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Phone Ordering?

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Old 12-29-2004, 07:17 AM
Exovian Exovian is offline

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Default Phone Ordering?

Is there a module for X-Cart to take orders over the phone? IE: Someone calls, wants to order a movie and you enter in all of their details and billing info and process the order.
Version 4.4.1
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Old 12-29-2004, 07:29 AM
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No, I have asked for this before in the form of a Manual Order system based on the Admin side of the cart, but alas no mod yet available.

The X-Cart Devs will tell you to place the order on the shopping cart side, as if you were the customer. This works for one order, but I guess the X-Cart Devs dont rely on repeat custom , as there is no way to place a second order with that customer manually if you did this again.

X-Cart badly needs a manual order system, as a lot of businesses run over counter, Mail Order as well as on the net.

We are looking into developing our own based on some oscommerce code we had in a previous site, will let ppl know if it works.
XC 4.2 inc (unofficial) patch release.
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Old 12-29-2004, 03:07 PM
QVS QVS is offline

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yeh this is vital for my business to do phone ordering, like with many others...luckly we have a alternative solution right the moment, but i would like this to be intergrated into the xcart system.
xcart version 4.1.6
UK - Brighton


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Old 12-30-2004, 05:02 PM
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Moderators, please move this post from Custom Mods.
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Old 01-03-2005, 01:27 AM
steveparks steveparks is offline

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Default +1

+1 for this feature request.
Am willing to pay for a suitable mod.

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Old 01-03-2005, 05:59 AM
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Actually the first version of X-Cart I got had phone ordering modifications built-in. A sales rep could login using an .htaccess form that would allow them to place the customers order for them over the phone, as well as set the price of the product on the fly, so the sales rep. can wheel-and-deal at the same time. I imagine something wouldn't be too terribly difficult to implement.
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Old 01-03-2005, 06:10 AM
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Something like this, properly done could be used for more than phone orders. You could start to use X-Cart as a POS system. That would truly be innovative.

I would really prefer that someone develop a mod that floats outside X-Cart like MM rather than waiting for Qualiteam to develop it and be forced to upgrade the module with every single version patch.

Groovico, are you listening? Or do you have a lot of time on your hands now B00M?
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Old 01-03-2005, 06:27 AM
steveparks steveparks is offline

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Default outline for mod

I think these are the steps a first-class version of this mod would need to handle.....(this may be asking a bit much!)

1. The member of customer service staff logs onto with a username and password
2. They are presented with a simplified series of screens like Jon's simple checkout module.
3. They can then use the wholesale ordering mod i've seen somewhere, or some other list of all the stores products divided by category, to tick from lists of products, including specifying options.
4. Once the order is complete, they then search for the customer in the existing customer data.
5. If the user exists they go to the next stagee, if not they can then create that user.
6. they can then enter a coupon code or a manual discount (essentially a coupon-on-the-fly)
7. finally they enter the payment details, and submit the order. Again, no email is sent to the customers email address from this process. More payment options should be available than for the main store (ie cheque) as the order may have been received by mail.
8. They are presented with a prompt screen to ask if the customer would like to be sent log in details to be able to order online, and if they would like to be subscribed to the email newsletter. If the first one is ticked it sends an email to the customer with welcome details, if the second is ticked it adds them to the newsletter email list.
9. Then they are presented with an invoice, and a packing slip that they can print off.
10. The process is complete and they are returned to the starting screen.

I think that covers everything and more!
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Old 01-03-2005, 06:30 AM
steveparks steveparks is offline

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PS. I'm afraid my coding knowledge is non-existent so i can bee of limited help...but i'm willing to donate to a development fund for this in advance if its someone trusted like groovico, boomer etc, or pay for a finished mod.
I can also provide esting facilities, server space, planning help etc
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Old 01-03-2005, 07:42 AM
delphi delphi is offline

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I am willing to donate some funds for this mod as well
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