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Old 11-06-2013, 10:03 PM is offline

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Default Re: X-Cart Mobile module released

Also, when you click on "New Address" in the address popup, it opens and then closes immediately so you cannot add a new address. You can only change the one but it updates both. Tested on Android and iOS.
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Old 11-07-2013, 01:14 AM is offline

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Default Re: X-Cart Mobile module released

I fixed all of the issues I was having and everything is now great by referring back to the original main store files. We had X-cart do some changes to register.php/.tpl (Ticket # 537333879) and that caused the issue we had. Thanks
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Old 12-12-2013, 07:22 AM
Freakmode Freakmode is offline

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Default Re: X-Cart Mobile module released

Does anyone know how to add a link to the New Arrivals section so it appears in the category list in X Cart Mobile?
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Old 12-12-2013, 10:30 PM
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Default Re: X-Cart Mobile module released

Originally Posted by Freakmode
Does anyone know how to add a link to the New Arrivals section so it appears in the category list in X Cart Mobile?

As far as I understand your needs, open the xcart_dir/skin/common_files/modules/Xcart_Mobile/customer/main/subcategories_list.tpl
then add the following code before the {foreach...}
HTML Code:
<li><a href="new_arrivals.php">{$lng.lbl_new_arrivals}</a></li>
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Old 12-13-2013, 06:34 AM
Freakmode Freakmode is offline

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Default Re: X-Cart Mobile module released

Originally Posted by skot
As far as I understand your needs, open the xcart_dir/skin/common_files/modules/Xcart_Mobile/customer/main/subcategories_list.tpl
then add the following code before the {foreach...}
HTML Code:
<li><a href="new_arrivals.php">{$lng.lbl_new_arrivals}</a></li>

Brilliant, worked great - thanks
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Old 12-15-2013, 08:12 PM
Thomasb134 Thomasb134 is offline

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Default Re: X-Cart Mobile module released

I just installed XC Mobile and mobile users are causing php errors to be logged. The log entry is as follows:

Warning: Smarty error: unable to read resource: "modules/New_Arrivals/new_arrivals_link.tpl" in /home/acme/public_html/include/lib/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1093

1. I cannot find the
new_arrivals_link.tpl file anywhere in my 4.4.5 installation. It wasn't provided in my original X-Hot Products Add-on file set and the XC Mobile file set does not have it either.
2. The error occurs regardless of the settings->modules->X-Cart Mobile "Show New Arrivals on home page" setting.
3. The New Arrivals link does not appear on mobile browsers (but is fine on regular browsers).

So could use some advice on how to fix this error.

Thomas / USA
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Old 12-16-2013, 02:21 AM
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Default Re: X-Cart Mobile module released

Originally Posted by Thomasb134
I just installed XC Mobile and mobile users are causing php errors to be logged.

It seems you are using a 3rd party module in your store.
That "new_arrivals_link.tpl" template reference is for the built-in X-Cart GoldPlus "New Arrivals" module which appeared in the XC v4.6.0

To avoid the error, please open the template "skin/common_files/modules/Xcart_Mobile/customer/main/more.tpl"

Find the line with the code:
HTML Code:
{include file="modules/New_Arrivals/new_arrivals_link.tpl"}
and remove it, or replace with the link to your own "New Arrivals" page using the following code-style:
HTML Code:
<li><a href="%YOUR_LINK_URL%">%YOUR_LINK_TEXT%</a></li>
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Old 12-16-2013, 08:36 AM
Thomasb134 Thomasb134 is offline

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Default Re: X-Cart Mobile module released

It seems you are using a 3rd party module in your store. That "new_arrivals_link.tpl" template reference is for the built-in X-Cart GoldPlus "New Arrivals" module which appeared in the XC v4.6.0
I am indeed using a New Arrivals module, but it is not third party. It is the one included in the Hot Products module sold by X-Cart. This module is triggering the code (if $active_modules.New_Arrivals ne "") in mobile's more.tpl. It seems to me that other installations that are using this official add-on with their 4.4.x branch would face the same issue as me.

Find the line with the code: {...} and remove it, or replace with the link to your own "New Arrivals" page using the following code-style:
Thank you for the advice. My solution was to install the new_arrivals_link.tpl file provided in the 4.6.1 Hot Products module. The New Arrivals link now appears on mobile browsers and the php error is no longer generated. So problem solved.
Thomas / USA
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Old 12-17-2013, 12:10 PM
Thomasb134 Thomasb134 is offline

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Default Re: X-Cart Mobile module released

I've been testing our mobile add-on with an iPad (the only mobile device I have) and have noticed some odd behavior when switching mobile view to the desktop view. Here are the steps and what I see:

1. Click "Switch to desktop version" button.
2. A popup appears asking "Switch the web-site view?? Are you sure you want to switch from mobile view to the original one? You can switch back later."
3. Click "Switch." Browser changes to desktop view as expected.

Problem #1:
At this point a new popup immediately appears that says "Switch the web-site view? Are you sure you want to switch from the current view to the mobile one?" This second popup creates a poor user experience since it makes no sense to ask the customer if they want to switch to the mobile browser when they just confirmed that they want the desktop version.

I reviewed XC's demo and it does this too. The popup seen on the XC demo site goes away after several seconds. But the popup in my store is persistent and requires a customer response in order to proceed. Regardless, the popup is silly.

4. Click "No" to the popup (to remain in desktop view).

Problem #2
After clicking "No" the popup closes and then immediately re-appears.

5. Click "No" to the popup again (to remain in desktop view). Nothing happens.

Problem #3
The popup now ignores the customer's "No" clicks and remains on the screen.

6. Click the (X) close button. The popup closes. The customer is now in desktop view and can shop.

Problem #4.
I cannot find the button that reverts the customer back to mobile view. The XC demo does not seem to have such a feature either. So it is mystery to me how the customer can conveniently switch back. Keep in mind that when the customer first selected desktop view the popup said they could switch back later. Other than using the browser's back button, how is this done?

Any advice is appreciated.
Thomas / USA
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Old 12-21-2013, 11:39 AM
Thomasb134 Thomasb134 is offline

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Default Re: X-Cart Mobile module released

In addition to the missing .tpl file that was resolved in post #148, today I found a logged php error due to another missing tpl file needed for the X-HotProducts add-on. It seems that X-Cart mobile also requires quick_reorder_link_menu_cart.tpl.

I found it in the 4.5.5 X-HotProducts distribution and installed it in my 4.4.5 cart. That did the trick. So for those of you with a 4.4.x cart that are using X-Mobile with X-HotProducts, you'll need to add the missing tpl files.
Thomas / USA
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