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TelaFirma - X-Cart Dynamic Image Generator

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Old 05-08-2008, 08:02 AM
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Default Re: TelaFirma - X-Cart Dynamic Image Generator

Originally Posted by Darryl
I am just wondering if everyone has managed to make full use of the X-Cart variant feature without any difficulty? Am I also the only one experiencing this multiple image issue after uploading a detailed image? I ask this because I see some previous posts with issues but no solutions.


It worked wonderfully before Dynamic Images installation. I didn't find it hard to use. It is just like anything with x-cart...nice function but a lot of fiddling to make things work.
I'd like very much to get it back WITH Dynamic images.


X-Cart Gold 4.1.9 - 4.2.0 - 4.2.2
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Old 05-09-2008, 12:29 AM
Freakmode Freakmode is offline

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Default Re: TelaFirma - X-Cart Dynamic Image Generator

I am trying to install this in 4.1.9

but my product.tpl file is missing the following which I need to replace. I checked the original and I can't see it there either.

{if $active_modules.Detailed_Product_Images ne "" && ($config.Detailed_Product_Images.det_image_popup ne 'Y' || $js_enabled ne 'Y')}
<p />
{include file="modules/Detailed_Product_Images/product_images.tpl" }

Do I skip this bit in 4.1.9
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Old 05-10-2008, 09:02 AM
scraps scraps is offline

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Default Re: TelaFirma - X-Cart Dynamic Image Generator

I have the same problem in the product.tpl as 01bodyjewelry does.

I tracked mine to having been removed when I added cart-lab's tab menu. (Because it moves detailed images into a tabbed section)

However, I'll try editing cart-lab's file to see if I can fix it, otherwise, possibly you have an idea of what I can do to fix that problem.
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Old 05-10-2008, 09:29 AM
scraps scraps is offline

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Default Re: TelaFirma - X-Cart Dynamic Image Generator

Ok, if you have cart-labs tabbed menu installed, you will need to do the following.

Be sure that in admin, you go to modules, and click on detailed images option, and check that the images open in a popup window.

Backup your skin1/cartlab-tabs.tpl file.

Now, open the one you kept to alter and

Around line 26, find:

{if $images[0]}<li><a onClick="newtab('dimages',this);" href="#tabs">Images</a></li>{/if}

and either comment out the line, or delete it. (I commented it out)

around line 64 and remove:

<DIV id="dimages" style="display:none;">
{capture name=dialog}
{if $active_modules.Detailed_Product_Images ne "" && $images[0]}
{include file="modules/Detailed_Product_Images/product_images.tpl" }
{include file="cartlab-tabs-dialog.tpl" title="Detailed Image(s)" content=$smarty.capture.dialog extra="width=100%"}

You can then add use the replace line in telafirms module to replace that line around..

in my tpl it's line 200 (but mine is already altered, the original line is on 182 if you never altered your product.tpl but if you have altered, try looking for this line:

{include file="modules/Magnifier/product_magnifier.tpl" productid=$product.productid}

and just under the {/if}

add the line in telafirma's install file.

That should help anyone resolve that problem should they have cart-labs tabbed menu installed.

My apologies, I don't know the proper way to add scripting in those boxes everyone else uses.
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Old 05-10-2008, 01:43 PM
scraps scraps is offline

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Default Re: TelaFirma - X-Cart Dynamic Image Generator

Some other helpful hints with this addon. If your template uses columns that are specific in size. Say your category headers have a line drawn across them with a line going down each edge of column, you will play with the size on the admin/general settings/dynamic images section under - Image width on Product Listing Page: in general settings till you get the size that works best with your columns.

You will realize it quickly if you have an addon such as firetanks recent mod. It not only resized the sidebox so that my lines on header looked off, the image for that addon became huge, so it became important to resize the image back to a size that would work best with the column.

Another thing I have noticed is that if your product image is larger than the detailed images, the product image will overlap, so be sure you size your detailed images at a slightly higher size rate. In other words if product image is 200x350, your smaller images should be 250x360 or 355... the width doesn't seem to matter so much as the height ends up doing.

I really love this addon, I hope my little tips can help another who might not understand why those things happened in there template design.
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Old 05-14-2008, 12:11 AM
beastro beastro is offline

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Default Re: TelaFirma - X-Cart Dynamic Image Generator

Another thing to do, if you work with both portrait and landscape images is to add empty spaces to the sides of the images to make them all square size. I use for example a uniform size of 800x800 for all images which avoids all overlapping issues.

Quick question: I am in process of buying the cartlab template. Are there installation issues with dynamic images mod?

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Old 05-14-2008, 01:01 AM
mistaegoista mistaegoista is offline

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Default Re: TelaFirma - X-Cart Dynamic Image Generator

I've posted this to your mail but since it is rather urgent and sometimes mails get lost, I'm also posting it here:

Hello there!

We've been using the Dynamic Image Generator module and have been very satisfied with its performance and with your swift support. However, another problem has occured with the plugin and we need your help to resolve it.

Until recently we had no need to import products into X-Cart via .CSV file. But a few days ago we had to import 600+ products for a provider, along with the images of the products. What we did was copy the images into the
/net/www/server_root/OUR_STORE/images/T/ and provided the same path in the "Directory where images are located" in the "+ Import options" section of the provider import form. Images paths in the .CSV file were only image names without any folders preceeding in the paths.

The .CSV file checked and then imported successfully, with the images existing phisically on the server and displayed in the detailed product data in the admin. What is happening now is that not only the images for the imported products are not generated in the store, but also if you change an image of an existing product, the "Image not available" appears.

Since the images exist on the server in the right folder, we suspect there is something wrong wit the plugin's access to the ./images/T folder. Following the error log, our sysadmin looked into it and gave the following opinion (translated):

* * * * *

In my opinion, the key error is this:

[09-May-2008 14:36:40] Warning: realpath() [<a href='function.realpath'>function.realpath</a>]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/images/T/Firewire kabel800 - %28AK1394B-18%291-02.JPG) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/tmp:/net/www/apps/x-cart:/net/www/apps/phpMyAdmin:/net/www/server_root/ in /net/www/server_root/ : eval()'d code(1) : eval()'d code(1) : eval()'d code on line 116

The error is generated by the file:


This file wants to open the image instead from this absolute path:

/net/www/server_root/ kabel800 - (AK1394B-18).JPG

or this relative path (mind the dot at the beginning of the path)

./images/T/Firewire kabel800 - (AK1394B-18).JPG

from this absolute path:

/images/T/Firewire kabel800 - (AK1394B-18).JPG

which, clearly, does not exist.

I cannot say what causes the error, since the line 116 of the aforementioned file looks like this:

...NErxnAUxnAUxnAyfgj2cGtNfgboFSIWbNFgIPI9+rKpv9lp bP6gts38Cw6pcNfSv76NEeLnAUxnEeLnJLKQVeL...

Basically, the error is happening because of two possible reasons:
  • an error in the PHP code of the plugin
  • an error with how the images have been written into the database
Following the query:

mysql> select image_path from xcart_images_T where image_path like '%Firewire%';

| image_path |
| ./images/T/Firewire kabel800 - (AK1394B-18)-01.JPG |
| ./images/T/Firewire kabel800 - (AK1394B-18)1-01.JPG |
| ./images/T/Firewire kabel800 - (AK1394B-18)1-02.JPG |
| ./images/T/Firewire kabel800 - (AK1394B-18)2-01.JPG |
| ./images/T/Firewire PCI express kartica 2port - (DC-30201)-01.JPG |
| ./images/T/Firewire PCI kartica 4port - (DC1394-3-1)-01.JPG |
| ./images/T/Firewire PCI kartica 4port - (DC1394-3-1)1-01.JPG |
| ./images/T/Firewire PCMCIA kartica 3port - (DC1394-PCMCIA)-01.JPG |
| ./images/T/Firewire PCMCIA800 kartica - (DCSTPCMCIA-1394B)-01.JPG |
| ./images/T/Firewire-Usb kartica PCI - (DCUSB2-4-1394-3)-01.JPG |
| ./images/T/Firewire800 PCI kartica - (DCST1394B-3)-01.JPG |

I would say it is probably an error in the PHP code.

I think you should do a bug report - we can hardly do more, bacause the file with the error is obfuscated.

* * * * *

The plugin functioned normally before the import of the products.

We would greatly appreciate your help on this matter.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

X-Cart PRO v4.1.9
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Old 05-14-2008, 01:20 AM
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phicaloma phicaloma is offline

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Default Re: TelaFirma - X-Cart Dynamic Image Generator

Originally Posted by mistaegoista

mysql> select image_path from xcart_images_T where image_path like '%Firewire%';

| image_path |
| ./images/T/Firewire kabel800 - (AK1394B-1-01.JPG |
| ./images/T/Firewire kabel800 - (AK1394B-11-01.JPG |
| ./images/T/Firewire kabel800 - (AK1394B-11-02.JPG |
| ./images/T/Firewire kabel800 - (AK1394B-12-01.JPG |
| ./images/T/Firewire PCI express kartica 2port - (DC-30201)-01.JPG |
| ./images/T/Firewire PCI kartica 4port - (DC1394-3-1)-01.JPG |
| ./images/T/Firewire PCI kartica 4port - (DC1394-3-1)1-01.JPG |
| ./images/T/Firewire PCMCIA kartica 3port - (DC1394-PCMCIA)-01.JPG |
| ./images/T/Firewire PCMCIA800 kartica - (DCSTPCMCIA-1394B)-01.JPG |
| ./images/T/Firewire-Usb kartica PCI - (DCUSB2-4-1394-3)-01.JPG |
| ./images/T/Firewire800 PCI kartica - (DCST1394B-3)-01.JPG |

First I am really a rookie in PHP and others...but... if there is really "(" and ")" characters in your images names, then Dynamic images do not work. I had this problem when I intstalled it. (Stephen just told me to get rid of any special character like "+" "(" or ")"...).

As for the "Why is it so?", well I leave the answer to Advanced+++ members...

Hope to be of some help.


X-Cart Gold 4.1.9 - 4.2.0 - 4.2.2
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Old 05-14-2008, 01:51 AM
mistaegoista mistaegoista is offline

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Default Re: TelaFirma - X-Cart Dynamic Image Generator

Originally Posted by phicaloma
First I am really a rookie in PHP and others...but... if there is really "(" and ")" characters in your images names, then Dynamic images do not work. I had this problem when I intstalled it. (Stephen just told me to get rid of any special character like "+" "(" or ")"...).

As for the "Why is it so?", well I leave the answer to Advanced+++ members...

Hope to be of some help.



Damn. Every single image has brackets in it's name. When I tried to change the image from the one with the brackets to the one without, it worked. Have to do the renaming and re-importing of 602 products and pictures, but that's going to be a breeze. Will post here if everything goes back to normal.

Many thanks Philippe, I will adjust the provider manual accordingly.

Best regards,

X-Cart PRO v4.1.9
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Old 05-14-2008, 02:09 AM
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Default Re: TelaFirma - X-Cart Dynamic Image Generator

Actually, the only allowed characters in the images are: " - " and " _ " . Don't use any other characters (note, please don't look at the brackets ).

Hope this helps.
Best regards,
Niki Buitenrust Hettema

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