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Help! Product Name disappeared from product.tpl

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Old 01-25-2005, 01:13 PM
jkirkpatrick jkirkpatrick is offline

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Default Help! Product Name disappeared from product.tpl


Just when I thought I was getting the hang of modifying the X-Cart template

I'm editing the product.tpl file and for some reason the Product Name disappeared. I tried doing a "restore" but it still didn't come back.

Any ideas on what I've done wrong?

Jennifer Kirkpatrick
X-Cart Pro Version 4.4.1
X-Cart Gold Version 4.1.9
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Old 01-25-2005, 01:14 PM
balinor balinor is offline

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Post your code and we'll tell you what you did Be sure and use the code tags so we can read it easier.
Padraic Ryan
Ryan Design Studio
Professional E-Commerce Development
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Old 01-25-2005, 01:28 PM
jkirkpatrick jkirkpatrick is offline

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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 193


Ok, below is my entire product.tpl file (I hope I used the Code tags properly):

{* $Id: product.tpl,v 2004/12/10 13:14:52 max Exp $ *} {include file="location.tpl"} {if $active_modules.Special_Offers} {include file="modules/Special_Offers/customer/product_offers_short_list.tpl" product=$product} {/if} {include file="form_validation_js.tpl"} {if $product.product_type eq "C"} {include file="modules/Product_Configurator/pconf_customer_product.tpl"} {else} {capture name=dialog} <TABLE border="0" width="100%"> <FORM name="orderform" method="post" action="cart.php?mode=add" onsubmit="javascript: return FormValidation();"> <TR> <TD valign="top" align="left" width="100"> {*** Detailed Image Popup mod by ***} {include file="detailed_popup_js.tpl"} {if $active_modules.Detailed_Product_Images ne "" && $images}{strip}<A HREF="javascript: productimagedetail({$product.productid});">{/strip}{/if} {include file="product_thumbnail.tpl" productid=$product.productid image_x=$product.image_x image_y=$product.image_y product=$product.product tmbn_url=$product.tmbn_url} {if $active_modules.Detailed_Product_Images ne "" && $images}{strip} <CENTER>[img]{$ImagesDir}/preview.gif[/img]View Details</CENTER></A>{/strip}{/if} {*** Detailed Image Popup mod by ***} <TD width="100%" valign="top"> <TABLE width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <TR><TD class="Line" height="1" colspan="2">[img]{$ImagesDir}/spacer.gif[/img]</TD></TR> <TR><TD colspan="2"></TD></TR> {if $config.Appearance.show_in_stock eq "Y" and $config.General.unlimited_products ne "Y" and $product.distribution eq ""} <TR><TD width="30%">{$lng.lbl_quantity}</TD><TD nowrap><SPAN id="product_avail_txt">{if $product.avail gt 0}{$product.avail}</SPAN>{else}{$lng.txt_no}{/if} {$lng.txt_items_available}</TD></TR> {/if} {if $product.weight ne "0.00"} <TR><TD width="30%">{$lng.lbl_weight}</TD><TD nowrap><SPAN id="product_weight">{$product.weight}</SPAN> {$config.General.weight_symbol}</TD></TR> {/if} {if $active_modules.Extra_Fields ne ""} {include file="modules/Extra_Fields/product.tpl"} {/if} {if $active_modules.Feature_Comparison ne ""} {include file="modules/Feature_Comparison/product.tpl"} {/if} {if $active_modules.Subscriptions ne "" and $subscription} {include file="modules/Subscriptions/subscription_info.tpl"} {else} <TR> <TD valign="top"> {if $product.taxed_price ne 0 || $variants ne ''} <FONT class="ProductDetailsTitle"><SPAN id="product_price">{include file="currency.tpl" value=$product.taxed_price}</SPAN></FONT><FONT class="MarketPrice"> <SPAN id="product_alt_price">{include file="customer/main/alter_currency_value.tpl" alter_currency_value=$product.taxed_price}</SPAN></FONT> {if $product.taxes} {include file="customer/main/taxed_price.tpl" taxes=$product.taxes}{/if} {else} <INPUT type="text" size="7" name="price"> {/if} </TD> </TR> {/if} </TABLE> <TABLE border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <TR><TD colspan="2"> </TD></TR> <TR><TD class="Line" height="1" colspan="2">[img]{$ImagesDir}/spacer.gif[/img]</TD></TR> <TR><TD colspan="2"></TD></TR> {if $active_modules.Product_Options ne ""} { include file="modules/Product_Options/customer_options.tpl"} {/if} <TR><TD height="25" width="30%">{$lng.lbl_quantity}{if $product.min_amount gt 1} <FONT class="ProductDetailsTitle">{$lng.txt_need_min_amount} {$product.min_amount} {$lng.lbl_items}</FONT>{/if}</TD> <TD> {if $config.General.unlimited_products eq "N" and ($product.avail le 0 or $product.avail lt $product.min_amount) and $variants eq ''} <SCRIPT type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript 1.2"> var min_avail = 1; var avail = 0; var product_avail = 0; </SCRIPT> {$lng.txt_out_of_stock} {else} {if $config.General.unlimited_products eq "Y"} {math equation="x+1" assign="mq" x=$config.Appearance.max_select_quantity} {else} {math equation="x/y" x=$config.Appearance.max_select_quantity y=$product.min_amount assign="tmp"} {if $tmp<2} {assign var="minamount" value=$product.min_amount} {else} {assign var="minamount" value=1} {/if} {math equation="min(maxquantity+minamount, productquantity+1)" assign="mq" maxquantity=$config.Appearance.max_select_quantity minamount=$minamount productquantity=$product.avail} {/if} {if $product.distribution eq ""} {if $product.min_amount le 1} {assign var="start_quantity" value=1} {else} {assign var="start_quantity" value=$product.min_amount} {/if} <SCRIPT type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript 1.2"> var min_avail = {$start_quantity|default:1}; var avail = {$mq|default:1}-1; var product_avail = {$product.avail|default:"0"}; </SCRIPT> <SELECT id="product_avail" name="amount"{if $active_modules.Product_Options ne '' && $product_options ne ''} onchange="check_wholesale(this.value);"{/if}> {section name=quantity loop=$mq start=$start_quantity} <OPTION value="{%quantity.index%}" {if $smarty.get.quantity eq %quantity.index%}selected{/if}>{%quantity.index%}</OPTION> {/section} </SELECT> {else} <FONT class="ProductDetailsTitle">1</FONT><INPUT type="hidden" name="amount" value="1"> {$lng.txt_product_downloadable} {/if} {/if} </TD></TR> <TR><TD colspan="2"> <INPUT type="hidden" name="mode" value="add"> {if $variants eq ''} {include file="customer/main/product_prices.tpl"} {/if} {if $config.General.unlimited_products eq "Y" or ($product.avail gt 0 and $product.avail ge $product.min_amount)} {if $js_enabled} {if $smarty.get.pconf ne ""} <INPUT type="hidden" name="slot" value="{$smarty.get.slot}"> <INPUT type="hidden" name="addproductid" value="{$product.productid}"> {include file="buttons/button.tpl" button_title=$lng.lbl_pconf_add_to_configuration style="button" href="javascript:if (FormValidation()) `$ldelim`document.orderform.productid.value='`$smarty.get.pconf`';document.orderform.action='pconf.php';document.orderform.submit()`$rdelim`"} {/if} {if $ ne "B"} {include file="buttons/add_to_cart.tpl" style="button" href="javascript: if(FormValidation()) document.orderform.submit();"} {if $login ne "" and $active_modules.Wishlist ne ""} {include file="customer/add2wl.tpl"} {/if} {else} {$lng.txt_pconf_product_is_bundled} {/if} {else} {include file="submit_wo_js.tpl" value=$lng.lbl_add_to_cart} {/if} {/if} {if $active_modules.Feature_Comparison ne ""} {include file="modules/Feature_Comparison/product_buttons.tpl"} {/if} <INPUT type="image" src="{$ImagesDir}/null.gif" width="10" height="10" border="0" valign="top"> </TD> <TR></TABLE> </TD> <TD align="right" valign="top" width="60"> {if $product.list_price gt 0 and $product.taxed_price lt $product.list_price} <TABLE border="0" width="60"><TR><TD width="55" height="56" class="SaveMoneyLabel" background="{$ImagesDir}/save_money.gif" align="center" valign="middle"> {math equation="100-(price/lprice)*100" price=$product.taxed_price lprice=$product.list_price format="%d" assign=discount} <SPAN id="save_percent">{ $discount }</SPAN>% {/if} <TD width="4" rowspan="2"> | </TD> <TD width="155" rowspan="2"><div align="center"> [img]{$ImagesDir}/spacer.gif[/img] {if $active_modules.Upselling_Products ne ""} {include file="modules/Upselling_Products/related_products.tpl" } {/if} </TD> <TR> <TD colspan="2"> {if $product.fulldescr ne ""}{$product.fulldescr}{else}{$product.descr}{/if} <HR width="100%" size="1"> </TD> <INPUT type="hidden" name="productid" value="{$product.productid}"> <INPUT type="hidden" name="cat" value="{$|escape:"html"}"> <INPUT type="hidden" name="page" value="{$|escape:"html"}"> </FORM> </TR> </TR> </TD> </TABLE> {/capture} {include file="dialog.tpl" title=$product.producttitle content=$smarty.capture.dialog extra="width=100%"} {/if} {if $active_modules.Detailed_Product_Images ne ""} {include file="modules/Detailed_Product_Images/product_images.tpl" } {/if} {if $active_modules.Customer_Reviews ne ""} {include file="modules/Customer_Reviews/vote_reviews.tpl" } {/if} {if $active_modules.Product_Options ne '' && $product_options ne ''} <SCRIPT type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript 1.2"> check_options(); </SCRIPT> {/if}
Jennifer Kirkpatrick
X-Cart Pro Version 4.4.1
X-Cart Gold Version 4.1.9
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Old 01-25-2005, 04:41 PM
balinor balinor is offline

Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Connecticut, USA
Posts: 30,253


Hey a URL I could look at to see what is happening? Also, did you do any modifications to dialog.tpl?

Nice job on the code tags by the way
Padraic Ryan
Ryan Design Studio
Professional E-Commerce Development
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