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Xcart 3.5.5 Released With Upgrade Kits + Changelog

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Old 03-20-2004, 07:01 AM
  shan's Avatar 
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Default Xcart 3.5.5 Released With Upgrade Kits + Changelog

Xcart 3.5.5 is now in your file area along with Upgrade kits that take you from

V3.5.4 - V3.5.5

Heres the changelog

---------------- X-CART v3.5.5 RELEASED

Wed Mar 17 12:13:00 MSK 2004 [+] - max - Security improvement: the possibility of crypting order data with Blowfish crypting method is added

Tue Mar 16 14:57:20 MSK 2004 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding displaying non-english category names in Fancy Categories module is fixed.

Tue Mar 16 14:23:00 MSK 2004 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding updating Gift Certificate debit amount when saving modified order is fixed (X-AOM).

Tue Mar 16 14:19:00 MSK 2004[*] - sdg - 2Checkout payment module is improved: MD5 Hash checking is added.

Tue Mar 16 12:19:00 MSK 2004[*] - sdg - Security improvement: payment CallBack IP checker is added. Non-active payment modules are disabled.

Tue Mar 16 10:27:32 MSK 2004 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding using password within quotes in installation script is fixed.

Mon Mar 15 17:30:00 MSK 2004[*] - svowl - The possibility to search products by productcode (SKU) in administrator/provider area is added.

Mon Mar 15 14:43:58 MSK 2004[*] - mclap - Detection of executables is improved for Windows systems.

Mon Mar 15 14:17:00 MSK 2004[*] - svowl - The shipping method name is added to the CSV-file when exporting orders.

Mon Mar 15 12:00:00 MSK 2004 [!] - sdg - The bug regarding eSec.Direct test mode is fixed.

Fri Mar 12 17:32:07 MSK 2004[*] - mclap - Security improvement: validation of POST variables is improved: html tags will be removed from untrusted variables.

Fri Mar 12 14:48:09 MSK 2004 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding wrong statistics for partners is fixed: the number of sales shown in stats page was always greater than zero, even if there had not been any sales.

Fri Mar 12 12:51:35 MSK 2004[*] - mclap - Security improvement: check of file extensions is added: "php" and some other extensions now may be disallowed (General settings/Security options).

Fri Mar 12 12:25:00 MSK 2004 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding missing extended profile fields (billing first/last names, shipping first/last names) on the register page during anonymous checkout is fixed.

Fri Mar 12 10:35:00 MSK 2004 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding adding configured product to cart from wish list is fixed (X-Configurator).

Fri Mar 12 10:35:00 MSK 2004 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding the configured product options cost refreshing after the product is updated is fixed (X-Configurator).

Fri Mar 12 10:10:57 MSK 2004[*] - mclap - Security improvement: validation for COOKIE & POST variables is added: html tags now will be removed from COOKIE variables, and any variables containing "<SCRIPT>..." will be removed from POST data.

Thu Mar 11 10:09:07 MSK 2004[*] - mclap - Customer area is optimized: func_get_language is re-written, also duplicate calls of func_get_language are removed.

Thu Mar 11 10:01:50 MSK 2004 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding HTML catalog generation for products only is fixed.

Wed Mar 10 16:36:56 MSK 2004[*] - mclap - The Protx payment gateway is modified according to the latest documentation.

Wed Mar 10 15:04:21 MSK 2004 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding succesful processing of payment gateway response from Bank Of America when response was not successful is fixed.

Wed Mar 10 14:44:23 MSK 2004[*] - mclap - Interaction with operation system is improved: compatibility with path names containing spaces is added for shell functions.

Wed Mar 10 12:45:53 MSK 2004[*] - mclap - Group operation for "Users management" section is added: the ability to set up the "Require to change password on next log in" flag for the selected range.

Wed Mar 10 12:31:47 MSK 2004[*] - mclap - Patch/Upgrade center is improved: "Upgrade" and "Apply patch" sections are now disabled if perl executable is not found or does not have the rights to execute. The function "func_shellquote" for quoting arguments for shell command according to the host operation system is added.

Wed Mar 10 10:37:00 MSK 2004 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding the permissions of SQL dump file generated by X-Cart is fixed: on some systems this file could not be removed after generating.

Wed Mar 10 09:41:14 MSK 2004[*] - mclap - Login history deletion is improved: administrator now has the ability to delete the whole login history.

Wed Mar 10 09:27:00 MSK 2004[*] - sdg - Return connection method for NetBanx payment module is changed.

Wed Mar 10 09:18:13 MSK 2004 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding creating subcategories if the icon for parent category is missing is fixed. Also check for the presence of category icon is added when changing icon for category.

Tue Mar 09 13:56:00 MSK 2004 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding the missing 'Ship To' information in the request in RTWare payment module is fixed.

Tue Mar 09 12:13:00 MSK 2004 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding adding a featured product for a category if this product already exists in the list of featured products of this category is fixed.

Tue Mar 09 12:04:00 MSK 2004 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding adding product from wish list to the cart (if the real quantity of the product is less than specified in the wish list) is fixed.

Tue Mar 09 11:29:00 MSK 2004[*] - svowl - The language selector is removed from the page header if only one language is active for the store.

Tue Mar 09 10:41:00 MSK 2004 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding tax cost updating on the order modification page is fixed (X-AOM).

Tue Mar 09 10:03:00 MSK 2004 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding updating Gift Certificate status in PRO mode if the purchase is entirely payed for by a Gift Certificate is fixed.

Tue Mar 09 09:28:34 MSK 2004[*] - mclap - Check requirements script is improved: check up of upload_max_filesize is corrected.

Fri Mar 05 17:54:20 MSK 2004[*] - mclap - Login history deletion is improved: X-Cart will notify site administrator by email about the deletion.

Fri Mar 05 16:22:26 MSK 2004[*] - mclap - Warning in HTML Catalog module about dropping all *.html files (except shop_closed.html) in catalog directory before generating a new catalog is added.

Fri Mar 05 15:38:02 MSK 2004 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding AVS check failure for non-US orders processing through Authorize.Net is fixed.

Fri Mar 05 15:32:56 MSK 2004 [!] - mclap - The "insecure" popup is eliminated at eSec.ReDirect payment processor.

Fri Mar 05 14:05:15 MSK 2004 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding HTML Catalog generation with configurable products is fixed.

Fri Mar 05 11:30:00 MSK 2004 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding the selection of products for a slot is fixed (X-Configurator).

Fri Mar 05 10:57:00 MSK 2004 [!] - svowl - The minor bug regarding the number of found items when searching for products is fixed (X-Configurator).

Thu Mar 04 10:20:06 MSK 2004[*] - mclap - User's password change now may be forced by admin: if "Change password at next login" option is activated in profile, user must change password before login.

Wed Mar 03 15:24:41 MSK 2004[*] - mclap - Removal of credit card information from customers' profiles and processed and completed orders is added.

Tue Mar 02 12:18:58 MSK 2004[*] - mclap - The HTML Catalog is improved: compatibility with location of catalog in root of store ($catalog_dir_name = "") is added.

Mon Mar 01 12:33:00 MSK 2004[*] - svowl - The possibility to select options of configurable product is removed from the product details. Now customer is able to select options only after product is configured (X-Configurator).

Fri Feb 27 16:45:10 MSK 2004 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding product options validation when user just hit "Enter" key is fixed.

Thu Feb 26 15:39:58 MSK 2004 [+] - mclap - The possibility to notify the site administrator about SQL errors at the store by e-mail is added. See the corresponding option in "General settings".

Thu Feb 26 10:41:46 MSK 2004 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding pounds format in Intershipper shipping module is fixed.

Thu Feb 26 10:07:42 MSK 2004[*] - mclap - Tracking statistics is improved: login history is added.

Wed Feb 25 16:39:45 MSK 2004 [+] - mclap - New states are added: states of Spain & Australia.

Wed Feb 25 13:43:29 MSK 2004 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding the "Page not found" message in X-AOM for users within "Fulfilment Staff" membership is fixed.

Wed Feb 25 12:26:05 MSK 2004 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding HTML Catalog generation is fixed: func_http_get_request is corrected.

Wed Feb 25 11:45:01 MSK 2004 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding extra spaces before '=' in product options within prices is fixed.

Thu Feb 19 12:10:00 MSK 2004 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding displaying order totals is fixed (became apparent only when discount coupon 'Free shipping' was applied).

Thu Feb 19 11:43:51 MSK 2004[*] - mclap - The "Realtime shipping" page is improved: the possibility to test shippings with "Realtime shipping" option disabled is added.

Thu Feb 19 09:42:39 MSK 2004 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding placing orders with just a Gift Certificate and no products is fixed.

Thu Feb 19 09:31:00 MSK 2004 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding deleting products if X-Configurator module is installed but turned off is fixed.

Tue Feb 17 15:50:04 MSK 2004 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding the location of images for the categories and detailed images of products is fixed: there was a direct link to the http location.

Mon Feb 16 13:35:00 MSK 2004 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding adding a bundled product into the slot is fixed (X-Configurator).

Mon Feb 16 11:35:14 MSK 2004[*] - mclap - If admin activated the option 'Tick here if you want to use HTTPS for users login and registration' in "General settings", customer will be redirected to the HTTPS at checkout.

Mon Feb 16 11:09:49 MSK 2004[*] - mclap - Minor logic correction in "Edit templates" section: "Compile templates" did not hide if there were no write permissions in skin1 directory.

Thu Feb 12 15:15:00 MSK 2004 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding the difference between the number of options in the quantity dropdown box on the products list and on the product details page is fixed.

Wed Feb 11 16:42:00 MSK 2004[*] - svowl - Improvement in Subscriptions module: order details are inherited by all further orders from the initial order of the subscription billing.

---------------- X-CART v3.5.4 RELEASED
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Old 03-21-2004, 07:02 AM
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shan shan is offline

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Has anyone tried this out yet and if so do you have any problems editing templates ?

A file not found error
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Old 03-21-2004, 07:12 AM
PhilJ PhilJ is offline

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Default .

I get this error when I try to edit a template

Error! File /head.tpl was not found.

(fresh install)
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Old 03-21-2004, 07:44 AM
ATKOgirl ATKOgirl is offline

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Posts: 448


I'm getting the same error WITH ALL MY TEMPLATES!

The filea are definitely there. I believe that the upgrade changed the owner and permissions on this and several other files. All of my templates are now set to 666; I normally keep them set to 644.

I tried to change the permissions using through SSH and also using WS-FTP and was not able to reset any of the permissions. I also tried to change the permissions using the file manager in Cpanel and again, I was not able to.

What a total nightmare...GIVE ME BACK OWNERSHIP OF MY FILES!!

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Old 03-21-2004, 01:26 PM
john80y john80y is offline

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Yes I have the same problem (tried to edit meta.tpl)

I just downloaded it though and edited it in editplus and reuploaded !
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Old 03-21-2004, 03:02 PM
ATKOgirl ATKOgirl is offline

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I'm not really oncerned about being able to edit my files; I generally edit outside of the x-cart interface anyway. However, call me a control freak, but I don't like not being able to change the permissions on my files.

I tend to believe that the patch changed ownership to "nobody".

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Old 03-21-2004, 07:33 PM
netcoweb netcoweb is offline

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I'm getting the same error, fresh install. Is their any fixes for this yet?
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Old 03-22-2004, 02:02 AM
PhilJ PhilJ is offline

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A new distribution has been posted I see...
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Old 03-22-2004, 04:09 AM
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shan shan is offline

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if you get this error heres the fix
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Old 03-22-2004, 04:41 AM
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domspe domspe is offline

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If i upgrade from 3.5.4, will it rollback my template changes?
will it affect the mod i added via patch to have items in 20 categories?

thanks for your help
xcart pro 3.5.5
heavily modified
freeBSD 4.8
php 4.3.3
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