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datepicker calendar uses javascript and php

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Old 07-20-2005, 05:10 AM
maineiac maineiac is offline

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Default datepicker calendar uses javascript and php

On the checkout page I have successfully replaced the original 'Customer Notes' and added a new field there by following cherie's excellent directions in this post: light=change%20order%20details&start=15 Now I would like to add a datepicker - a small popup calendar to pick a date - that will enter the chosen date into a text field (my new field). The original script consists of 3 php files as follows:

<html> <head> <title>Example of Datepicker</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> </head> <body bgcolor="#eeeeee" text="#000000"><Script Language="JavaScript"> function showCalendar(frm,textbox){"Calendar.php?frm=" + frm + "&txt=" + textbox,"DatePicker","width=250,height=230,status=no,resizable=no,top=200,left=200"); } function getObject(obj){ alert(obj.value); } </Script> <form name="frm"> <input type="text" name="txtCalendar"> <button type="button" onclick="showCalendar('frm','txtCalendar')">Click for Date</button> </form> </body> </html>
<?php include 'DatePicker.php'; //Get form and textbox from calling paging $frm = $_GET['frm']; $txt = $_GET['txt']; ?> <html> <head> <title><< Delivery Date Calendar >></title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <Script Language="JavaScript"> function getSelDate(SelDate){ var frm,txt; frm = '<?php print "$frm" ?>'; txt = '<?php print "$txt" ?>'; window.opener.document.forms[frm].elements[txt].value = SelDate; window.close(); } </Script> </head> <body bgcolor="#999999" text="#000000"> <div align="center"> <table width="40%" border="0" bgcolor=#DCF3FC> <tr bgcolor=#DCF3FC> <td> <?php $prevYear = $intYear - 1; print "<a href=Calendar.php?prevYear=$prevYear&prevMonth=$intMonth&frm=$frm&txt=$txt>"; ?> <div align="right">[&lt;]</div> </a> </td> <td> <div align="center"><?php print"$intYear"; ?></div> </td> <td> <?php $nextYear = $intYear + 1; print "<a href=Calendar.php?nextYear=$nextYear&prevMonth=$intMonth&frm=$frm&txt=$txt>"; ?> <div align="left">[&gt;]</div> </a> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div align="center"> <table width="40%" border="0" bgcolor=#DCF3FC> <tr> <td> <?php $prevMonth = $intMonth - 1; if ($prevMonth % 12 == 0){ $prevMonth = 12; $intYear = $intYear - 1; } print "<a href=Calendar.php?prevMonth=$prevMonth&curYear=$intYear&frm=$frm&txt=$txt>"; ?> <div align="right">[&lt;]</div> </a> </td> <td> <div align="center"><?php print"$strLongMonth" ?></div> </td> <td> <?php $nextMonth = $intMonth + 1; if ($nextMonth % 13 == 0){ $nextMonth = 1; $intYear = $intYear + 1; } print "<a href=Calendar.php?nextMonth=$nextMonth&curYear=$intYear&frm=$frm&txt=$txt>"; ?> <div align="left">[&gt;]</div> </a> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div align="center"> <table width="40%" border="0" bgcolor=ffffff> <tr bgcolor=#FFFFD2> <td> <div align="center">Sun</div> </td> <td> <div align="center">Mon</div> </td> <td> <div align="center">Tue</div> </td> <td> <div align="center">Wed</div> </td> <td> <div align="center">[b]Thu</a></div> </td> <td> <div align="center">Fri</div> </td> <td> <div align="center">Sat</div> </td> </tr> <?php for($i=0;$i<6;$i++){ ?> <tr> <?php for($j=0;$j<7;$j++){ ?> <?php if($j==6){ print "<td bgcolor=#FFFF00>"; }elseif ($j==0 || $j==1) {print "<td bgcolor=#999999>";} else{ print "<td bgcolor=#FFFFD2>"; } ?> <?php if($intAllDays >= $intStartDayOfMonth && $intDays <= $intDayInMonth){ $intMonth = $intMonth - 0; $selDate = FormatDate($intMonth,$intDays,$intYear,"MM/DD/YYYY"); ?> <div align="center"> <?php if($j==6){ print"<font color=red>$intDays</font>"; }else{ if($selDate == $Today){ print"<font color=blue>$intDays</font>"; }else{ print"$intDays"; } } ?> </div> <?php $intDays = $intDays + 1; } ?> </td> <?php $intAllDays = $intAllDays + 1; } ?> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> </div> </body> </html>
<?php //Class Kalendar class Kalendar { var $Year; var $defaultYear; var $LeapYear; var $Month; var $DefaultMonth; var $DayCount; var $FirstDayOfMonth; var $LongMonth; var $FormatDate; function Kalendar(){ $defaultYear = date("Y"); $DefaultMonth = date("m"); $this->Year=$defaultYear; $this->Month=$DefaultMonth; } //Year function setYear($intNewYear){ $this->Year = $intNewYear; } function getYear(){ return $this->Year; } //Leap Year - Return true or 1 is Leap Year function getLeapYear(){ $intBaki = $this->Year % 4; if($intBaki == 0){ return 1; }else{ return 0; } } //Month function setMonth($intMonth){ $this->Month=$intMonth; } function getMonth(){ return $this->Month; } //Count how many days in a month function getDaysInMonth(){ switch($this->getMonth()){ case 1: $this->DayCount = 31; break; case 2: if($this->getLeapYear() == 0){ $this->DayCount = 28; }else{ $this->DayCount = 29; } break; case 3: $this->DayCount = 31; break; case 4: $this->DayCount = 30; break; case 5: $this->DayCount = 31; break; case 6: $this->DayCount = 30; break; case 7: $this->DayCount = 31; break; case 8: $this->DayCount = 31; break; case 9: $this->DayCount = 30; break; case 10: $this->DayCount = 31; break; case 11: $this->DayCount = 30; break; case 12: $this->DayCount = 31; break; } return $this->DayCount; } //Function to get the first day of the month function getFirstDayOfMonth(){ $strDate = date("w", mktime(0,0,0,$this->Month,1,$this->Year)); return $this->FirstDayOfMonth=$strDate; } function getLongMonth(){ switch($this->getMonth()){ case 1: return $this->LongMonth="JANUARY"; break; case 2: return $this->LongMonth="FEBRUARY"; break; case 3: return $this->LongMonth="MARCH"; break; case 4: return $this->LongMonth="APRIL"; break; case 5: return $this->LongMonth="MAY"; break; case 6: return $this->LongMonth="JUNE"; break; case 7: return $this->LongMonth="JULY"; break; case 8: return $this->LongMonth="AUGUST"; break; case 9: return $this->LongMonth="SEPTEMBER"; break; case 10: return $this->LongMonth="OCTOBER"; break; case 11: return $this->LongMonth="NOVEMBER"; break; case 12: return $this->LongMonth="DECEMBER"; break; } } } //Function Format Date function FormatDate($intMM,$intDD,$intYY,$strFormat){ switch ($strFormat){ case "MM/DD/YYYY" : if($intMM < 10){ $intMM = "0$intMM"; } if($intDD < 10){ $intDD = "0$intDD"; } $dtmDate = "$intMM/$intDD/$intYY"; return $this->FormatDate=$dtmDate; break; case "MM.DD.YYYY" : if($intMM < 10){ $intMM = "0$intMM"; } if($intDD < 10){ $intDD = "0$intDD"; } $dtmDate = "$intMM.$intDD.$intYY"; return $this->FormatDate=$dtmDate; break; } } //Main() //Create object Calendar $objKalendar = new Kalendar(); if (!empty($_GET['prevYear'])){ $objKalendar->setYear($_GET['prevYear']);//Set current year to prev year }elseif (!empty($_GET['nextYear'])){ $objKalendar->setYear($_GET['nextYear']);//Set current year to next year }elseif(!empty($_GET['curYear'])){ $objKalendar->setYear(($_GET['curYear'])); }else{ $objKalendar->setYear(date("Y"));//Set default year } if(!empty($_GET['prevMonth'])){ $objKalendar->setMonth(($_GET['prevMonth']));//Set current month to prev month }elseif(!empty($_GET['nextMonth'])){ $objKalendar->setMonth(($_GET['nextMonth']));//Set current month to next month }else{ $objKalendar->setMonth(date("m")); //Set default month } //Variables for calendar $intDays = 1; //Start to end day of the month $intAllDays = 0; //All days (35 days) $intDayInMonth = $objKalendar->getDaysInMonth();//Get days in month (28-31) $intStartDayOfMonth = $objKalendar->getFirstDayOfMonth();//Get start day of the month (0-6) $intYear = $objKalendar->getYear();//Get year $strLongMonth = $objKalendar->getLongMonth();//Get Long Month eg: September $intMonth = $objKalendar->getMonth(); //$gdtmDate = $objKalendar->getFormatDate(2,1,2002,"DD/MM/YYYY"); //print "Format date : $gdtmDate"; $m=date("m")-0; $d=date("d")-0; $y=date("Y"); $Today = FormatDate($m,$d,$y,'MM/DD/YYYY'); ?>
This all works great when all pages are in the same directory. Now to make it work with my XCART!!! So... I have added the following to skin1/customer/main/checkout_notes.tpl:
<TR valign="top"> <TD>{$lng.lbl_delivery_date}:</TD> <TD></TD> <TD nowrap> {include file="datepicker/datepicker_js.tpl"} <form name="frm"> <input type="text" name="txtCalendar"> <button type="button" onclick="showCalendar('frm','txtCalendar')">Click for Date</button> </form> </TD> </TR>
have added the folder skin1/datepicker and the template file skin1/datepicker/datepicker_js.tpl as follows:
{literal} <Script Language="JavaScript"> function showCalendar(frm,textbox){"datepicker/Calendar.php?frm=" + frm + "&txt=" + textbox,"DatePicker","width=250,height=230,status=no,resizable=no,top=200,left=200"); } function getObject(obj){ alert(obj.value); } </Script> {/literal}
and added the folder xcart/datepicker with the two files Calendar.php and DatePicker.php in this folder.

So now on the checkout page there's a text box and a "Click for Date" button. Onclick a calendar window pops up. Good so far! When I click a date on the calendar I get a javascript error:
Error: window.opener.document.forms[frm] has no properties Source File: Line: 11
Any ideas on how to make this work? Many thanks in advance for your help!

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Old 08-16-2005, 08:58 PM
techhead techhead is offline

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Hey maineiac,

this looks like a great idea. Did you ever get this to work?
xcart v3.5.8 through to v4.0.14
redhat v9
php v4.3.10
MySQL 4.0.22
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Old 08-21-2005, 01:01 PM
maineiac maineiac is offline

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Hey techhead,

I did get the popup datepicker/calendar to work on x-cart v4.0.14, but ended up using a different calendar script than the one I was having problems with above.

If anyone's interested, I'll put together the steps and post them here. I've learned so much about x-cart from this forum and am more than willing to give back to this x-cart community if it will help someone in any way.

I cannot show a working example because the site is now a live store, but basically it goes like this: at checkout there is a DELIVERY DATE field for customer to fill out with a button to click that will popup the calendar/date picker. Customer clicks date on calendar and the DELIVERY DATE field is automatically filled in for them. DELIVERY DATE value becomes part of the order - it is shown on admin and customer side and is part of invoice/order receipt.

x-cart gold v4.0.18
x-cart gold v4.1.8
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Old 08-21-2005, 09:30 PM
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Dongan Dongan is offline

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Nice one and request to post more...
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Old 08-22-2005, 12:19 PM
jb5ep jb5ep is offline

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Hi maineiac,

I'd echo that, - i've been struggling to do something similar on our site for ages.

X-Cart 4.0.17
PHP 4.4.1
MySQL 4.0.25-standard
Apache 1.3.34
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