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X-Cart 4.1.0 beta 1 released

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Old 10-23-2005, 01:47 AM
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gizmo gizmo is offline

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Looks like some nice additions.
Comments so far I still fell the cart checkout needs a little tidying for instance at the top while going through process, would it not be good to have a tick image for every process completed?

Some of the links during the process could be swap around on page a bit.

I hope the 3rd party skins option works well, as skins etc can cost a bit, & also upgrade of skins to future versions can get exspensive so this feature is good.

Also good to see that x-cart are including standard features that would normally require a paid for add-on.

I see more & more software developers do a so called crafty add-on exrtra instead of a standard feature for future releases so good to see here.

Not had chance to test it yet, & most probably won't until bug reports etc are ironed out.

Well done x-cart
Thank You - Alan
Don't be like me, and keep saying "Nearly did it" go do it!!
Version: 4.4.4 Gold -
Old 10-23-2005, 02:15 AM
daveb1 daveb1 is offline

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Excellent work with the feedback! Hopefully X-cart will take notice of the points you raise, and then you won't have to spend your days firefighting issues that come up time and time again.

I'm sure you have mods for all sorts of things which you'd like to share, but with your spare time taken up sorting out basic things that have been discussed ad nauseum on the board but still haven't been fixed by X-cart you probably just don't have the time.

BTW, as a fellow UK X-cart user, I'm glad to have you continually fighting for our corner for localisation issues. I stick my oar in from time to time, but they never notice me... but then, they never notice you either Keep at it though.

One point though... I like the save % star... make it optional maybe, but don't just wipe it out completely


Quiet please... I'm trying to unscramble my brian. (live, minor mods, 4.0.15)
EZCheckout/EZUpsell (Must have mods!) Firetank's Featured Products Manager, and loads of little mods off the forum (thanks all!) (live, 4.0.18 ) Fancy Cats + custom colour mod
Old 10-23-2005, 03:45 AM
jeeya jeeya is offline

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please add html catalog option by product, or subcategory too.
X-Cart Version 4.1.8
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Old 10-23-2005, 04:21 AM
PhilJ PhilJ is offline

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please add html catalog option by product, or subcategory too.

and Manufacturer please !
Old 10-23-2005, 07:29 AM
Dawn Dawn is offline

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Default Multiple Option "Options"

What are the chances of getting checkboxes (with or without price changes), radio buttons AND drop down menus for product options ??? Once I have this my world will be ALMOST complete ...

One other tiny thing that would be **extremely** helpful is a way to enter phone or mail in orders....

Life would be GRAND
X-cart 4.0.16 Pro
Old 10-23-2005, 09:07 AM
youngvet1 youngvet1 is offline

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Posts: 245


Problems with checkout:

I see the in the checkout

first name and last name is still repeated 3 times!

Either remover first name and last name from billing info or personal info info becuase by law this should be the same person, so it does not make sense.

Also going by other sites and the page will be less broken up looking if
under Billing info was
First name
last name

then we could eliminate personal information.

Also is there a shipping drop down on the shopping cart page anymore??
I think even though it is mentioned in a seperate checkout page( which is good ) it should still be part of the shopping cart page for the users who want to know the shipping costs quickly. Then what is selected on this page will be the default readio button that is selected on the "shipping and payment" checkout screen.


Also on the "personal details" step in the checkout.

The authentication box on the top is confusing IMO.
This box should be off to the side and/or
it should be mroe clear that that this is for returning customers
look at the checkout of this site as an example

As i feel how it is now it will confuse customers who do not have an account and even those who do have an account.

And why is there still a link for them to register. If they dont have an account then they should just ocmplete the nomal checkout process and choose to create an account.
x-cart version 4.0.14
Old 10-23-2005, 10:01 AM
youngvet1 youngvet1 is offline

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Posts: 245


It would be nice if
For those of us who dont want to use inventory tracking, we should still be able to set a product as "out of stock" .

For any one who uses drop shippers there is no need for inventory tracking cause but there is still a need to set a product as out of stock.
x-cart version 4.0.14
Old 10-23-2005, 10:16 AM
cotc2001 cotc2001 is offline

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I think coupons should be addressed as well

i.e at the moment if you add something a 10% discount then it takes it from the ex VAT price (if you have VAT added)

Its not a problem if you are selling just in the UK as you enter your prices inc vat anyway but if you ship worldwide you have to enter your prices ex vat and then x-cart adds on the vat.

this causes the above and so when a customer thinks they are getting 10% off the price they aren't they are actually getting 10% off the ex vat price and the customer feels cheated.
x-cart 4.0.5 (live and heavily modded)
Server: freebsd
Old 10-23-2005, 01:35 PM
geckoday geckoday is offline

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Originally Posted by Stephen Hatton
My skin1.css is 50Kbytes at this point, however it is precise control over fonts, tables, images, fields, backgrounds, etc. and is downloaded once by the customer until the customer clears their cache. With ADSL > 50Kbytes per second, it is no longer a byte/time issue.

My god that's huge! Sounds like too much of a good thing. I'd rather have a couple of more product images shown on the page to generate sales for a 50K page size hit. Yes it gets cached but what a way to greet a new potential customer - sorry its a little slow getting in the door but you'll like it when you get there? Ever see the tons of ads out there for "5 times faster than regular dial up"? Maybe your site only targets DSL users but I'd like mine to be a good experience for all users.

Make everything as logical as possible from a shoppers view not a programers view

My home page is about 12K of HTML, the CSS is about 7K. So 19K would go to 60K+ wih your CSS. What's the shopper benefit of a 3 times larger page? Nothing - its a programmers thing. I would look at greatly simplifying your css and/or breaking it up so only what's needed on a page gets loaded there.

X-Cart please do work on getting xhtml compliant and all, but don't go overboard.
Manuka Bay Company
X-Cart Version 4.0.19 [Linux]

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Old 10-23-2005, 11:32 PM
john12345 john12345 is offline

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Default Just a few thoughts

Hi all,

Just thought IБ─≥d add my 2 cents

I just finished adding over 20 custom modБ─≥s to 4.0.16 gold, which I found on this forum and thought I was just about ready to launch the storeБ─╕and now you go and completely destroy my plans!!! Great job on implementing these new features.

When I originally began looking around for a shopping cart I nearly didnБ─≥t buy Xcart because I was put off by the little things I saw as flaws. From a technical stance Xcart is extremely powerful, but from a customers point of view there were some glaring visual, design problems. However, after browsing through these forums I discovered there was a wealth of custom modБ─≥s to overcome most of these problems, hence why I bought the script! What I donБ─≥t understand is why many of these are not already included in this latest program releases.

To list a few things that really bugged me include:

- Have Sub-categories with pictures and description
- Improve the search function that finds phrases in Б─°order anyБ─² (pun intended)
- Remove that blasted Б─°product codeБ─² from the product page (took me ages to find the problem and delete it!)
- Making the Site Title different from the business name (my business has a very long name and needs to be distinguished from the title of the store)
- Remove the use of CSS style and GIF picture combination for buttons (what purpose does this serve, why not just use GIF pics Б─⌠ there are only about 12 different buttons that need to be used and itБ─≥s a real pain to change the button templates to replace the Б─°link (Go)Б─² with just an image. I feel this is very important because it really cleans up the layout of the site, particularly on the Б─°shopping cartБ─² and Б─°wishlistБ─² page.
- Remove the Б─°DefaultБ─² sort option (itБ─≥s meaningless)
- Give customers to option to select how many search results to show
- Have related products with thumbnail and description
- Have thumbnail pictures in bestsellers box
- Option to enable Б─°Detailed infoБ─² in mini-cart box (ie. List of products added instead of just Б─°Items=#Б─²)
- The ability to set admin user permissions to limit/grant access to particular aspects of the control panel in the gold version! This is somewhat used in the pro version but still does not allow an administrator to grant/deny access to particular options. For example, I would like to enable my client to access, orders, users, coupons, gift certificates, and products and not give them access to the other system settings. The only way I found around this problem was to edit a few admin templates to remove the links to the parts I want to restrict. Of course IБ─≥m not actually restricting their access, IБ─≥m only removing the link. This is also a pain because it means I have to re-upload the original templates whenever I want to make system changes!

I can think of many many more but I don't want to bore you!

If, in the designing of xcart, you really cared about the customer experience you would never have put the Б─°WARNING: Antifraud module is not enabled.Б─² on the admin invoice! It is these Б─°littleБ─² things that can become big things to many people and as such they need to addressed seriously.

I am re-iterating some of what Б─°shanБ─² posted, but only because heБ─≥s not alone and maybe there needs to be more people re-iterating the problems so they donБ─≥t get forgotten and ignored!!

IБ─≥m sorry if IБ─≥m ranting but the time itБ─≥s taken to write this is nothing compared to the many hours IБ─≥ve spent moding my x-cart. Basically, it would be nice if xcart was one day released with all the ideas mentioned in these forums addressedБ─╕but then again if that happened any idiot could build a brilliant shop!?!

Oh, did I mention I love xcart!! I know itБ─≥s easy to sit back criticizing and picking out all its shortcomings, but thatБ─≥s really the only way things get improved! So IБ─≥ll just sit here and eagerly await future releases.

All the best
xcart v4.1.2 [unix]
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