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Old 05-06-2003, 08:03 AM is offline

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Default Hey Minorgod, what about.....

the stipulation google sets by not using this for commercial use? and also what happens to the search if you go over 1,000 queries?

Thank you for posting this. I have been trying to get this from day 1. the Google search appliance is like $28,000.

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Old 05-06-2003, 08:12 AM
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minorgod minorgod is offline

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How you use it is between you and Google. If you go over 1000 queries a day, you just get no info returned I think. Google has said something about increasing this limit, but I haven't kept up with them to find out. I'd be surprised if your site got enough traffic to generate 1000 Google queries per day from your domain, but I guess you never know.
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Old 05-06-2003, 11:41 AM is offline

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Default If I got 1000 queries per day I'd be quite happy.

The reason I asked is because the second I don't prepare for happens. I was just wondering if you might have added code to say if google queries >1000 then use the default search.

Why can't the xcart programmers change this search engine to be a little more forgiving for spelling.

Also, If I were to upgrade, would all of my customizations be lost? Can you just upgrade the parts of the program that has changed instead of writing over all of the files. I would think so since you wouldn't wipe out your order/sales history.
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Old 05-06-2003, 11:55 AM
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minorgod minorgod is offline

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You could certainly write code to use the regular search if there's already been 1000+ google searches on your site. You'd need to somehow keep track of the daily number of google searches in a database and then then reset the counter at the end of each day.

If you upgrade your cart, all your customizations will most likely be lost. You can upgrade only specific files if you like, it sometimes works without modifying the files, but you may have to modify the upgraded files to work with your version. Not fun either way.
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Old 05-07-2003, 06:15 AM is offline

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Default How did you....

get the shopping cart to list on the right side of the screen?

I would like my shopping cart and bestseller list there as well.
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Old 05-07-2003, 07:14 AM
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minorgod minorgod is offline

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I'm not sure what your question is. If you just want to move the bestseller list to the right side, then edit the template that includes the bestseller list and change the layout to suit your preferences. You shouldn't need to change any logic. If you have more questions aoubt his, you may want to start a new thread since it's not related to this topic.
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Old 07-22-2003, 05:16 PM
ericmagyar ericmagyar is offline

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Default Will the code work in version 3.4.3

Just checking to see if anyone knows if this code will now work in version 3.4.3 It's an old message, but you guys may have some knowledge now.


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Old 07-23-2003, 06:47 AM
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minorgod minorgod is offline

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The google code itself should work, but you will want to modify your own pages and insert the google code where appropriate. You probably cannot just copy and paste my code. Of course, you're welcome to back up your files and give it a try.
Getting back into x-cart dev after a long hiatus. Modded lots of x-carts from version 3.1.x to 4.1.x. Developer of ImageScaler mod, Pre-login per user coupon mod, Wordpress feed mod, DigitalSubscriptions mod, Phonetic bulk download keys addon for DownloadExpander mod, Serial Number Generator for ESD products, Custom CMS/LMS integrations, external products mod, and more.
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Old 07-23-2003, 05:44 PM
ericmagyar ericmagyar is offline

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Default one more question

The final question I have is this: how do we then put in keywords per product? Does it just search the entire site - my concern is that it will slow the site down. Or, can we set it up with comma separated keywords.

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Old 07-23-2003, 07:53 PM
ericmagyar ericmagyar is offline

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Default I tried inserting all of this..but get some sort of error

The error I get is in search.php. It says something like division by zero.

Also, that's only when I used the regular search. When I put to use the google search, I get blank in the result.

Any suggestions?

Note that I just got my key this very night.

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