strip_tags(func_get_langvar_by_name("lbl_continue")); $javascript_message =<<<JS <SCRIPT language='JavaScript'> alert('$txt_message'); self.location='$to_url'; </SCRIPT> $txt_message $txt_continue JS; } } if ($login_type == "C" && $user_data["cart"] && func_is_cart_empty($cart)) $cart = unserialize($user_data["cart"]); if ($login_type == "C" || $login_type == "B") { if (!func_is_cart_empty($cart)) { if(strpos($HTTP_REFERER, "mode=auth") === false) { func_header_location($redirect_to."/cart.php"); } else { func_header_location($redirect_to."/cart.php?mode=checkout"); } } elseif (!empty($HTTP_REFERER)) { if((strncasecmp($HTTP_REFERER,$http_location,strlen($http_location))==0 || strncasecmp($HTTP_REFERER,$https_location,strlen($https_location))==0) && strpos($HTTP_REFERER,"error_message.php")===false && strpos($HTTP_REFERER,'secure_login.php')===false && strpos($HTTP_REFERER,".php")!==false) { func_header_location($redirect_to.strrchr($HTTP_REFERER, "/")); } } func_header_location($redirect_to."/home.php"); } if ($wrong_merchant_password) { func_header_location ("error_message.php?wrong_merchant_password"); } if (($usertype == 'A' || ($usertype == 'P' && $active_modules["Simple_Mode"])) && $merchant_password) { $current_area = $usertype; func_data_recrypt(); } if (($config["General"]["default_pwd"] == "Y") and !empty($javascript_message) and $admin_safe_mode == false) { x_session_save(); echo $javascript_message; exit; } else { func_header_location($redirect_to."/home.php"); } } else { # # Login incorrect # $login_status = "failure"; if (!$allow_login) $login_status = "restricted"; if (!func_query_first("SELECT login FROM $sql_tbl[login_history] WHERE login='$username' AND date_time='".time()."'")) db_query("REPLACE INTO $sql_tbl[login_history] (login, date_time, usertype, action, status, ip) VALUES ('$username','".time()."','$usertype','login','$login_status', '$REMOTE_ADDR')"); if ($redirect == "admin" || (@$active_modules["Simple_Mode"] == "Y" && $redirect == "provider") && $config['Email_Note']['eml_login_error'] == 'Y') { # # Send security alert to website admin # @func_send_mail($config["Company"]["site_administrator"], "mail/login_error_subj.tpl", "mail/login_error.tpl", $config["Company"]["site_administrator"], true); } # # After 3 failures redirects to Recover password page # $login_attempt++; if ($login_attempt >= 3) { $login_attempt = ""; func_header_location($redirect_to."/help.php?section=Password_Recovery"); } else func_header_location($redirect_to."/error_message.php?login_incorrect"); } } } if ($mode == "logout") { # # Insert entry into login_history # db_query("REPLACE INTO $sql_tbl[login_history] (login, date_time, usertype, action, status, ip) VALUES ('$login','".time()."','$login_type','logout','success','$REMOTE_ADDR')"); $old_login_type = $login_type; $login = ""; $login_type = ""; $cart = ""; $extended_userinfo = ""; $access_status = ""; $merchant_password = ""; x_session_unregister("hide_security_warning"); } if ($old_login_type == 'C') { if (!empty($HTTP_REFERER) && (strncasecmp($HTTP_REFERER, $http_location, strlen($http_location)) == 0 || strncasecmp($HTTP_REFERER, $https_location, strlen($https_location)) == 0)) { if (strpos($HTTP_REFERER, "mode=order_message") === false && strpos($HTTP_REFERER, "returns.php") === false && strpos($HTTP_REFERER, "orders.php") === false && strpos($HTTP_REFERER, "giftreg_manage.php") === false && strpos($HTTP_REFERER, "order.php") === false && strpos($HTTP_REFERER, "register.php?mode=delete") === false && strpos($HTTP_REFERER, "register.php?mode=update") === false) { func_header_location($redirect_to.strrchr($HTTP_REFERER, "/")); } } } func_header_location($redirect_to."/home.php"); ?>
Bullfrog ~~~ X-Cart Gold v4.7.2 (2) v4.7.8. ⌠If the road is easy, you're likely going the wrong way.■ ― Terry Goodkind
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Old 07-04-2005, 03:28 PM
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Jon Jon is offline

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Might be redirecting here, try this:


$to_url = (!empty($active_modules["Simple_Mode"]) || $login_type == "A" ? $xcart_catalogs["admin"] : $xcart_catalogs["provider"])."/home.php";

Change to:

$to_url = (!empty($active_modules["Simple_Mode"]) || $login_type == "A" ? $xcart_catalogs["admin"] : $xcart_catalogs["provider"])."/orders.php";
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Old 07-04-2005, 05:03 PM
  bullfrog's Avatar 
bullfrog bullfrog is offline

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Default Admin login redirect to orders.php

This change didn't work either. I closed the browser, then reopened it and logged in to the admin area, and it still opened admin/home.php.

I appreciate your help. Let me know if you think of anything else, or if it looks like I may be doing something wrong.
Bullfrog ~~~ X-Cart Gold v4.7.2 (2) v4.7.8. ⌠If the road is easy, you're likely going the wrong way.■ ― Terry Goodkind
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Old 07-04-2005, 07:24 PM
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Jon Jon is offline

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You just need to find out where the redirect is taking place and change that code. Normally the way I would find that is to put:

if ($login == "admin" || $login == "master") { echo "HERE: 1"; exit; }

if ($login == "admin" || $login == "master") { echo "HERE: 2"; exit; }

etc... Before the places I think it could be redirecting. Then you can find out which block of code to edit by logging in and seeing which number is displayed.
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