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Custom Sales Reports by Product (item total and by qty)

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Old 04-23-2004, 08:41 AM
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abeight abeight is offline

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The link above won't work anymore since I deleted the file and moved it to a password protected area. I took lines 2-5 out, but still get the same error:

Warning: Unexpected character in input: '\' (ASCII=92) state=1 in /home/bizplate/public_html/admin/report.php on line 2 Warning: Unexpected character in input: '\' (ASCII=92) state=1 in /home/bizplate/public_html/admin/report.php on line 2 Parse error: parse error in /home/bizplate/public_html/admin/report.php on line 2
~ Andrea Beight
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Old 04-23-2004, 09:00 AM
jeremye jeremye is offline

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Try replacing the first line with this (add just php)


I think it's a PHP setting with your server. We'll work it out...
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Old 04-23-2004, 09:09 AM
jeremye jeremye is offline

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Originally Posted by abeight
I took lines 2-5 out, but still get the same error

Anyone else want to chime in if you've seen this error before? I can only find these two links on PHP bugs, but can't really think up a solution:
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Old 04-23-2004, 09:22 AM
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abeight abeight is offline

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LOL... well that was a step in the right direction. Now I only get the bottom two lines of the error. Thanks for trying to figure it out. Don't kill youself over it though.
~ Andrea Beight
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Old 04-23-2004, 09:25 AM
jeremye jeremye is offline

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Try doing a search and replace:

Find "<?"
Replace with "<?php"

See if that does anything.
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Old 04-23-2004, 11:16 AM
jeremye jeremye is offline

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I did some more reading and it may be that 'magic_quotes_gpc' it turned OFF in your PHP settings. Let me know if you need help finding out how to check this.
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Old 04-27-2004, 07:39 AM
rivermarinesupply rivermarinesupply is offline

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This picks up failed attempts as well, (which in my case really skews the order qty) is there anyway to have it only accept processed orders?

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Old 04-27-2004, 08:39 AM
jeremye jeremye is offline

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This can easily be accomplished by adding a few qualifying statements to the SQL query on Line 110 (or thereabouts): Delete the line where it starts with "$sql = "SELECT tblproducts..." and replace it with the following:

$sql = "SELECT tblproducts.product, tbldetails.productid, SUM(tbldetails.price*tbldetails.amount) AS total, SUM(tbldetails.amount) AS qty_purchased FROM xcart_order_details AS tbldetails, xcart_products AS tblproducts, xcart_orders AS tblorders WHERE tblproducts.productid=tbldetails.productid AND tbldetails.orderid=tblorders.orderid AND >= $start_date AND <= $end_date AND tblorders.status = 'C' OR tblorders.status = 'P' GROUP BY tbldetails.productid ORDER BY $report_type desc";

Notice that I added two statements:
AND tblorders.status = 'C' OR tblorders.status = 'P'

This makes sure it only counts orders that are Complete or Processed.

I have tested it on my side and it works fine. Let me know if this helps or not.
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Old 04-27-2004, 08:43 AM
jeremye jeremye is offline

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I forgot to mention another nice feature of this report. If you noticed, the X-Cart pre-packaged orders reports shows the total gross/paid amounts for the order date range you selected. Unfortunately, it adds shipping costs as well, so you are truly not generating the amount of revenue that x-cart claims you are. This report ONLY takes into account the product prices, not shipping, so you may notice a difference between this report and the reports that x-cart generates (this statement is valid up to version 3.4.14).

Just an FYI.
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Old 05-03-2004, 10:31 AM
deniz deniz is offline

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Originally Posted by jeremye
This can easily be accomplished by adding a few qualifying statements to the SQL query on Line 110 (or thereabouts): Delete the line where it starts with "$sql = "SELECT tblproducts..." and replace it with the following:

$sql = "SELECT tblproducts.product, tbldetails.productid, SUM(tbldetails.price*tbldetails.amount) AS total, SUM(tbldetails.amount) AS qty_purchased FROM xcart_order_details AS tbldetails, xcart_products AS tblproducts, xcart_orders AS tblorders WHERE tblproducts.productid=tbldetails.productid AND tbldetails.orderid=tblorders.orderid AND >= $start_date AND <= $end_date AND tblorders.status = 'C' OR tblorders.status = 'P' GROUP BY tbldetails.productid ORDER BY $report_type desc";

Notice that I added two statements:
AND tblorders.status = 'C' OR tblorders.status = 'P'

This makes sure it only counts orders that are Complete or Processed.

I have tested it on my side and it works fine. Let me know if this helps or not.

I am using 3.3.3 and the second sql didnot work. any help idea?
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