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Old 05-28-2004, 03:47 AM
deniz deniz is offline

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Is it problem for you?
Why you are so interested with this?
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Old 05-28-2004, 04:11 AM
junaid junaid is offline

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Originally Posted by deniz
Is it problem for you?
Why you are so interested with this?

i would be really helpful if you could give a bit attention to my post also
hello i installed it and when tried to login following error came
Table 'shop.customercaremodule_stats' doesn't exist

also want to know is it possible for customer to use same as xcart username and email or they had to regiter here again.
kindly let me know whats causing this Table 'shop.customercaremodule_stats' doesn't exist
xcart 4.18 on linux
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Old 05-28-2004, 04:15 AM
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shan shan is offline

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i would be really helpful if you could give a bit attention to my post also

you must not have added the sql file to the datababase. Its looking for sql tables that are not there
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Old 05-28-2004, 04:24 AM
deniz deniz is offline

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Posts: 70


I have changed the SQL arrays from config.php , the reason for.

normaly it must be xcart_custom...

but I ave changed this to shop_custom..

I guess it will help you.

You have to change the SQL dump file names... in.
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Old 05-28-2004, 11:35 AM
junaid junaid is offline

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Originally Posted by shan
i would be really helpful if you could give a bit attention to my post also

you must not have added the sql file to the datababase. Its looking for sql tables that are not there
i have added the sql file to the database and it is asking for the table which isnt in the sql file..
here is the sql file:
CREATE TABLE `customercaremodule_messages` (
`id` tinyint(3) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`orderid` varchar(255) default NULL,
`sender` varchar(255) default NULL,
`message` text,
`senddate` varchar(255) default NULL,
`reply` varchar(255) default NULL,
`idle` varchar(255) default 'closed',
KEY `id` (`id`)

# --------------------------------------------------------

# Tablo yapısı : `customercaremodule_news`

CREATE TABLE `customercaremodule_news` (
`id` tinyint(3) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`title` varchar(255) default NULL,
`news` text,
`adddate` varchar(255) default NULL,
`link_if_it_is` varchar(255) default NULL,
KEY `id` (`id`)

# --------------------------------------------------------

# Tablo yapısı : `customercaremodule_questions`

CREATE TABLE `customercaremodule_questions` (
`id` tinyint(3) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`value` varchar(255) default NULL,
`idle` tinyint(5) unsigned default NULL,
KEY `id` (`id`)

# --------------------------------------------------------

# Tablo yapısı : `customercaremodule_reviews`

CREATE TABLE `customercaremodule_reviews` (
`id` tinyint(3) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`subject` varchar(255) default NULL,
`reviews` text,
`first_lastname` varchar(255) default NULL,
`country` varchar(50) default NULL,
`email` varchar(255) default NULL,
`status` varchar(255) default 'pasif',
xcart 4.18 on linux
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Old 05-28-2004, 11:43 AM
junaid junaid is offline

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Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 96


Originally Posted by deniz
I have changed the SQL arrays from config.php , the reason for.

normaly it must be xcart_custom...

but I ave changed this to shop_custom..

I guess it will help you.

You have to change the SQL dump file names... in.
Can you please elaborate on this.
i guess ther eis a table missing in the sql file you have posted.
would appreciate the help.
xcart 4.18 on linux
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Old 05-28-2004, 12:19 PM
deniz deniz is offline

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Find the following line;

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Old 05-28-2004, 12:31 PM
junaid junaid is offline

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Posts: 96


Originally Posted by deniz
Find the following line;

thanks but which file, furthermore can you let me know where is this table " customercare statistics in your sql file.

xcart 4.18 on linux
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Old 06-03-2004, 11:09 AM
junaid junaid is offline

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Posts: 96


i guess deniz hasnt been geneorus enough, sorry if i m wrong.
there is clearly a table missing here is a query that i found in my a file.
"SELECT * FROM customercaremodule_stats WHERE subject = 'shipping'";
$shipping = mysql_query($query_shipping, $customer_care) or die(mysql_error());
$row_shipping = mysql_fetch_assoc($shipping);
$totalRows_shipping = mysql_num_rows($shipping);
//kucuk istatistiklerin aritmetik ortalamasini buraya aliyorum...DenizNisan2004
$result = mysql_query("select avg(vote) from customercaremodule_stats WHERE subject = 'bookglobal'");
$sonuc = mysql_fetch_row($result);

and that is the fifth table which is clearly missing.
kindly do let me know if i m wrong.
xcart 4.18 on linux
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Old 06-05-2004, 02:08 AM
deniz deniz is offline

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Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 70


CREATE TABLE `customercaremodule_messages` ( `id` tinyint(3) NOT NULL auto_increment, `orderid` varchar(255) default NULL, `sender` varchar(255) default NULL, `message` text, `senddate` varchar(255) default NULL, `reply` varchar(255) default NULL, `idle` varchar(255) default 'closed', KEY `id` (`id`) ) TYPE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=12 ; # # Tablo dц╤kц╪m verisi `customercaremodule_messages` # INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_messages` VALUES (1, '1', 'zorounzet', 'Please let me now why my order was decline?', '2004 Apr 11', NULL, 'closed'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_messages` VALUES (2, '3', 'zorounzet', 'ok', '2004 Apr 11', NULL, 'closed'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_messages` VALUES (3, '3', 'zorounzet', NULL, '2004 Apr 11', NULL, 'closed'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_messages` VALUES (4, '3', 'zorounzet', 'nerde kardeşim', '2004 Apr 12', NULL, 'closed'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_messages` VALUES (5, '4', 'ersin', 'daha gelmedi...', '2004 Apr 12', NULL, 'closed'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_messages` VALUES (6, '3', 'zorounzet', 'siparişim nyşlfdşlfşlfd', '2004 Apr 12', 'gonderik niye almadın....', 'closed'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_messages` VALUES (7, '3', 'zorounzet', 'ujyujuyuj', '2004 Apr 12', NULL, 'closed'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_messages` VALUES (8, '3', 'zorounzet', NULL, '2004 Apr 12', NULL, 'closed'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_messages` VALUES (9, '1', 'zorounzet', 'umut dereli', '2004 Apr 12', NULL, 'closed'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_messages` VALUES (10, '3', 'zorounzet', 'umut', '2004 Apr 12', NULL, 'closed'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_messages` VALUES (11, '1', 'zorounzet', 'niye kardeşim cevap vvermiyorsun?', '2004 Apr 15', 'yooo verdik ya...', 'open'); # -------------------------------------------------------- # # Tablo yapısı : `customercaremodule_news` # CREATE TABLE `customercaremodule_news` ( `id` tinyint(3) NOT NULL auto_increment, `title` varchar(255) default NULL, `news` text, `adddate` varchar(255) default NULL, `link_if_it_is` varchar(255) default NULL, KEY `id` (`id`) ) TYPE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=9 ; # # Tablo dц╤kц╪m verisi `customercaremodule_news` # INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_news` VALUES (1, 'New Campaign!!', NULL, '12 April 2004', ''); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_news` VALUES (2, 'Kid DVDs released', NULL, '11 April 2004', ''); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_news` VALUES (3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_news` VALUES (4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_news` VALUES (5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_news` VALUES (6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); # -------------------------------------------------------- # # Tablo yapısı : `customercaremodule_questions` # CREATE TABLE `customercaremodule_questions` ( `id` tinyint(3) NOT NULL auto_increment, `value` varchar(255) default NULL, `idle` tinyint(5) unsigned default NULL, KEY `id` (`id`) ) TYPE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=12 ; # # Tablo dц╤kц╪m verisi `customercaremodule_questions` # INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_questions` VALUES (1, 'Orders', 1); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_questions` VALUES (2, 'Affiliate', 2); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_questions` VALUES (3, 'User Information', 3); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_questions` VALUES (4, 'Return Policys', 4); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_questions` VALUES (5, 'Using', 5); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_questions` VALUES (6, 'Wholesalers', 6); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_questions` VALUES (7, 'Special Offers', 7); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_questions` VALUES (8, 'Security Information', 8); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_questions` VALUES (9, 'Discounts', 9); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_questions` VALUES (10, 'About Harun Yahya', 10); # -------------------------------------------------------- # # Tablo yapısı : `customercaremodule_reviews` # CREATE TABLE `customercaremodule_reviews` ( `id` tinyint(3) NOT NULL auto_increment, `subject` varchar(255) default NULL, `reviews` text, `first_lastname` varchar(255) default NULL, `country` varchar(50) default NULL, `email` varchar(255) default NULL, `status` varchar(255) default 'pasif', KEY `id` (`id`) ) TYPE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=6 ; # # Tablo dц╤kц╪m verisi `customercaremodule_reviews` # INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_reviews` VALUES (1, 'customercare', 'perfect work, great job, glad you..\r\ninsaAllah.', 'Umut Dereli', 'US', '', 'aktif'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_reviews` VALUES (2, 'customercare', 'ffgfgfgfdgfdgfgfdg', 'Erdem Dereli', 'US', '', 'aktif'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_reviews` VALUES (3, 'customercare', 'umut', NULL, 'US', NULL, 'pasif'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_reviews` VALUES (4, 'customercare', 'ftrgtrgtrgtrg', NULL, 'US', NULL, 'pasif'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_reviews` VALUES (5, 'shipping', 'cdfdsfds', NULL, 'CN', NULL, 'aktif'); # -------------------------------------------------------- # # Tablo yapısı : `customercaremodule_stats` # CREATE TABLE `customercaremodule_stats` ( `id` tinyint(3) NOT NULL auto_increment, `vote` tinyint(50) NOT NULL default '0', `ip` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `subject` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', KEY `id` (`id`) ) TYPE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=127 ; # # Tablo dц╤kц╪m verisi `customercaremodule_stats` # INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (1, 67, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (4, 60, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (5, 80, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (6, 50, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (7, 90, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (8, 90, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (9, 90, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (10, 90, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (11, 90, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (12, 80, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (13, 70, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (14, 70, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (15, 100, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (16, 100, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (17, 100, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (18, 100, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (19, 100, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (20, 100, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (21, 100, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (22, 90, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (23, 90, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (24, 80, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (25, 80, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (26, 90, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (27, 70, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (28, 70, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (29, 90, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (30, 90, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (31, 10, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (32, 30, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (33, 60, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (34, 80, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (35, 100, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (36, 10, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (37, 10, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (38, 40, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (39, 60, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (40, 40, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (41, 60, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (42, 90, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (43, 60, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (44, 100, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (45, 70, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (46, 50, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (47, 60, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (48, 60, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (49, 50, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (50, 70, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (51, 50, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (52, 50, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (53, 30, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (54, 70, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (55, 40, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (56, 50, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (57, 60, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (58, 90, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (59, 50, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (60, 70, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (61, 50, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (62, 60, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (63, 40, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (64, 40, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (65, 60, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (66, 70, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (67, 80, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (68, 100, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (69, 100, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (70, 100, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (71, 100, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (72, 90, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (73, 90, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (74, 90, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (75, 80, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (76, 80, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (77, 70, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (78, 10, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (79, 10, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (80, 100, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (81, 100, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (82, 60, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (83, 10, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (84, 100, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (85, 30, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (86, 90, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (87, 80, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (88, 70, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (89, 50, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (90, 70, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (91, 100, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (92, 100, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (93, 100, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (94, 100, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (95, 100, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (96, 100, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (97, 100, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (98, 50, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (99, 90, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (100, 100, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (101, 10, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (102, 20, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (103, 60, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (104, 70, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (105, 90, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (106, 90, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (107, 90, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (108, 70, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (109, 80, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (110, 60, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (111, 10, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (112, 10, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (113, 10, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (114, 80, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (115, 60, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (116, 70, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (117, 50, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (118, 20, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (119, 90, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (120, 100, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (121, 100, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (122, 100, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (123, 100, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (124, 100, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (125, 100, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (126, 60, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 90, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 90, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 60, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 90, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 50, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 50, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 90, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 60, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 10, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 10, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 60, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 70, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 50, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 20, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 50, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 70, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 60, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 30, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 10, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 20, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 90, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 100, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 60, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 50, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 70, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 50, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 40, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 50, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 50, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 50, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 40, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 40, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 40, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 10, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 100, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 100, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 50, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 90, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 70, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 70, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 60, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 70, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 60, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 70, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 70, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 100, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 100, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 100, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 100, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 70, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 70, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 90, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 100, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 100, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 90, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 100, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 90, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 70, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 10, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 60, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 50, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 60, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 30, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 10, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 10, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 50, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 90, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 70, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 10, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 10, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 10, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 20, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 90, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 90, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 10, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 60, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 40, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 10, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 10, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 10, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 30, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 100, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 90, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 100, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 70, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 60, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 50, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 30, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 70, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 60, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 30, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 40, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 70, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 40, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 10, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 70, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 30, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 60, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 60, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 50, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 50, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 60, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 60, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 70, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 100, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 100, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 100, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 90, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 90, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 50, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 50, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 60, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 90, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 90, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 70, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 70, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 50, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 60, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 70, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 90, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 60, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 70, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 90, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 60, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 60, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 40, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 50, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 90, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 60, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 50, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 70, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 70, '', 'ccp'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 100, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 100, '', 'shipping'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 100, '', 'bookglobal'); INSERT INTO `customercaremodule_stats` VALUES (127, 80, '', 'bookglobal'); # -------------------------------------------------------- # # Tablo yapısı : `customermodule_customer_questions` # CREATE TABLE `customermodule_customer_questions` ( `id` tinyint(3) NOT NULL auto_increment, `login` varchar(255) default NULL, `email` varchar(255) default NULL, `subject` varchar(255) default NULL, `subsubject` varchar(255) default NULL, `questions` text, `status` varchar(255) default 'closed', `date` varchar(255) default NULL, `reply` varchar(255) default NULL, KEY `id` (`id`) ) TYPE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=19 ; # # Tablo dц╤kц╪m verisi `customermodule_customer_questions` # INSERT INTO `customermodule_customer_questions` VALUES (1, 'zorounzet', '', 'Affiliate', 'Become Affiliate', 'ok', 'closed', '2004 Apr 11', NULL); INSERT INTO `customermodule_customer_questions` VALUES (2, 'zorounzet', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'closed', '2004 Apr 11', NULL); INSERT INTO `customermodule_customer_questions` VALUES (3, NULL, NULL, 'Affiliate', 'Become Affiliate', NULL, 'closed', '2004 Apr 11', NULL); INSERT INTO `customermodule_customer_questions` VALUES (4, 'zorounzet', NULL, 'Orders', 'About your orders', 'benim iptal oldu', 'closed', '2004 Apr 12', NULL); INSERT INTO `customermodule_customer_questions` VALUES (5, 'zorounzet', NULL, 'Return Policys', 'Missing products', 'ufytfyf', 'open', '2004 Apr 12', 'yoo tam gonderdik'); INSERT INTO `customermodule_customer_questions` VALUES (6, NULL, NULL, 'Affiliate', 'Become Affiliate', 'dfsdfdsfdsfsdf', 'closed', '2004 Apr 12', NULL); INSERT INTO `customermodule_customer_questions` VALUES (7, NULL, NULL, 'Special Offers', 'FreeShipping Offers', 'umut test.....', 'closed', '2004 Apr 12', NULL); INSERT INTO `customermodule_customer_questions` VALUES (8, NULL, NULL, 'Return Policys', 'Missing products', 'hjmjmjmjhm', 'closed', '2004 Apr 12', NULL); INSERT INTO `customermodule_customer_questions` VALUES (9, NULL, NULL, 'User Information', 'General Questions', 'umut dereli\r\numut dereli\r\numut dereli\r\n', 'closed', '2004 Apr 12', NULL); INSERT INTO `customermodule_customer_questions` VALUES (10, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'regetget', 'closed', '2004 Apr 15', NULL); INSERT INTO `customermodule_customer_questions` VALUES (11, 'zorounzet', '', 'Return Policys', 'Missing products', 'DVDşler yokkine\r\n', 'open', '2004 Apr 15', 'tamam gonderiyoruzkine'); INSERT INTO `customermodule_customer_questions` VALUES (12, 'zorounzet', '', 'User Information', 'Customer Details', 'test', 'closed', '2004 May 02', NULL); INSERT INTO `customermodule_customer_questions` VALUES (13, 'zorounzet', '', 'User Information', 'Customer Details', 'dsfsdfsdf', 'closed', '2004 May 02', NULL); INSERT INTO `customermodule_customer_questions` VALUES (14, 'zorounzet', '', 'User Information', 'Customer Details', 'test', '0', NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `customermodule_customer_questions` VALUES (15, 'zorounzet', '', 'Orders', 'Billing & Shipping', 'I want to change my billing information.\r\nthanks.', '0', NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO `customermodule_customer_questions` VALUES (16, 'zorounzet', '', 'Affiliate', 'Payment', 'test', 'closed', '2004 May 02', NULL); INSERT INTO `customermodule_customer_questions` VALUES (17, 'zorounzet', '', 'Affiliate', 'Payment', 'test', 'closed', '2004 May 02', NULL); INSERT INTO `customermodule_customer_questions` VALUES (18, 'zorounzet', '', 'Orders', 'Products', 'mumumyumymy', 'closed', '2004 May 07', NULL);
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