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How to move language

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Old 07-25-2003, 04:16 PM
tpfair tpfair is offline

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Default How to move language


I need to move the plaguage drop down box to the bottom of the page and also make it appear on every page.

I have try to move it but the entire header is disapearing...

Any help would be gladdly appreciate.

X-Cart Gold 3.4.3

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Old 07-26-2003, 06:02 AM
  shan's Avatar 
shan shan is offline

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this is for v3.4.3 but a similar thing will work in any version

in head.tpl remove

{if $main eq "catalog" and $current_category.category eq "" and $all_languages_numba gt 1} <FORM action="home.php" method=GET name=sl_form> <SELECT name=sl onChange="javascript: document.sl_form.submit()"> {section name=ai loop=$all_languages} <OPTION value="{$all_languages[ai].code}"{if $store_language eq $all_languages[ai].code} selected{/if}>{$all_languages[ai].language}</OPTION> {/section} </SELECT> </FORM> {elseif ($usertype eq "P" or $usertype eq "A") and $login} <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> <FORM action="{$smarty.server.REQUEST_URI}" method=POST name=asl_form> <tr> <td>Current language:</td> <td> <INPUT type=hidden name="redirect" value="{$smarty.server.QUERY_STRING}"> <SELECT name=asl onChange="javascript: document.asl_form.submit()"> {section name=ai loop=$all_languages} <OPTION value="{$all_languages[ai].code}"{if $current_language eq $all_languages[ai].code} selected{/if}>{$all_languages[ai].language}</OPTION> {/section} </SELECT> </td></tr> </FORM> </table> {else} {/if}

so that it looks more like

{* $Id: head.tpl,v 1.28 2003/04/24 09:50:33 svowl Exp $ *} <TABLE align=center border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 class=HeadBox width=100%> <TR> <TD valign="top" width="284">[img]{$ImagesDir}/logo.gif[/img]</TD> <TD background="{$ImagesDir}/top1.gif" align=right valign=middle> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> {if $usertype eq "C"} { include file="customer/search.tpl" } {else} {/if} </TD> <TD width=99% valign=top class=HeadBox background="{$ImagesDir}/top2.gif" style="background-repeat: repeat-x"> <P align=right><SPAN class=NumberOfArticles>{insert name="productsonline"} {$lng.lbl_products} {if $config.Appearance.show_in_stock eq "Y"}{$lng.lbl_and} {insert name="itemsonline"} {$lng.lbl_items} {/if}{$lng.lbl_online}</SPAN></P> </TD> </TR> </TABLE>

then make a new file caled language.tpl and put this in it

{* $Id: languages.tpl,v 1.28 *} {if $all_languages_numba gt 1} <FORM action="home.php" method=GET name=sl_form> <SELECT name=sl onChange="javascript: document.sl_form.submit()"> {section name=ai loop=$all_languages} <OPTION value="{$all_languages[ai].code}"{if $store_language eq $all_languages[ai].code} selected{/if}>{$all_languages[ai].language}</OPTION> {/section} </SELECT> </FORM> {elseif ($usertype eq "P" or $usertype eq "A") and $login} <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> <FORM action="{$smarty.server.REQUEST_URI}" method=POST name=asl_form> <tr> <td>Current language:</td> <td> <INPUT type=hidden name="redirect" value="{$smarty.server.QUERY_STRING}"> <SELECT name=asl onChange="javascript: document.asl_form.submit()"> {section name=ai loop=$all_languages} <OPTION value="{$all_languages[ai].code}"{if $current_language eq $all_languages[ai].code} selected{/if}>{$all_languages[ai].language}</OPTION> {/section} </SELECT> </td></tr> </FORM> </table> {else} {/if}

then in home.tpl add this where you want it to appear

{ include file="language.tpl" }
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Old 07-26-2003, 06:52 AM
tpfair tpfair is offline

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Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 81

Default Wow !!!

Thank you so much, it works !!!! Finally.

Little question, how do i remove or where i remove the extra space under language. take a look at Warning 18+


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Old 07-26-2003, 07:05 AM
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shan shan is offline

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edit the code i gave you

change this bit

<FORM action="home.php" method=GET name=sl_form> <SELECT name=sl onChange="javascript: document.sl_form.submit()"> {section name=ai loop=$all_languages} <OPTION value="{$all_languages[ai].code}"{if $store_language eq $all_languages[ai].code} selected{/if}>{$all_languages[ai].language}</OPTION> {/section} </SELECT> </FORM>


<table> <tr> <FORM action="home.php" method=GET name=sl_form> <td> <SELECT name=sl onChange="javascript: document.sl_form.submit()"> {section name=ai loop=$all_languages} <OPTION value="{$all_languages[ai].code}"{if $store_language eq $all_languages[ai].code} selected{/if}>{$all_languages[ai].language}</OPTION> {/section} </SELECT> </td> </FORM> </tr> </table>

basically tuck the form tags inside the table row tags otherwise it gives the balnk space as you mentioned
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Old 07-26-2003, 07:40 AM
tpfair tpfair is offline

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Join Date: May 2003
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Default Great

Great, i was playing with this for hours,

If you take a last look at our site we have a hard time to move the search box in the middle. Any clue why.

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