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X-Cart 4.1.1 released

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Old 05-19-2006, 05:10 AM
svowl svowl is offline

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Default X-Cart 4.1.1 released

X-Cart 4.1.1 is now available for downloading from your File area along with the upgrade kits that will take you from X-Cart 4.1.0 to 4.1.1.

To access the upgrade patch, log into the Help Desk, go to the 'My Licenses' section, find the license of the X-Cart that you wish to upgrade and click on the 'Get upgrade pack' link.

Below is the changelog between 4.1.0 and 4.1.1 final release:

----------------- X-CART v4.1.1 RELEASED

Fri May 19 11:39:14 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Javascript error happened while working with the WYSiWYG editor if 'txt_advanced_editor_warning' language variable contained EOL (End-Of-Line) symbol. Fixed.

Fri May 19 11:31:38 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Froogle export procedure did not take into consideration the product options' markups and product variants' prices. This caused the situation when wrong product price were passed to the Froogle. Fixed.

Fri May 19 11:08:57 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Detailed images were displayed in a popup window without taking into consideration the order of images defined on 'Product modify/Detailed images' page. Fixed.

Thu May 18 12:00:53 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Alt-text of the detailed images displayed on the product details page and in the popup window differently. Fixed.

Thu May 18 11:46:02 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: PHP error appeared when payment transaction via GoEmerchant payment module was running. Fixed.

Thu May 18 11:12:44 MSD 2006[*] - max - Improvement: WYSIWYG editor (HTML Editor module) is updated to a new version (2.9.7).

Thu May 18 10:44:04 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: SQL error happens when partner runs the search for products by product name or description (X-Affiliate). Fixed.

Thu May 18 10:24:48 MSD 2006[*] - max - Improvement: email validation is added to the subscribers list importing mechanism (News management module).

Thu May 18 09:17:19 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Bean Stream payment module did not process the server response in a proper way (all transactions were marked as failed). Fixed.

Wed May 17 10:39:19 MSD 2006[*] - max - Improvement: Several additional notifications about errors are added to the import procedure (images importing part).

Tue May 16 15:43:00 MSD 2006[*] - svowl - Minor modifications requested by UPS: UPS logo image and UPS disclaimer text are replaced.

Tue May 16 11:19:01 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Number format validation before displaying was incorrect, e.g. '100' was displayed instead of '100.00'. Fixed.

Mon May 15 17:09:36 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Wrong redirect occurred after the shipping carrier was changed at the step 'Shipping & Payment' of the checkout (Fast Lane Checkout) if UPS Online Tools module was turned on. Fixed.

Mon May 15 16:20:18 MSD 2006[*] - max - Improvement: The note is added on product details page instead of the input boxes for 'Price', 'Quantity in stock' and 'Weight', if this product has variants.

Mon May 15 11:09:28 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The 'Quantity' dropdown box was empty on the 'Product details' page if this product was created with zero price and then variants were defined for this product with non-zero prices. Fixed.

Mon May 15 10:52:15 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The wholesale prices table on the 'Product details' page displayed all assigned wholesale prices for all memberships for products with variants. Fixed.

Mon May 15 09:24:47 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Image (product thumbnail, product image, detailed image, category icon etc) could not be assigned from 'File on this server'. Fixed.

Fri May 12 11:18:43 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The number '1.000' (one thousand) was interpreted as an '1' when the numbers were entered (e.g. entering price, weights etc) if the option 'Input and display format for floating comma numbers' was set up to '1.999,53' value. Fixed.

Fri May 12 09:39:39 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: ViaKlix 2 payment method did not send a second line of billing address to the payment gateway. Fixed.

Thu May 11 14:31:59 MSD 2006[*] - max - Improvement: A confirmation message is added after updating the product options. Fixed.

Thu May 11 13:26:18 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: 'Assigned users' column displayed wrong information about number of the assigned users on the 'Membership Levels' page. Fixed.

Wed May 10 09:56:49 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Saferpay payment module did not work correctly on Windows-based web servers. Fixed.

Sat May 06 16:02:59 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The product return time did not import/export if RMA module was turned on. Fixed.

Sat May 06 15:46:46 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The special offers management section could be accessed by administrator (or provider in PRO) by entering a direct URL in the browser address line even if Special Offers module was turned off. Fixed.

Sat May 06 15:10:44 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Some data were passed to the SnS collector in a wrong way, e.g. a category path instead of a category name (SnS Connector module). Fixed.

Sat May 06 12:20:10 MSD 2006[*] - max - Improvement: Ability to start payment transaction via web based payment method, if Javascript is disabled in the browser, is added.

Sat May 06 09:59:22 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The product counter for parent categories did not recalculate after deleting a product. Fixed.

Fri May 05 17:52:38 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The value of 'Cardholder name' field on last step of the checkout displayed extra slashes if first name or last name contained slash, quote or double quote. Fixed.

Fri May 05 17:39:36 MSD 2006[*] - max - The checking of PCRE extension availability is added to the 'Check requirements' procedure.

Fri May 05 15:04:07 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The common images settings could not be updated on 'Images location' page. Fixed.

Fri May 05 14:40:15 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Javascript error appeared on the 'Product variants' page when adding the images for selected variants if 'Wholesale Trading' module was turned off. Fixed.

Fri May 05 14:00:08 MSD 2006[*] - max - Bug: PayPal Express Checkout is turned off if 'Disable anonymous checkout' option is enabled. Fixed.

Thu May 04 17:25:20 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Wrong displaying of the customer data containing special characters like slash, quote, double quote etc on the Order details and Invoice pages. Fixed.

Thu May 04 16:35:07 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The time zone offset was not taken into consideration during discount coupon creation (coupon expiration date). Fixed.

Thu May 04 11:55:14 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Wrapper for blowfish encryption method used unpack() function with format string 'l' (machine byte order) instead of 'V' (little endian byte order). This prevented the blowfish encryption routine from working on some servers. Fixed.

Thu May 04 11:49:00 MSD 2006[*] - svowl - The form for tracking USPS delivery is updated (Order Tracking module).

Thu May 04 10:52:35 MSD 2006[*] - max - Improvement: Support for Mcrypt PHP extension is added for using in the blowfish encryption routine.

Wed May 03 17:35:47 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The disabled fields of 'Contact Us' form were included into the e-mail message. Fixed.

Wed May 03 17:01:15 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Broken link to the 'Users search' page from the 'Export' page. Fixed.

Wed May 03 16:16:05 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The prices appeared on the Special Offer management pages not taking into consideration the 'Input and display format for floating comma numbers' option value (X-SpecialOffers). Fixed.

Wed May 03 15:50:16 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The link to the 'International description' section was not displayed on 'Product modify' page for configurable products (X-Configurator). Fixed.

Wed May 03 11:46:06 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: SQL error happened when visitor ran the search for products by detailed descriptions only. Fixed.

Wed May 03 10:55:28 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: PSIGate XML payment module used test URL instead of production URL. Fixed.

Wed May 03 10:56:00 MSD 2006 [!] - svowl - Bug: Wrong tax rates were calculated if two or more taxes applied to the product. Fixed.

Wed May 03 10:11:53 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The extra fields service names (required fields) were not created during importing of products via 'Import 3x-4x' module. Fixed.

Wed May 03 09:47:13 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: SQL error appeared during the importing of the products detailed images in the update mode (i.e. during updating of existing detailed images of existing products via importing). Fixed.

Wed May 03 09:12:53 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: When shipping methods list was empty, the 'Checkout' page ran into the continuous self-redirects if Fast Lane Checkout module was turned on. Fixed.

Tue May 02 15:22:34 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: X-Magnifier module did not work if the 'Detailed images' module was turned off. Fixed.

Tue May 02 13:58:54 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: When importing products, if no categories in the store and no category column were specified in the CSV file (or their values are empty), the products were imported but were not linked with any categories. This caused the situation when imported products could not be found by searching the store. Fixed.

Tue May 02 11:42:41 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The values of some fields (in particular extra fields, manufacturer) were not stored after submitting of the 'Product modify/Product details' form if some required fields (e.g. SKU) were not specified. They were lost and had to be entered again. Fixed.

Tue May 02 11:31:19 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: If image path was specified in CSV file as the path to the images/T/someimage.jpg and this image already existed within images/T directory, a new image file was created for the imported product as 'someimage_1.jpg' (copy of 'someimage.jpg') instead of using the existing image file. Fixed.

Tue May 02 10:43:14 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The PHP error appeared during the product cloning procedure if this product had images for X-Magnifier module (X-Magnifier). Fixed.

Sat Apr 29 14:59:28 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Redirect to the main languages page happened when administrator tried to add a new language variable with empty name. Fixed.

Sat Apr 29 14:43:04 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: If event title, description or HTML-content contained slash, quote or double quote characters in its value, these fields were displayed with extra slashes in the front end (X-GiftRegistry). Fixed.

Sat Apr 29 14:18:16 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: getimagesize() function caused PHP warning if administrator entered a wrong URL as an image path. Fixed.

Sat Apr 29 13:27:15 MSD 2006[*] - max - The Javascript functionality for checking if at least one checkbox in the list is checked is added on 'Category products', 'Orders list' and 'Summary/Tools/Statistics clearing' pages.

Sat Apr 29 12:47:53 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: db_query() function executed the SQL-command 'EXPLAIN' on each 'SELECT' query even if benchmark statistics gathering was disabled. Fixed.

Sat Apr 29 11:46:50 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: func_crc32() did not work correctly on some PHP versions (discovered on PHP 4.4.2). Fixed.

Sat Apr 29 10:31:50 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Templates currency.tpl and alter_currency.tpl did not consider the value of option "Input and display format for floating comma numbers" (General settings/Appearance options). Fixed.

Fri Apr 28 16:20:47 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The function price_format() (Javascript part) returned wrong result when the number format had zero as a number of digits after decimal point (e.g. "0,."). Fixed.

Fri Apr 28 15:37:00 MSD 2006[*] - svowl - The usage of date and time format option value is added in some templates.

Fri Apr 28 09:32:08 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: SQL error happened on the 'Images location' page when moving images between the database and file system. Fixed.

Thu Apr 27 17:50:24 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The 'Select provider' link was displayed as closed (with 'plus' image instead of 'minus') even if provider was specified and the section appeared. Fixed.

Thu Apr 27 17:25:21 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The path to the import CSV-file was displayed with extra slashes on the 'Import data' page if this form had been already submitted before and appeared with prefilled (stored) values. Fixed.

Thu Apr 27 17:20:00 MSD 2006 [!] - svowl - Bug: The default image URL was generated in a wrong way. Fixed.

Thu Apr 27 17:10:56 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: SQL queries 'INSERT' without specifying the fields that have no default value defined during the table structure creation caused an error message in some MySQL servers. Fixed.

Thu Apr 27 16:43:00 MSD 2006 [!] - svowl - Bug: SQL error appeared on MySQL 5 when newslist had no subscribers and admin clicked 'Subscriptions' link. Fixed.

Wed Apr 26 16:33:00 MSD 2006 [!] - svowl - Bug: If 'Display cart/order totals including tax' option is enabled and 'Display product price including tax' option is disabled and tax applied on subtotal + shipping, then the unexpected line 'Coupon discount' was displayed in the cart totals. Fixed.

Wed Apr 26 09:46:35 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Product import caused a PHP error (Import 3x-4x module). Fixed.

Wed Apr 26 09:34:43 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The column 'DISTRIBUTION' in PRODUTCS section was not imported/exported in the new import/export mechanism. Fixed.

Tue Apr 25 10:04:38 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The links 'Check all / Uncheck all' had effect on disabled checkboxes. Fixed.

Mon Apr 24 16:39:00 MSD 2006 [!] - svowl - Bug: If the total discount amount exceeded the maximum allowed amount, the discount was not applied at all. Now the maximum allowed discount amount is applied (X-SpecialOffers). Fixed.

Mon Apr 24 15:14:00 MSD 2006 [!] - svowl - Bug: UPS shipping methods that were not allowed for the store origin location were displayed in the dropdown box in the cart when the option 'Enable all shipping methods even if a customer is not logged in' was enabled and the module 'UPS OnLine Tools' was turned on. Fixed.

Mon Apr 24 10:07:53 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Debug code was not deleted in Import 3x-4x module. Fixed.

Mon Apr 24 09:44:58 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The procedure of updating extra fields caused an SQL error if any of the checkboxes to the left of extra fields in the extra fields list were enabled. Fixed.

Sat Apr 22 11:50:00 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The procedure of changing the location of the images repository did not work correctly: the cache of products' service flags was not rebuilt; it was impossible to change the location for more than one image type. Fixed.

Sat Apr 22 11:38:40 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Product variants filter on the Edit product variants page did not work correctly. Fixed.

Sat Apr 22 11:17:33 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Import of categories was not performed correctly if category nesting included 3 or more levels (e.g., If a category's name and location were specified as Apparel/Men's/T-shirts, both Apparel and Men's were imported as categories of the root level). Fixed.

Sat Apr 22 11:06:31 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: X-Special offers module installation script did not copy e-mail message templates from the directory skin1_original to skin1. Fixed.

Sat Apr 22 10:56:07 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: When X-Magnifier module was disabled and a user called the script popup_magnifier.php directly from the browser address line, it caused an SQL error. Fixed.

Sat Apr 22 10:43:23 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Product search caused an SQL error if a user was searching for products by extra field(s). Fixed.

Fri Apr 21 15:34:06 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Sometimes shipping time was not displayed correctly in the list of available shipping methods on the Cart page. Fixed.

Fri Apr 21 14:28:57 MSD 2006[*] - max - Improvement: The procedure of product detection has been changed in the new Import mechanism.

Fri Apr 21 14:22:16 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Deletion of a product caused a PHP error when X-Magnifier module was installed. Fixed.

Fri Apr 21 13:42:23 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: A product was not created in payment module if the corresponding X-Cart product had an empty description. Fixed.

Fri Apr 21 12:33:15 MSD 2006[*] - max - Improvement: Situations in which an import CSV file 1) contains a section header, but no data, or 2) contains data without a section header, are now treated as errors and the import procedure is interrupted.

Thu Apr 20 12:17:18 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Redirect from the HTTP to the HTTPS part of the shop did not work correctly if all the shop pages were located in the HTTPS side and home.php in the Customer area was entered as DirectoryIndex in .htaccess file. Fixed.

Thu Apr 20 09:23:23 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: When JS-based states selector functionality was enabled, and a user completing a Profile details form selected a country that was defined as having states but did not have a list of states, the user's coursor got stuck in the 'State' input box so that he could not proceed with completing the form. Fixed.

Wed Apr 19 17:47:45 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: A link to the Import 3x-4x page was not displayed in GOLD mode. Fixed.

Wed Apr 19 17:44:08 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: A script was missing in Import 3x-4x module. Fixed.

Wed Apr 19 17:39:12 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: banner.php script caused an SQL error if X-Affiliate module was disabled. Fixed.

Wed Apr 19 17:19:18 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: User modify page caused an SQL error if a shop administrator was trying to modify a user with 'partner' type while X-Affiliate module was disabled. Fixed.

Wed Apr 19 16:57:46 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Register page caused a JS error if 'Has states' option was disabled for all the countries. Fixed.

Wed Apr 19 14:57:38 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The counters showing the number of subcategories and products in categories did not work correctly (A wrong number was displayed whenever the set of subcategories or products available under a category was changed). Fixed.

Wed Apr 19 13:59:38 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Edit label popup window did not work (part of Webmaster mode). Fixed.

Wed Apr 19 11:20:47 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: The cateogry tree was not processed correctly during the procedure of HTML catalog creation if Fancy categories module was enabled and Fancy categories skin was 'Candy' or 'Icons'. Fixed.

Wed Apr 19 09:51:16 MSD 2006 [!] - max - Bug: Some export sections did not work (Products and product related data, as well as categories and categories related data were not exported). Fixed.

Thank you.
Vladimir Semyonov
Lead Software Engineer
Old 05-19-2006, 05:25 AM
  NightFire's Avatar 
NightFire NightFire is offline

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Thanks for the new release svowl.
I just checked for the upgrade patch, but I can't find it in my license area. On the screenshot below you'll see which upgrade files are availlable:
Best regards,
Niki Buitenrust Hettema

X-Cart Gold 4.1.8 (Live & Loaded)
Royal Bhaktapur: Handmade products from Nepal - Pashmina's, scarfs, shawls, stola's and more...
Old 05-19-2006, 05:43 AM
svowl svowl is offline

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Try again
Vladimir Semyonov
Lead Software Engineer
Old 05-19-2006, 05:49 AM
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NightFire NightFire is offline

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Thanks, it works now.
Best regards,
Niki Buitenrust Hettema

X-Cart Gold 4.1.8 (Live & Loaded)
Royal Bhaktapur: Handmade products from Nepal - Pashmina's, scarfs, shawls, stola's and more...
Old 05-19-2006, 05:54 AM
  TelaFirma's Avatar 
TelaFirma TelaFirma is offline

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The issue with the ProductID being missing from the $product_info array in product.php is still not resolved.

This prevents product images from being displayed on product pages

System Specs:
X-Cart version: 4.1.1
PHP: 5.1.2
MySQL server: 5.0.20
Web server: Apache/2.2.0 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8a mod_autoindex_color PHP/5.1.2
Operation system: Windows

Resulting $product_info array:

Array ( [productid] => [productcode] => SKU70 [product] => Javascript (Definitive Guide) [provider] => master [distribution] => [weight] => 1.00 [list_price] => 39.90 [descr] => Provides a rapid and thorough exposition of the JavaScript programming language, as well as an in-depth reference section covering each JavaScript function, object, method, and even handler. Experienced programmers will quickly find the information they need to start writing JavaScript programs. [fulldescr] => [avail] => 2 [rating] => 23 [forsale] => Y [add_date] => 2147483647 [views_stats] => 84 [sales_stats] => 8 [del_stats] => 6 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [free_shipping] => N [discount_avail] => Y [min_amount] => 1 [dim_x] => 0 [dim_y] => 0 [dim_z] => 0 [low_avail_limit] => 10 [free_tax] => N [product_type] => N [manufacturerid] => 0 [return_time] => 0 [keywords] => [price] => 39.50 [is_variant] => [manufacturer] => [is_variants] => [is_product_options] => [is_taxes] => [image_path_T] => [categoryid] => 23 [taxed_price] => 39.50 [price_deducted_tax] => [taxes] => Array ( ) [producttitle] => Javascript (Definitive Guide) #SKU70 [tmbn_url] => /default_image.gif )
Old 05-19-2006, 06:21 AM
  RichieRich's Avatar 
RichieRich RichieRich is offline

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upgrade is hanging on;

skin1/modules/HTML_Editor/scripts/editor.js ...

I am testing a clean 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 upgrade.

Ultimate 5.4 testing
Old 05-19-2006, 07:00 AM
uidweb uidweb is offline

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I receive this error:

Your shop has installed following module(s): Magnifier, but necessary patches are not included in this upgrade pack

I have never had nor downloaded Magnifier. It does have an option under the modules list, but there is no folder for it. Does anyone know how to turn it off.
x-cart 4.018[linux] - live
x-cart 4.3[linux] - live
x-cart 4.2[linux] - live
Old 05-19-2006, 07:06 AM
snorocket snorocket is offline

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Default Sweet !!!

Sweet, maybe we got Magnifier for free, downloading.........
Old 05-19-2006, 07:26 AM
krur krur is offline

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Originally Posted by RichieRich
upgrade is hanging on;

skin1/modules/HTML_Editor/scripts/editor.js ...

I am testing a clean 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 upgrade.

mine was hanging a bit at that point.. then went on

isntalled 4.1.1 without problems on a semi clean 4.1
Stefano Cecere -
X-cart 4.1.1 Gold on Linux
Old 05-19-2006, 07:26 AM
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TelaFirma TelaFirma is offline

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Does anyone else feel they need to back off the "Current Branch" tag and re-classify this as Beta again, or is it just me...
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