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Newbie Question about the left side of menu

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Old 05-02-2003, 01:26 PM
oomloo oomloo is offline

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Default Newbie Question about the left side of menu

There is a space between the menu header and the border of the browser. It seems to be located in the home.tpl (I think) width=6, but I change it and nothing happens. I would like to get rid of it entirely and make it look like the right side. How do I do this and what tpl is this located? Thanks! Following is code for /admin/home.tpl:

{* $Id: home.tpl,v 1.54 2002/11/08 11:57:30 alfiya Exp $ *} { config_load file="$skin_config" } <html> <head> <title>{$lng.txt_site_title}</title> { include file="meta.tpl" } <link rel="stylesheet" href="{$SkinDir}/{#CSSFile#}"> </head> <body LEFTMARGIN=0 TOPMARGIN=0 RIGHTMARGIN=0 BOTTOMMARGIN=0 MARGINWIDTH=0 MARGINHEIGHT=0> { include file="rectangle_top.tpl" } { include file="head.tpl" } <table border=0 width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align="center"> <tr> <td class=VertMenuBox width=6></td> <td class=VertMenuBox width=150 valign=top> {if $login eq "" } { include file="auth.tpl" } {else} { include file="admin/menu.tpl" } { include file="admin/menu_admin.tpl" } { include file="admin/menu_affiliate.tpl" } { include file="menu_profile.tpl" } {/if} { include file="help.tpl" } </td> <td width=20></td> <td valign=top> {if $smarty.get.mode eq "subscribed"} {include file="main/subscribe_confirmation.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "atracking"} {include file="admin/main/atracking.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "shipping_options"} {include file="admin/main/shipping_options.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "subscriptions"} {include file="modules/Subscriptions/subscriptions_admin.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "languages"} {include file="admin/main/languages.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "memberships"} {include file="admin/main/memberships.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "card_types"} {include file="admin/main/card_types.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "banner_info"} {include file="main/banner_info.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "partner_report"} {include file="admin/main/partner_report.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "partner_banners"} {include file="admin/main/partner_banners.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "commitions"} {include file="admin/main/partner_commitions.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "payment_upload"} {include file="admin/main/payment_upload.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "payment_history"} {include file="admin/main/payment_history.tpl"} {elseif $smarty.get.mode eq "unsubscribed"} {include file="main/unsubscribe_confirmation.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "search"} {include file="main/search_result.tpl" products=$products} {elseif $main eq "categories"} {include file="admin/main/categories.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "modules"} {include file="admin/main/modules.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "payment_methods"} {include file="admin/main/payment_methods.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "cc_processing"} {include file=$processing_module } {elseif $main eq "cc_processing_message"} {include file="admin/main/cc_processing_message.tpl" } {elseif $main eq "statistics"} {include file="admin/main/statistics.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "configuration"} {include file="admin/main/configuration.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "newsletter"} {include file="admin/main/newsletter.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "shipping"} {include file="admin/main/shipping.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "giftcerts"} {include file="modules/Gift_Certificates/gc_admin.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "db_backup"} {include file="admin/main/db_backup.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "newsletter_modify"} {include file="admin/main/newsletter_modify.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "newsletter_modify_message"} {include file="admin/main/newsletter_modify_message.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "newsletter_add_message"} {include file="admin/main/newsletter_add_message.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "newsletter_send_message"} {include file="admin/main/newsletter_send_message.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "states_edit"} {include file="admin/main/states.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "users"} {include file="admin/main/users.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "featured_products"} {include file="admin/main/featured_products.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "category_modify"} {include file="admin/main/category_modify.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "category_delete_confirmation"} {include file="admin/main/category_del_confirmation.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "category_delete_message"} {include file="admin/main/category_delete_message.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "user_delete_confirmation"} {include file="admin/main/user_delete_confirmation.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "user_delete_message"} {include file="admin/main/user_delete_message.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "user_add"} {if $smarty.get.usertype eq "A"} {assign var="last_location" value="Create administrator"} {elseif $smarty.get.usertype eq "P"} {assign var="last_location" value="Create provider"} {else} {assign var="last_location" value="Create customer"} {/if} {include file="main/register.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "product"} {include file="main/product.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "home" and $login ne ""} {include file="admin/main/promotions.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "home"} {include file="admin/main/welcome.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "ratings_edit"} {include file="admin/main/ratings_edit.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "html_catalog"} {include file="admin/main/html_catalog.tpl"} {else} {include file="common_templates.tpl"} {/if} </td> <td width=20></td> <td width=148 valign=top> {if $login eq "" } { include file="news.tpl" } {else} { include file="authbox.tpl" } {/if} { include file="poweredby.tpl" } </td> </tr> <tr> <td class=VertMenuBox></td> <td class=VertMenuBox></td> <td></td> <td>{ include file="copyright.tpl" }</td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> </table> { include file="rectangle_bottom.tpl" } </body> </html>
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Old 05-02-2003, 01:31 PM
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shan shan is offline

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If you have dreamweaver that makes life easier
Looking for a reliable X-cart host ?
You wont go wrong with either of these.

EWD Hosting
Hands On Hosting
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Old 05-03-2003, 04:20 AM
  TelaFirma's Avatar 
TelaFirma TelaFirma is offline

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It looks like you are trying to modify the Admin hom.tpl file. For the customer facing side, you will need to modify the /costomer/home.tpl file. In this file you will look for two things..

at the top of the file look for
<table border=0 width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align="center"> <tr> <td class=VertMenuBox width=6></td> <td class=VertMenuBox width=150 valign=top> { include file="customer/categories.tpl" }

and remove
<td class=VertMenuBox width=6></td>

At the bottome of the file, looks for
<tr> <td class=VertMenuBox></td> <td class=VertMenuBox></td> <td></td> <td>{ include file="copyright.tpl" }</td>

and remove one of the lines that read
<td class=VertMenuBox></td>
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Old 05-05-2003, 03:12 AM
Metal-X-Man Metal-X-Man is offline

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I agree with Shan. Having Dreamweaver helps a lot. If I understand you correctly, you're talking about the extra column on the right side menu next to the border? It makes the column look goofy. It's about 6 pixels in width.

I copy the home.tpl with notepad, and then paste it on a blank dreamweaver page, delete the column, and then re-save the home.tpl and upload it.
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Old 10-09-2009, 07:03 AM
Frank Pietersen Frank Pietersen is offline

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Posts: 13

Default Re: Newbie Question about the left side of menu

Dreamweaver? I use firebug (add on for firefox) to locate every detail in the design.

Cre8it BV
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