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Category Import bug

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Old 09-29-2014, 12:57 PM
BrianY BrianY is offline

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Default Re: Category Import bug

Originally Posted by GreatLakesVacuum
So how do you fix this problem if you already have it messed up? I deleted all my categories and made new ones and the breadcrumbs are all screwed up. Will reimporting all my products fix this? They aren't even linked to categories at all.

Basically yes, but you will need to do some work before re-importing the products. Export your products, download the products.csv file, and open it on your computer. In the column "categories" you should see all of the weird category paths. You will need to fix these to match you new categories and re-import. If using Excel or something similar, the Find and Replace function will save some time. Be careful though, some of ours were so convoluted we Found and Replaced some things we didn't want to even though I was searching for very specific strings of characters.

You would have to do the same thing with your categories by exporting categories.csv and correcting entries in the "path" column, but it sounds like you deleted all categories and recreated so this should not apply.

You may want to do a backup if you haven't already. Luckily I did and it came in handy. Restored images from it once and the whole store another time.
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Old 09-29-2014, 01:00 PM
GreatLakesVacuum GreatLakesVacuum is offline

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Default Re: Category Import bug

Originally Posted by BrianY
Basically yes, but you will need to do some work before re-importing the products. Export your products, download the products.csv file, and open it on your computer. In the column "categories" you should see all of the weird category paths. You will need to fix these to match you new categories and re-import. If using Excel or something similar, the Find and Replace function will save some time. Be careful though, some of ours were so convoluted we Found and Replaced some things we didn't want to even though I was searching for very specific strings of characters.

You would have to do the same thing with your categories by exporting categories.csv and correcting entries in the "path" column, but it sounds like you deleted all categories and recreated so this should not apply.

You may want to do a backup if you haven't already. Luckily I did and it came in handy. Restored images from it once and the whole store another time.

Thanks... none of my products are linked to any categories right now so I wouldn't think it would show anything in that column on the .csv but I will check it out.

I honestly am thinking about just hiding the breadcrumbs completely with the custom CSS as my dropdown menus on my nav bar makes them not necessary.

EDIT: Mine are all fixed... I guess I just had to refresh 170 times and wait an hour after deleting and remaking all the categories.
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The following user thanks GreatLakesVacuum for this useful post:
BrianY (09-29-2014)
Old 10-10-2014, 01:04 AM
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Default Re: Category Import bug

Originally Posted by GreatLakesVacuum
I guess I just had to refresh 170 times and wait an hour after deleting and remaking all the categories.

This is a bug and it will be fixed 5.1.7.

Anyway, happy to hear the problem with import is resolved.
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