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Old 06-08-2005, 04:24 AM
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jedak jedak is offline

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Originally Posted by TJ Stephens
I think I am having the same problem as you. Try going to "taxing system" under management and uncheck "Display cart/order totals including tax:". See if this makes it display the taxes. I'm using 4.0.13 too and if this box is checked then it displays takes for me with the pre-login shipping calculator. If I uncheck it (which I want to do for formating reasons) then the total still includes the taxes but the tax line displays "n/a" instead of the actual tax amount. Is this the same thing you are having trouble with? If so, I will let you know if I figure out how to fix this and please do the same if you find a fix.


Yes that is the same problem. If 'display cart/order totals including tax' but in the way I 'think' Jeanne has it. This way actually shows tax calculation on each value in the cart.
e.g. with the box checked
Subtotal: $10.31
Discount: $0.95
Discounted subtotal: $9.28
Shipping: $5.38

TOTAL: $14.65
Including: Sales Tax: $1.16

e.g. without the box checked
Subtotal: $9.49
Discount: $0.95
Discounted subtotal: $8.54
Shipping: $4.95
Sales Tax 8.625%: n/a

TOTAL: $14.65

e.g. when customer is logged in (the way I want it)
Subtotal: $9.49
Discount: $0.95
Discounted subtotal: $8.54
Shipping: $4.95
Sales Tax 8.625%: $1.16

TOTAL: $14.65

Certainly will post if I come up with the solution.

Jeanne am I correct in assuming what I did about your taxes calculation?
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Old 06-08-2005, 02:45 PM
jeanne jeanne is offline

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If the tax zone is looking for cities then the only way that you will get taxes to show with the zip code estimate is to either build a routine in cart.php that will translate the zip to a city or set up your tax zone by zip code.

if($zipcode_estimate >= 10001 && $zipcode_estimate <= 10002){
$config["General"]["default_city"] = "A City";
}elseif($zipcode_estimate >= 10003 && $zipcode_estimate <= 10004){
$config["General"]["default_city"] = "Another City";

(I don't know what the correct zip codes would be.)

I think that it would be easier to set up your tax zone up by zip code though so if you needed to change any zip codes you would not have to dig through the code.
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Old 06-08-2005, 02:52 PM
jeanne jeanne is offline

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Sorry I didn't see that part about having that box unchecked before.
That is the way that I have it on my site (The "Display cart/order totals including tax" is unchecked). It looks like this when someone enters a zip code (not logged in) that is from California.

Subtotal: $32.95
Shipping: $2.00
California State Tax 7.25%: $2.39

TOTAL: $37.34
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Old 06-08-2005, 03:20 PM
jeanne jeanne is offline

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OK Duh, I obviously don't keep close enough track on what I change in my files. Go to main/customer/cart_totals.tpl

Instead of
{if $cart.taxes and $config.Taxes.display_taxed_order_totals ne "Y"} {foreach key=tax_name item=tax from=$cart.taxes} <TR> <TD nowrap><FONT class="FormButton">{$tax.tax_display_name}{if $tax.rate_type eq "%"} {$tax.rate_value}%{/if}:</FONT></TD> <TD>[img]{$ImagesDir}/null.gif[/img] </TD> <TD nowrap align="right"><FONT class="ProductPriceSmall">{if $login ne "" or $config.General.apply_default_country eq "Y"}{include file="currency.tpl" value=$tax.tax_cost}</FONT></TD> <TD nowrap align="right">{include file="customer/main/alter_currency_value.tpl" alter_currency_value=$tax.tax_cost}{else}n/a{assign var="not_logged_message" value="1"}</FONT></TD><TD>{/if}</TD> </TR> {/foreach} {/if}
{if $cart.taxes and $config.Taxes.display_taxed_order_totals ne "Y"} {foreach key=tax_name item=tax from=$cart.taxes} <TR> <TD nowrap><FONT class="FormButton">{$tax.tax_display_name}{if $tax.rate_type eq "%"} {$tax.rate_value}%{/if}:</FONT></TD> <TD>[img]{$ImagesDir}/null.gif[/img] </TD> <TD nowrap align="right"><FONT class="ProductPriceSmall">{if $login ne "" or $estimate eq "NO" or $config.General.apply_default_country eq "Y"}{include file="currency.tpl" value=$tax.tax_cost}</FONT></TD> <TD nowrap align="right">{include file="customer/main/alter_currency_value.tpl" alter_currency_value=$tax.tax_cost}{else}n/a{assign var="not_logged_message" value="1"}</FONT></TD><TD>{/if}</TD> </TR> {/foreach} {/if}

That should get the tax to show up instead of n/a
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Old 06-08-2005, 04:51 PM
TJ Stephens TJ Stephens is offline

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THANK YOU JEANNE! That fixed it. You are a star!
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Old 06-09-2005, 04:49 AM
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jedak jedak is offline

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ALL HAIL JEANNE Thank you . Also special thanks to Rackit and all others who. But right now Jeanne you are the
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Old 06-18-2005, 08:08 PM
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Jayk Jayk is offline

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Got it working on 4.0.13. The problem I was having was with the taxes, but Jeanne's cart_totals.tpl tweak fixed my issue.

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Old 06-19-2005, 03:56 AM
salsabeel salsabeel is offline

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I use xcart 4.0.13
and modify cart.php and cart_totals.tpl as follow

1- cart.php

x_session_register("cart"); x_session_register("intershipper_rates"); x_session_register("intershipper_recalc"); x_session_unregister("secure_oid"); x_session_register("extended_userinfo"); x_session_register("anonymous_checkout"); x_session_register("payment_cc_fields"); x_session_register("current_carrier","UPS"); x_session_register("is_sns_action");

x_session_register("shipping_country_name"); if($shipping_country== "clear"){ $shipping_country_name = ""; func_header_location("cart.php"); } if($shipping_country != "") { $shipping_country_name = $shipping_country; $config["General"]["apply_default_country"] = "Y"; $config["General"]["default_country"]=$shipping_country_name; $smarty->assign("estimate","NO"); }


{if $estimate ne "NO"} Enter your country to calculate shipping charges. <SELECT size=1 name=shipping_country style="font-size: 10px; WIDTH: 120px" > <OPTION value=AF>Afghanistan</OPTION> <OPTION value=AL>Albania</OPTION> <OPTION value=DZ>Algeria</OPTION> <OPTION value=AS>American Samoa</OPTION> <OPTION value=AD>Andorra</OPTION> <OPTION value=AO>Angola</OPTION> <OPTION value=AI>Anguilla</OPTION> <OPTION value=AQ>Antarctica</OPTION> <OPTION value=AG>Antigua and Barbuda</OPTION> <OPTION value=AR>Argentina</OPTION> <OPTION value=AM>Armenia</OPTION> <OPTION value=AW>Aruba</OPTION> <OPTION value=AU>Australia</OPTION> <OPTION value=AT>Austria</OPTION> <OPTION value=AZ>Azerbaijan</OPTION> <OPTION value=BS>Bahamas</OPTION> <OPTION value=BH>Bahrain</OPTION> <OPTION value=BD>Bangladesh</OPTION> <OPTION value=BB>Barbados</OPTION> <OPTION value=BY>Belarus</OPTION> <OPTION value=BE>Belgium</OPTION> <OPTION value=BZ>Belize</OPTION> <OPTION value=BJ>Benin</OPTION> <OPTION value=BM>Bermuda</OPTION> <OPTION value=BT>Bhutan</OPTION> <OPTION value=BO>Bolivia</OPTION> <OPTION value=BA>Bosnia and Herzegowina</OPTION> <OPTION value=BW>Botswana</OPTION> <OPTION value=BV>Bouvet Island</OPTION> <OPTION value=BR>Brazil</OPTION> <OPTION value=IO>British Indian Ocean Territory</OPTION> <OPTION value=VG>British Virgin Islands</OPTION> <OPTION value=BN>Brunei Darussalam</OPTION> <OPTION value=BG>Bulgaria</OPTION> <OPTION value=BF>Burkina Faso</OPTION> <OPTION value=BI>Burundi</OPTION> <OPTION value=KH>Cambodia</OPTION> <OPTION value=CM>Cameroon</OPTION> <OPTION value=CA>Canada</OPTION> <OPTION value=CV>Cape Verde</OPTION> <OPTION value=KY>Cayman Islands</OPTION> <OPTION value=CF>Central African Republic</OPTION> <OPTION value=TD>Chad</OPTION> <OPTION value=CL>Chile</OPTION> <OPTION value=CN>China</OPTION> <OPTION value=CX>Christmas Island</OPTION> <OPTION value=CC>Cocos (Keeling) Islands</OPTION> <OPTION value=CO>Colombia</OPTION> <OPTION value=KM>Comoros</OPTION> <OPTION value=CG>Congo</OPTION> <OPTION value=CK>Cook Islands</OPTION> <OPTION value=CR>Costa Rica</OPTION> <OPTION value=CI>Cote D'ivoire</OPTION> <OPTION value=HR>Croatia</OPTION> <OPTION value=CU>Cuba</OPTION> <OPTION value=CY>Cyprus</OPTION> <OPTION value=CZ>Czech Republic</OPTION> <OPTION value=DK>Denmark</OPTION> <OPTION value=DJ>Djibouti</OPTION> <OPTION value=DM>Dominica</OPTION> <OPTION value=DO>Dominican Republic</OPTION> <OPTION value=TP>East Timor</OPTION> <OPTION value=EC>Ecuador</OPTION> <OPTION value=EG selected>Egypt</OPTION> <OPTION value=SV>El Salvador</OPTION> <OPTION value=GQ>Equatorial Guinea</OPTION> <OPTION value=ER>Eritrea</OPTION> <OPTION value=EE>Estonia</OPTION> <OPTION value=ET>Ethiopia</OPTION> <OPTION value=FK>Falkland Islands (Malvinas)</OPTION> <OPTION value=FO>Faroe Islands</OPTION> <OPTION value=FJ>Fiji</OPTION> <OPTION value=FI>Finland</OPTION> <OPTION value=FR>France</OPTION> <OPTION value=FX>France, Metropolitan</OPTION> <OPTION value=GF>French Guiana</OPTION> <OPTION value=PF>French Polynesia</OPTION> <OPTION value=TF>French Southern Territories</OPTION> <OPTION value=GA>Gabon</OPTION> <OPTION value=GM>Gambia</OPTION> <OPTION value=GE>Georgia</OPTION> <OPTION value=DE>Germany</OPTION> <OPTION value=GH>Ghana</OPTION> <OPTION value=GI>Gibraltar</OPTION> <OPTION value=GR>Greece</OPTION> <OPTION value=GL>Greenland</OPTION> <OPTION value=GD>Grenada</OPTION> <OPTION value=GP>Guadeloupe</OPTION> <OPTION value=GU>Guam</OPTION> <OPTION value=GT>Guatemala</OPTION> <OPTION value=GN>Guinea</OPTION> <OPTION value=GW>Guinea-Bissau</OPTION> <OPTION value=GY>Guyana</OPTION> <OPTION value=HT>Haiti</OPTION> <OPTION value=HM>Heard and McDonald Islands</OPTION> <OPTION value=HN>Honduras</OPTION> <OPTION value=HK>Hong Kong</OPTION> <OPTION value=HU>Hungary</OPTION> <OPTION value=IS>Iceland</OPTION> <OPTION value=IN>India</OPTION> <OPTION value=ID>Indonesia</OPTION> <OPTION value=IQ>Iraq</OPTION> <OPTION value=IE>Ireland</OPTION> <OPTION value=IR>Islamic Republic of Iran</OPTION> <OPTION value=IL>Israel</OPTION> <OPTION value=IT>Italy</OPTION> <OPTION value=JM>Jamaica</OPTION> <OPTION value=JP>Japan</OPTION> <OPTION value=JO>Jordan</OPTION> <OPTION value=KZ>Kazakhstan</OPTION> <OPTION value=KE>Kenya</OPTION> <OPTION value=KI>Kiribati</OPTION> <OPTION value=KP>Korea</OPTION> <OPTION value=KR>Korea, Republic of</OPTION> <OPTION value=KW>Kuwait</OPTION> <OPTION value=KG>Kyrgyzstan</OPTION> <OPTION value=LA>Laos</OPTION> <OPTION value=LV>Latvia</OPTION> <OPTION value=LB>Lebanon</OPTION> <OPTION value=LS>Lesotho</OPTION> <OPTION value=LR>Liberia</OPTION> <OPTION value=LY>Libyan Arab Jamahiriya</OPTION> <OPTION value=LI>Liechtenstein</OPTION> <OPTION value=LT>Lithuania</OPTION> <OPTION value=LU>Luxembourg</OPTION> <OPTION value=MO>Macau</OPTION> <OPTION value=MK>Macedonia</OPTION> <OPTION value=MG>Madagascar</OPTION> <OPTION value=MW>Malawi</OPTION> <OPTION value=MY>Malaysia</OPTION> <OPTION value=MV>Maldives</OPTION> <OPTION value=ML>Mali</OPTION> <OPTION value=MT>Malta</OPTION> <OPTION value=MH>Marshall Islands</OPTION> <OPTION value=MQ>Martinique</OPTION> <OPTION value=MR>Mauritania</OPTION> <OPTION value=MU>Mauritius</OPTION> <OPTION value=YT>Mayotte</OPTION> <OPTION value=MX>Mexico</OPTION> <OPTION value=FM>Micronesia</OPTION> <OPTION value=MD>Moldova, Republic of</OPTION> <OPTION value=MC>Monaco</OPTION> <OPTION value=MN>Mongolia</OPTION> <OPTION value=MS>Montserrat</OPTION> <OPTION value=MA>Morocco</OPTION> <OPTION value=MZ>Mozambique</OPTION> <OPTION value=MM>Myanmar</OPTION> <OPTION value=NA>Namibia</OPTION> <OPTION value=NR>Nauru</OPTION> <OPTION value=NP>Nepal</OPTION> <OPTION value=NL>Netherlands</OPTION> <OPTION value=AN>Netherlands Antilles</OPTION> <OPTION value=NC>New Caledonia</OPTION> <OPTION value=NZ>New Zealand</OPTION> <OPTION value=NI>Nicaragua</OPTION> <OPTION value=NE>Niger</OPTION> <OPTION value=NG>Nigeria</OPTION> <OPTION value=NU>Niue</OPTION> <OPTION value=NF>Norfolk Island</OPTION> <OPTION value=MP>Northern Mariana Islands</OPTION> <OPTION value=NO>Norway</OPTION> <OPTION value=OM>Oman</OPTION> <OPTION value=PK>Pakistan</OPTION> <OPTION value=PW>Palau</OPTION> <OPTION value=PA>Panama</OPTION> <OPTION value=PG>Papua New Guinea</OPTION> <OPTION value=PY>Paraguay</OPTION> <OPTION value=PE>Peru</OPTION> <OPTION value=PH>Philippines</OPTION> <OPTION value=PN>Pitcairn</OPTION> <OPTION value=PL>Poland</OPTION> <OPTION value=PT>Portugal</OPTION> <OPTION value=PR>Puerto Rico</OPTION> <OPTION value=QA>Qatar</OPTION> <OPTION value=RE>Reunion</OPTION> <OPTION value=RO>Romania</OPTION> <OPTION value=RU>Russian Federation</OPTION> <OPTION value=RW>Rwanda</OPTION> <OPTION value=LC>Saint Lucia</OPTION> <OPTION value=WS>Samoa</OPTION> <OPTION value=SM>San Marino</OPTION> <OPTION value=ST>Sao Tome and Principe</OPTION> <OPTION value=SA>Saudi Arabia</OPTION> <OPTION value=SN>Senegal</OPTION> <OPTION value=SC>Seychelles</OPTION> <OPTION value=SL>Sierra Leone</OPTION> <OPTION value=SG>Singapore</OPTION> <OPTION value=SK>Slovakia</OPTION> <OPTION value=SI>Slovenia</OPTION> <OPTION value=SB>Solomon Islands</OPTION> <OPTION value=SO>Somalia</OPTION> <OPTION value=ZA>South Africa</OPTION> <OPTION value=ES>Spain</OPTION> <OPTION value=LK>Sri Lanka</OPTION> <OPTION value=SH>St. Helena</OPTION> <OPTION value=KN>St. Kitts and Nevis</OPTION> <OPTION value=PM>St. Pierre and Miquelon</OPTION> <OPTION value=VC>St. Vincent and the Grenadines</OPTION> <OPTION value=SD>Sudan</OPTION> <OPTION value=SR>Suriname</OPTION> <OPTION value=SJ>Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands</OPTION> <OPTION value=SZ>Swaziland</OPTION> <OPTION value=SE>Sweden</OPTION> <OPTION value=CH>Switzerland</OPTION> <OPTION value=SY>Syrian Arab Republic</OPTION> <OPTION value=TW>Taiwan</OPTION> <OPTION value=TJ>Tajikistan</OPTION> <OPTION value=TZ>Tanzania, United Republic of</OPTION> <OPTION value=TH>Thailand</OPTION> <OPTION value=TG>Togo</OPTION> <OPTION value=TK>Tokelau</OPTION> <OPTION value=TO>Tonga</OPTION> <OPTION value=TT>Trinidad and Tobago</OPTION> <OPTION value=TN>Tunisia</OPTION> <OPTION value=TR>Turkey</OPTION> <OPTION value=TM>Turkmenistan</OPTION> <OPTION value=TC>Turks and Caicos Islands</OPTION> <OPTION value=TV>Tuvalu</OPTION> <OPTION value=UG>Uganda</OPTION> <OPTION value=UA>Ukraine</OPTION> <OPTION value=AE>United Arab Emirates</OPTION> <OPTION value=GB>United Kingdom (Great Britain)</OPTION> <OPTION value=US>United States</OPTION> <OPTION value=VI>United States Virgin Islands</OPTION> <OPTION value=UY>Uruguay</OPTION> <OPTION value=UZ>Uzbekistan</OPTION> <OPTION value=VU>Vanuatu</OPTION> <OPTION value=VA>Vatican City State</OPTION> <OPTION value=VE>Venezuela</OPTION> <OPTION value=VN>Viet Nam</OPTION> <OPTION value=WF>Wallis And Futuna Islands</OPTION> <OPTION value=EH>Western Sahara</OPTION> <OPTION value=YE>Yemen</OPTION> <OPTION value=YU>Yugoslavia</OPTION> <OPTION value=ZR>Zaire</OPTION> <OPTION value=ZM>Zambia</OPTION> <OPTION value=ZW>Zimbabwe</OPTION></SELECT> {include file="buttons/button.tpl" button_title="Calculate Shipping" href="javascript: document.cartform.submit()" js_to_href="Y"} {else} Click here to change your country {/if}

I setup zones manually and all shipping price depending on country only

If I choose the country form Drop-Down list
I have no change (the shipping price stile 0$)

for check on cart.php I use this url

I found it works good with no error (correct value of shipping price)

I down't know what I do?
I think I need to modify in cart_totals.tpl .
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Old 07-09-2005, 10:27 AM
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Jayk Jayk is offline

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Has anyone come up with a solution to this one:

Okay, I got it so the Canadian Shipping rate is calculated. But now when I put in a US postal Code it says:

Canada Post Realtime shipping rate calculation service returned the following error:
Destination Postal Code/State Name/ Country is illegal.
Sorry, there are no available shipping methods for your location.:

This happens when using the Canada Post Sell Online Shipping Module and entering a US zip code. I am wondering if Canada Post requires a State as well?

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Old 07-18-2005, 09:28 AM
Mary Jo Robins Mary Jo Robins is offline

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Default update mod

Here we are over a year old on this mod. Over 9 pages to read thru and try to figure out what was good is not good now and need to change that to this to make it work now. Can someone post the most current code for 4.0.14. This way we can start from there to keep this mod alive.

Thank you
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