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Moving xcart 4.7.12 to xcart 5.x

   X-Cart forums > X-Cart 5 > General questions (X-Cart 5)
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Old 02-23-2021, 11:48 AM
voodoo1967 voodoo1967 is offline

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Default Moving xcart 4.7.12 to xcart 5.x

Anyone been through the process of going from 4.7.12 to xcart 5

Did you go for the cloud hosting or run on your own server ?

If you used CDSEO Pro - what did you use in its place ?

Did you integrate your xcart 5 store into facebook ?

I am at a cross roads - move to Xcart 5 or go the ECWID route.
Ecwid doesnt do the product option image colour change (with paying $35 a month).

Id value your opinions - would you do the same again - or do something different. xcart 5 limitations , benefits etc
x-cart Gold Plus 4.7.12
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Old 02-24-2021, 06:46 PM
Triple A Racing Triple A Racing is offline

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Default Re: Moving xcart 4.7.12 to xcart 5.x

@voodoo1967 We moved from XC4 to XC5 as an early adopter, way back in 2015. It's had its good moments, sure, but it has now lost all sense of direction / memory of the value of existing customers / any commercial common sense plus, the ability to communicate in a non-robotic way. You'll find (if you, yourself investigate further) that X-Cart are steering / slowly forcing everybody towards using X-Cart Cloud (sic) with pricing / support and availability for all options being slowly reduced / removed altogether << This is a Seller Labs responsibility.

X-Cart Hosting? It's been overpriced for years, but if you search this forum for details of recent "failures" including being the target of ransomeware... Then make your own decision

ECWID where Ruslan Fazlyev, the instigator of the original X-Cart is still the CEO, may be worth a re-visit, for a more detailed, comparative look as an alternative choice for you.
Dev Store & Live Store XC Business
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Nginx 1.20.4 / Apache 2.4.52 (Ubuntu Backported) / MariaDB 10.11.4 / PHP 7.4.33
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Old 02-25-2021, 04:46 AM
voodoo1967 voodoo1967 is offline

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Default Re: Moving xcart 4.7.12 to xcart 5.x

We have an ecwid account - but the one thing we wanted to do - which was product image change when a different colour selected etc cant be done in ecwid unless you go for the business plan which is $35 a month. The venture plan would have been fine for us at $15 but it doesnt allow for product option image variations. Can get around this with a gallery on the product - or create a separate image carousel page and link to that instead (not ideal)

xc5 it seems has it's issues to, but will look into costings. I dont mind the cloud route - but that also has it's risks, as you mentioned.

There is never an easy option. We did look at lots of other options a few years ago, but xc 4 came out as the best available. Maybe time to look around again at presta and the others
x-cart Gold Plus 4.7.12
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Old 02-25-2021, 04:52 AM
voodoo1967 voodoo1967 is offline

Join Date: Sep 2009
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Default Re: Moving xcart 4.7.12 to xcart 5.x

We have an ecwid account - but the one thing we wanted to do - which was product image change when a different colour selected etc cant be done in ecwid unless you go for the business plan which is $35 a month. The venture plan would have been fine for us at $15 but it doesnt allow for product option image variations. Can get around this with a gallery on the product - or create a separate image carousel page and link to that instead (not ideal)

xc5 it seems has it's issues to, but will look into costings. I dont mind the cloud route - but that also has it's risks, as you mentioned.

There is never an easy option. We did look at lots of other options a few years ago, but xc 4 came out as the best available. Maybe time to look around again at presta and the others
x-cart Gold Plus 4.7.12
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Old 02-25-2021, 05:20 AM
voodoo1967 voodoo1967 is offline

Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 431

Default Re: Moving xcart 4.7.12 to xcart 5.x

We have an ecwid account - but the one thing we wanted to do - which was product image change when a different colour selected etc cant be done in ecwid unless you go for the business plan which is $35 a month. The venture plan would have been fine for us at $15 but it doesnt allow for product option image variations. Can get around this with a gallery on the product - or create a separate image carousel page and link to that instead (not ideal)

xc5 it seems has it's issues to, but will look into costings. I dont mind the cloud route - but that also has it's risks, as you mentioned.

There is never an easy option. We did look at lots of other options a few years ago, but xc 4 came out as the best available. Maybe time to look around again at presta and the others
x-cart Gold Plus 4.7.12
CDSEO Pro latest ver
ReDux template - it's great
php 7.x
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