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Old 09-05-2013, 06:05 AM
  ADDISON's Avatar 

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Default Re: X-Cart 5 beta testing

I appreciate moomal's post.

All fans of XC4 should test XC5 to provide a list of what they need from this new version. Just do a ride folks and let all us know what you like versus what you hate. XC4 is a mature product with tons of modules/customizations. If we want a better X-Cart version we should take all good things from previous versions.

You can add all good things in the near future just with one click!
X-Cart Next: Business 5.2 (learning and testing)
X-Cart Classic: Gold and Gold Plus 4.7
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OS in use: Red Hat Enterprise, Fedora, CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Kali Linux
Ideas for Server configuration (basicaly): Nginx/Pound (reverse proxy), Apache/Nginx (webserver), Squid/Varnish (cache server), HHVM or (PHP-FPM + PHP 5.6 + opcache), MariaDB/Percona MySQL Server, Redis (storing sessions)

You can catch my ideas here:
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Old 09-05-2013, 06:17 AM
  RichieRich's Avatar 
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Default Re: X-Cart 5 beta testing

Originally Posted by xplorer
2. To stimulate sales XC5 shows the lowest price a product can be purchased for at the very moment. That's why products with variants will always appear in lists with the price of the cheapest in-stock variant. After dragging a product to cart the price should not change from the one you saw in the list. So, in case of a product with variants the cheapest in-stock variant will go into the cart. Does this sound more logical now?

Well the issue with my setup will be that t-shirt sizes are used as variants, so if someone can drag the t-shirt into the cart, the smallest available will be selected. I think there should be an option that if activated, the customer must choose from available variants which they want. For example the add-to-cart button in x-cart 4, directs the customer to the product page if the product had variants. It doesnt add the cheapest.

Ultimate 5.4 testing
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Old 09-05-2013, 10:09 AM
  kevfromwiganinlancashire's Avatar 
kevfromwiganinlancashire kevfromwiganinlancashire is offline

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Default Re: X-Cart 5 beta testing

I'm having problems with files missing
xcart/etc/ config.php
xcart/var - type d - exec
xcart/var -type f - exec
xcart/images -type d - exec
xcart/images -type f - exec
xcart/files -type d -exec
xcart/files -type f -exec

I've downloaded and tried twice, I've tried unpacking on server but it won't because it isn't a zip file, is there somewhere else I can download the files as I was going to load my 42000 products and 230 categories and subcategories and try it live
Php 5.4.16-36.el7_1
MySQL 5.5.41-2.el7_0

4.6.x stalled for now

5.2.6 developing
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Old 09-05-2013, 11:36 AM
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Default Re: X-Cart 5 beta testing

Hi Moomal,

Thanks for this great and long list of things which we are to consider!

Now I'll answer the points which I know the answer for, and will get back to you with responses on the rest after discussing with the developers.

Originally Posted by moomal
- Product search (admin) no longer contains certain search options that I used on XC4, for example product ID, availability, and price.

Searching by price - a good point. But do you really need the ability to search by ID? ID is an internal system number. Won't it be better to search by SKU (that you can do already). Also, what is "availability"? Do you mean "in-stock/out-of-stock" (this option is already there)?

Originally Posted by moomal
- On the Catalog/Products page, there are check boxes next to each item, but no checkbox at the top to check/uncheck all.
- The only option available from the checkboxes on the Catalog/Products page is to "Clone Selected". You cannot export selected products nor bulk modify them - both functions I use regularly.

In X-Cart 5 there is no bulk product editing yet. What fields do you usually update when bulk-editing products?

Also, what other options would you like to have for the checkboxes?

Originally Posted by moomal
Manufacturers no longer appear to exist.

You can add a global attribute (see the Attributes tab when editing a product) and name it "Manufacturer". This will allow you to filter and search products by their vendor.

Originally Posted by moomal
I can't find any way to assign related product relationships between products, like you could with XC4 product links. In fact, I can't find any sign of any upselling/cross-selling functionality.

There is no "related products" feature yet, but it is in our plans. Also, check the Product Advisor module - it adds "Customers also purchased" block.

Originally Posted by moomal
It is only possible to export products, not categories. I assume that this means it is also only possible to import products. We use the import/export function for categories frequently.

The CSV import does not allow you to assign values for the various attributes that a product has (for example, if a product has the attribute "color", you can't, through the CSV, say that the color of this product is green).

The URLs for images in the CSV are crazy - I have no idea how I would import images correctly with such URLs. For example: /home/xxxxx/public_html/var/tmp/41a61b4ce1f5df2dd57bb5f6fe6de045/images/product/11/CT-LZ8S.jpeg. And why are images stored in a tmp folder anyway?

The import/export functions are currently being rewritten from scratch. With the release it will be a much more advanced tool that it is right now.

Originally Posted by moomal
There is no image zoom whatsoever. This is a very important feature in our market as the buying decision is almost completely visual.

There is in-page zoom function:

Originally Posted by moomal
There is no wish list.

Yes, there is no wish list function yet.

Originally Posted by moomal
I would recommend changing "Color Schemes" (under Look & Feel settings) to "Themes" (because people will want to change the layout of their stores, not just the colors) and allow us to upload/install new themes in a similar fashion to Modules

Yes, this is good point. We will add the page when there is more themes for X-Cart 5. For now we plan to list themes among other marketplace modules (under the "Website design" tag).

As for "Color Schemes" - this is not a new theme, but CSS variations to the default one. When we have the "Theme" page, things like "Color Schemes" will become theme settings.

Originally Posted by moomal
I can't get clean URLs working. My categories and products have clean URLs defined and the .htaccess file provided with the installation package has been uploaded without any alterations, but they're just not working. I couldn't find anything in the settings that enables/disables clean URLs, so I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Is "clean_urls" setting in your etc/config.php file enabled?

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Old 09-05-2013, 11:39 AM
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Default Re: X-Cart 5 beta testing

Originally Posted by RichieRich
Well the issue with my setup will be that t-shirt sizes are used as variants, so if someone can drag the t-shirt into the cart, the smallest available will be selected. I think there should be an option that if activated, the customer must choose from available variants which they want. For example the add-to-cart button in x-cart 4, directs the customer to the product page if the product had variants. It doesnt add the cheapest.

Yes, this may work for the button, but I can't imagine how this can be done for dragging products to cart with the mouse. Please could you explain this further, as every idea I have will confuse customers even more?
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Old 09-05-2013, 11:50 AM
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Default Re: X-Cart 5 beta testing

The import/export functions are currently being rewritten from scratch. With the release it will be a much more advanced tool that it is right now.
Really looking forward to this. Please ensure it can deal with large datasets and handle errors gracefully.
custom mods and design integration
4.7 linux
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Old 09-05-2013, 01:41 PM
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Default Re: X-Cart 5 beta testing

Originally Posted by kevfromwiganinlancashire
I'm having problems with files missing. I've downloaded and tried twice, I've tried unpacking on server but it won't because it isn't a zip file, is there somewhere else I can download the files as I was going to load my 42000 products and 230 categories and subcategories and try it live

Here is the .zip version:

Does this help?
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Old 09-05-2013, 08:19 PM
RoeBoeDog RoeBoeDog is offline

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Default Re: X-Cart 5 beta testing

Im very excited about this platform but I will not migrate until xc5 has all the features of xc4, this should be the first list they complete. You should have all the current features on xc5.

I understand this is new and you have spent years developing great features within x cart but to not include those in xc5 is crazy.

I really hope in a few years we can transfer onto this with all the same features.

Gavin Trippe


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Old 09-05-2013, 10:11 PM
  cflsystems's Avatar 
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Default Re: X-Cart 5 beta testing

It is great this is being offered as downloadable version and beta has started. You should keep it as beta for longer than 3-4 weeks though.

I can't help but notice and have to say this - if this is a brand new software why is it being released on the old html? Why still html4? html5 is widely used not to mention iPhone and iPad are on html5 since the beginning of days and are still the most widely used table/mobile device....

To me there is no excuse this brand new cart to go back like this...

Also the code still has this
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9"/>

The distributive still has the XC favicon.ico included. Why?

By the way the "zoom in on hover" for product image on product details page is not always best solution. I agree the zoom in popup is necessary. Also this "zoom on hover" does not work properly on iPad.

Go to any product details page, add to cart, stay on same page and click on the cart - do not go to cart but from the dropdown click on "checkout" - instead of the checkout page the product details page reloads. Same happens if adding product to cart from list pages.

Go to any product list page - left column shows categories, filters, new arrivals, etc. Change filter price range and apply - everything from the left column disappears except for the filters block. The only way to get everything back in the left column is to navigate away from the page, even refresh doesn't work

On checkout page - if customer has an account and wants to login the login button redirects to another page, isn't it better to have the login fields right there on the checkout page instead?
Same checkout page without being logged in - "continue" button is grayed out until personal info is filled in but "place order" button looks live (although it doesn't work at this point). Keep it consistent - everything should be grayed out.
And again something I have mentioned before - the store asks for shipping address instead of billing - this is reversed logic to me. Every site I go to asks for billing address and has "shipping as billing" or similar checkbox.

And this is just what I was able to get from a fast browsing on the demo site...

As for the upgrade fee mentioned in some posts above - I also feel it is ok and necessary for QT to ask for an upgrade fee. And yes - XC5 is completely different product from XC4
Steve Stoyanov
Web Development
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Old 09-06-2013, 01:37 AM
  ADDISON's Avatar 

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Default Re: X-Cart 5 beta testing

About Manufacturers - please do not make XC5 looks like Magento. Magento comparing with XC4 has a missing important extension: Shop By Manufacturers. This allowed to 3rd parties to create extensions from $20 to $200. You can skip this payment by creating an attribute called manufacturer. To shop by brand you have to create a category in root called "Brands". When you add a product you can set categories but also one important assigning it to a manufacturer.

but ...

XC4 is out-of-box dealing with Manufacturers. It allows creating pages for any manufacturer, you can add logo, description and so on. There is a side box too for finding one brand especially. This is missing from XC5, and should be corrected by releasing a module.
X-Cart Next: Business 5.2 (learning and testing)
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Ideas for Server configuration (basicaly): Nginx/Pound (reverse proxy), Apache/Nginx (webserver), Squid/Varnish (cache server), HHVM or (PHP-FPM + PHP 5.6 + opcache), MariaDB/Percona MySQL Server, Redis (storing sessions)

You can catch my ideas here:
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