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Custom Sales Reports by Product (item total and by qty)

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Old 06-26-2008, 04:04 AM
bigmaggot bigmaggot is offline

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Default Re: Custom Sales Reports by Product (item total and by qty)

You can search by the SKU:
X-Cart Gold v4.1.11
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Old 06-26-2008, 04:32 AM
  Keys Care's Avatar 
Keys Care Keys Care is offline

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Default Re: Custom Sales Reports by Product (item total and by qty)

Hi, Actually this code on lists the sku. I have this implemented and it helps for sure. What I want to be able to do is to sort by sku so that my reports are always in the same order versus ranking by revenue or units.


All-Natural Healing Skin and Pet Care Products
4.6.0 Gold, ShipWorks 3
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Old 06-26-2008, 05:52 AM
bigmaggot bigmaggot is offline

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Default Re: Custom Sales Reports by Product (item total and by qty)

<?php require "./auth.php"; require "../include/security.php"; /* Assign variables if register_globals = OFF */ $StartMonth = $HTTP_POST_VARS['StartMonth']; $StartDay = $HTTP_POST_VARS['StartDay']; $StartYear = $HTTP_POST_VARS['StartYear']; $EndMonth = $HTTP_POST_VARS['EndMonth']; $EndDay = $HTTP_POST_VARS['EndDay']; $EndYear = $HTTP_POST_VARS['EndYear']; $report_type = $HTTP_POST_VARS['report_type']; /* Set default and current order status value to be displayed */ $def_status = "C"; $status = ($HTTP_POST_VARS['status'] ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['status'] : $def_status); /* Change database settings per your server */ $db_host = "localhost"; $db_user = ""; $db_pwd = ""; $db_db = ""; /* For debug purposes; shows/hides product ID and SKU value in table */ /* Set to true to output product ID or SKU */ $show_id = true; $show_sku = true; /* Set variables to the first day your store opened */ $opened_month = "03"; $opened_day = "04"; $opened_year = "2006"; /* Make connection to database */ $connection = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pwd) or die("Could not connect: " . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($db_db) or die("Could not select the specified mysql database."); /* Create start/end dates for SQL queries */ $start_date = mktime(0,0,0,$StartMonth,$StartDay,$StartYear); $end_date = mktime(23,59,59,$EndMonth,$EndDay,$EndYear); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Custom Sales Reports</title> <META name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW"> <style type="text/css"> h3 {font-family: arial} td {font-family: arial; font-size: 10 pt;} tr {font-family: arial; font-size: 11 pt;} } </style> </head> <body> <form action="<?=basename($PHP_SELF)?>" method="POST"> <table> <tr> <th colspan="2"><u>Custom Sales Report Date Range:</u></th> </tr> <tr> <td height="10" nowrap width="125">Order Status:</td> <td height="10"> <select name="status"> <option value="A" <?=($status=="A" ? "selected" : "")?>>All</option> <option value="I" <?=($status=="I" ? "selected" : "")?>>Not finished</option> <option value="Q" <?=($status=="Q" ? "selected" : "")?>>Queued</option> <option value="P" <?=($status=="P" ? "selected" : "")?>>Processed</option> <option value="B" <?=($status=="B" ? "selected" : "")?>>Backordered</option> <option value="D" <?=($status=="D" ? "selected" : "")?>>Declined</option> <option value="F" <?=($status=="F" ? "selected" : "")?>>Failed</option> <option value="C" <?=($status=="C" ? "selected" : "")?>>Complete</option> <option value="S" <?=($status=="S" ? "selected" : "")?>>Shipping</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="10" nowrap width="125">Starting Date:</td> <td height="10"> <? generateDateSelector("Start"); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="10" nowrap>Ending Date:</td> <td height="10"> <? generateDateSelector("End"); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="10" colspan="2" align="center"><input type=radio name="report_type" value="total" id="1" <? if ($report_type!="qty_purchased") { echo "checked"; } ?> ><label for="1">Sales by Item Total</label> ∙ <input type="radio" name="report_type" value="qty_purchased" id="2" <? if ($report_type == "qty_purchased") { echo "checked"; } ?> ><label for="2">Sales by Quantity</label> ∙ <input type="radio" name="report_type" value="productcode" id="3" <? if ($report_type == "productcode") { echo "checked"; } ?> ><label for="3">Sales by SKU</label></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="10" colspan="2" align="center"><input type=submit value="Generate Custom Report"> ∙ or ∙ </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="10" colspan="2" align="center"><input type=button value="Generate Cumulative Report" onClick="document.forms[0].StartMonth.value='<?=$opened_month?>';document.forms[0].StartYear.value='<?=$opened_year?>';document.forms[0].StartDay.value='<?=$opened_day?>';document.forms[0].EndDay.value='01';document.forms[0].submit();"></td> </tr> <table> </form> <? /* Begin if ** only show report if they posted a new date */ if ($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") { if ($report_type == "total") $report_title = "Sales by Item Total"; elseif ($report_type == "qty_purchased") $report_title = "Sales by Quantity"; elseif ($report_type == "productcode") $report_title = "Sales by SKU"; ?> <h3><?=$report_title?></h3> <? echo "Report Range: $StartMonth.$StartDay.$StartYear through $EndMonth.$EndDay.$EndYear "; ?> <table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="2"> <tr bgcolor="#D3DCE3"> <? if ($show_sku) echo "<th>Man Part#</th>"; ?> <th align="right">Quantity</th> <? if ($show_id) echo "<th>Product ID</th>"; ?> <th align="left">Product</th> <th align="left">Item Total</th> </tr> <? /* Main Query */ if ($report_type == "total") $sql = "SELECT tblproducts.product, tblproducts.productcode, tbldetails.productid, SUM(tbldetails.price*tbldetails.amount) AS total, SUM(tbldetails.amount) AS qty_purchased FROM xcart_order_details AS tbldetails, xcart_products AS tblproducts, xcart_orders AS tblorders WHERE tblproducts.productid=tbldetails.productid AND tbldetails.orderid=tblorders.orderid AND >= $start_date AND <= $end_date " . ($status != "A" ? "AND tblorders.status = '$status'" : "") . " GROUP BY tbldetails.productid ORDER BY $report_type desc"; elseif ($report_type == "qty_purchased") $sql = "SELECT tblproducts.product, tblproducts.productcode, tbldetails.productid, SUM(tbldetails.price*tbldetails.amount) AS total, SUM(tbldetails.amount) AS qty_purchased FROM xcart_order_details AS tbldetails, xcart_products AS tblproducts, xcart_orders AS tblorders WHERE tblproducts.productid=tbldetails.productid AND tbldetails.orderid=tblorders.orderid AND >= $start_date AND <= $end_date " . ($status != "A" ? "AND tblorders.status = '$status'" : "") . " GROUP BY tbldetails.productid ORDER BY $report_type desc"; elseif ($report_type == "productcode") $sql = "SELECT tblproducts.product, tblproducts.productcode, tbldetails.productid, SUM(tbldetails.price*tbldetails.amount) AS total, SUM(tbldetails.amount) AS qty_purchased FROM xcart_order_details AS tbldetails, xcart_products AS tblproducts, xcart_orders AS tblorders WHERE tblproducts.productid=tbldetails.productid AND tbldetails.orderid=tblorders.orderid AND >= $start_date AND <= $end_date " . ($status != "A" ? "AND tblorders.status = '$status'" : "") . " GROUP BY tbldetails.productid ORDER BY $report_type asc"; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die("Error in query.". mysql_error()); $cnt = 1; $sum_total = 0.00; $sum_qty = 0.00; while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $product_name = $row['product']; $qty_purchased = $row['qty_purchased']; $product_id = $row['productid']; $product_sku = $row['productcode']; $total = $row['total']; $sum_total +=$total; $sum_qty +=$qty_purchased; if ($cnt%2 == 1) $color="#DDDDDD"; else $color="#CCCCCC"; echo "<tr bgcolor='$color'>"; if ($show_sku) echo "<td>$product_sku</td>"; echo "<td align=\"right\">$qty_purchased</td>"; if ($show_id) echo "<td>$product_id</td>"; echo "<td>$product_name</td>"; echo "<td>ё $total</td>"; echo "</tr>\n"; $cnt++; } if ($show_id && $show_sku) $colspan = "2"; elseif ($show_id || $show_sku) $colspan = "3"; else $colspan = "1"; ?> <tr bgcolor="#D3DCE3"> <td colspan="<?=$colspan?>"align="right"><?=$sum_qty?></td> <th align="right"> </th> <th align="right">Totals for this date range:</th> <th><? echo "ё ".number_format($sum_total, 2, '.', ','); ?></th> </tr> </table> <? } /* end if */ ?> </body> </html> <? /* Generate three list boxes for d-m-y selection */ function generateDateSelector($prefix="") { global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; global $StartYear, $StartMonth, $StartDay, $EndYear, $EndMonth, $EndDay; // month array $monthArray = array("", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"); // get current year, month and date // set curr* variables to use preset start/end values if so needed if ($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") { if ($prefix == "Start") { $currYear = $StartYear; $currMonth = $StartMonth; $currDay = $StartDay; } elseif ($prefix == "End") { $currYear = $EndYear; $currMonth = $EndMonth; $currDay = $EndDay; } } else { $arr = getdate(mktime()); $currYear = $arr["year"]; $currMonth = $arr["mon"]; // If the user hasn't chosen a date, set the beginning day at the first of the month if ($prefix == "Start") $currDay = 01; else $currDay = $arr["mday"]; } // generate month drop-down echo "<select name=" . $prefix . "Month>\n"; for ($x=1; $x<=12; $x++) { $str = "<option value=" . sprintf("%02d", $x) . ""; if ($x == $currMonth) { $str .= " selected"; } $str .= ">" . $monthArray[$x] . "</option>\n"; echo $str; } echo "</select> \n"; // generate date drop-down echo "<select name=" . $prefix . "Day>\n"; for ($x=1; $x<=31; $x++) { $str = "<option value=" . sprintf("%02d", $x) . ""; if ($x == $currDay) { $str .= " selected"; } $str .= ">" . sprintf("%02d", $x) . "</option>\n"; echo $str; } echo "</select> \n"; // generate year drop-down echo "<select name=" . $prefix . "Year>\n"; for ($x=2005; $x<=2009; $x++) { $str = "<option value=$x"; if ($x == $currYear) { $str .= " selected"; } $str .= ">" . sprintf("%04d", $x) . "</option>\n"; echo $str; } echo "</select> \n"; } ?>
X-Cart Gold v4.1.11
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Old 06-26-2008, 05:53 AM
bigmaggot bigmaggot is offline

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Default Re: Custom Sales Reports by Product (item total and by qty)

Added above to search by SKU, don't forget to add database access. Apologies for removing Created by Jeremy Eastburn etc, had to remove as forum limited by 10,000 characters
X-Cart Gold v4.1.11
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Old 06-26-2008, 06:27 AM
  cflsystems's Avatar 
cflsystems cflsystems is offline

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Default Re: Custom Sales Reports by Product (item total and by qty)

Using 4.1.10 the code above works after deleting the "require" lines. One bug though - if your date range is bigger than the days in month it shows sales for next month. Example - date range from April 1 to April 31 (April has 30 days not 31) it will show wrong output as it takes April 31 as May 1 I assume. Not a big deal just wanted to point out be careful when selecting date range.
Steve Stoyanov
Web Development
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Old 06-27-2008, 06:59 AM
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Keys Care Keys Care is offline

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Default Re: Custom Sales Reports by Product (item total and by qty)

I have the reports running, but it does not match my x-cart main page or my orders page. I ran the orders for this month that are complete and the report is much higher than what x-cart says by a few thousand $. When I run the orders in process, it matches perfectly.

As a fyi, we do use discount coupons and have used the "other discount" AOM feature. It seems like it has something to do with reporting on a pre-discounted sub-total.
All-Natural Healing Skin and Pet Care Products
4.6.0 Gold, ShipWorks 3
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Old 06-27-2008, 12:36 PM
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Keys Care Keys Care is offline

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Unhappy Re: Custom Sales Reports by Product (item total and by qty)

Originally Posted by bigmaggot

Thanks for this code. Sorry when I responded, it looked like the old code. Your addition works great except per my other post, that the report does not take into account any discounts. It appears to be a price * amount report. I need to report actual revenue minus shipping and discounts.

Unfortunately, these equations are not my forte.

This should be a caution to all that use the reports and use discounts and coupons. Your reports are probably incorrect.


All-Natural Healing Skin and Pet Care Products
4.6.0 Gold, ShipWorks 3
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Old 01-16-2009, 06:22 AM
ScrapOrchard ScrapOrchard is offline

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Default Re: Custom Sales Reports by Product (item total and by qty)

Is there anyway to modify the code to show either how much the discounts/coupons for that product were or to show what was actually paid for the product?
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Old 07-14-2009, 09:35 PM
jkwalz108 jkwalz108 is offline

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Default Re: Custom Sales Reports by Product (item total and by qty)

Wow- what a great tool.


X-Cart 4.4.2
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Old 08-17-2009, 01:58 PM
delphighse delphighse is offline

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Default Re: Custom Sales Reports by Product (item total and by qty)

Has anyone been able to get this to work for v 4.2.2?
Version 4.4.4
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