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Old 06-19-2003, 03:58 PM
cotc2001 cotc2001 is offline

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I tried the script and it nearly works for me, I submitted to froogle but they say that the images point to the thumbnails rather than the full images
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Old 06-30-2003, 01:46 PM
successful successful is offline

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I used POSDepot Excel workaround to get rid of the lines in between but Google responded:

Please also remove the quotes which are currently surrounding the header
and each product.

I did that manually and then they responded:

We are unable to process feeds that contain line breaks in the
descriptions. Please remove any line breaks from your item descriptions;
each product's information should take up exactly one line in the feed.
For example, the product Partner - English<->English appears to have line
breaks in either the description or name fields.

Your feed contains some extra tabs. There should be only one tab
separating each field from the next and there should not be any tabs after
the last field on any given line. Please make sure there are no extra tabs
in your feed. For example, the product Language Teacher - English <->
Czech Talking Dictionary with 128K Bilingual Business Organizer appears to have extra tab spaces.

Have any of you gotten the code to work ?
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Old 07-16-2003, 07:46 AM
davesphoto davesphoto is offline

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My main problem with using x-cart's product export for Froogle is that my store has multiple providers. X-cart only exports products for one provider from that providers page. I need a way to export all of the products in my store at the same time.

Wouldn't this whole proposal be easier if we just started from scratch with a new product_export.php. I am not much of a programer but I recall that PHP has very powerful text handeling and formating commands. But most importantly the SQL could be set up to export products from all providers. The new .php page could be called from the admin area.

I doubt that I can remember enough php to do this but if sombody else did and wanted to share that would be cool !

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Old 07-16-2003, 07:53 AM
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groovico groovico is offline

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We've already coded an export module for Froggle from x-cart data that does a clean data output.

We haven't released it for sale yet though. It's coming as part of a larger package.

PM me if you are interested and I'll let you know when it's available.

We'll also be offering customisable outputs as needed.

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Old 07-16-2003, 11:23 AM
jpsowin jpsowin is offline

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I had to change the multiple providers manually in the PHP code. Works like a charm. And, uh, hope you did your module from scratch That wouldn't be cool since what I have posted here works just fine, especially if you customize it a little to your needs.
Joshua Sowin
...taking things one TPL at a time.
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Old 07-16-2003, 11:52 AM
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HockeyGuy HockeyGuy is offline

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Default Works fine, but...

This export products mod worked fine for me, but just like another user found, it puts quotes at the beginning and end of each line.

I unfortunately had to delete these quotes manually.

It also provides the Thumnail image (which is fine so far as Froogle has not noticed, but they do specifically ask for a detailed image).

If anybody can post any workarounds for these 2 issues that would be very cool.
Jeff Lancaster
Live Store 3.2.2
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Old 07-16-2003, 01:10 PM
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groovico groovico is offline

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Originally Posted by jpsowin
I had to change the multiple providers manually in the PHP code. Works like a charm. And, uh, hope you did your module from scratch That wouldn't be cool since what I have posted here works just fine, especially if you customize it a little to your needs.

All our code is from scratch.

Break out box from x-cart admin. Much more pleasant.

Ours also limits the data outputted to what is publically available. The code above will export wholesale/special prices out too which most people don't want appearing in the search engines.

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Old 07-18-2003, 10:38 AM
davesphoto davesphoto is offline

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Posts: 24


I got rid of the multiple user problem, but the posted code sill puts in lots of blank lines. Has anybody modified the code to fix this? And if so might they share with us less savy users ?

If not does anybody have any sugestions on how to remove the extra lines? I do not have Excel as one person mentioned, but I am sure there is another way. Perhapse in emacs or vi? Or with some free or GLP utility?

Thanks for the help.

Dave's Photo Emporium
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Old 07-22-2003, 02:40 AM
jeeya jeeya is offline

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Default .


Ok I have paste code in my product_export.tpl in main directory,

Also Do I need to submit my website to to be listed or this will work by self?

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Old 07-22-2003, 11:09 AM
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groovico groovico is offline

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You need to do a bit more than that, you need to register an account with and actually submit the generated data to them if you want to do it properly.

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