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How do I right click protect my pictures???

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Old 12-13-2004, 06:43 AM
sherwood sherwood is offline

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Default How do I right click protect my pictures???

What has to be done to right click protect all of my product pictures???
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Old 12-13-2004, 06:51 AM
balinor balinor is offline

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There are a lot of scripts that will do this (see, but honestly, if someone really wants your images they just have to go into their browser cache and get them. I have found that right-click protect scripts are more trouble than they are worth. If you really want to protect them, watermark them like the stock image companies do.
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Old 12-13-2004, 06:51 AM
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Zaja Zaja is offline

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There's no real surefire way to prevent someone from taking images from your shop.

Right click protect is easy to circumvent, and annoys the crap out of real visitors who use their right mouse button for opening links in a new tab or window.

Instead you should watermark and digitally sign your images.
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
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Old 12-18-2004, 12:07 AM
kevinrm kevinrm is offline

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Default You got it all wrong...

"For goodness sakes! This is the bloody internet! "

And that makes swiping other people's work okay because...?

"Why is it that people are always trying to stop other people using their images? "

Because they created them and they don't want you to have them and you have no right to them, not sure where you get the idea that you do.

"A little reminder to anyone using the internet - the system designed for the free transfer of information:

(1) If you use the web: You're using someone else's hard work and ideas freely in order to gain personally or financially. "

Really, then why does it cost me to use it? I'm paying for it.

"(2) If you have a website: you are benefiting personally/ commercially from this free privilege. "

Really? It just fell in my lap? I pay for's not free.

"(3) If you have an x-cart store: You're using somebody else's hard work and ideas to gain financially and ... "

I paid for the right to use x-cart, once again, and they've made money off of me. I agreed. It isn't free...

"(4) If you sell products online: You've gotta be getting the images from somewhere and I bet they weren't your own hard work and ideas. "

Wrong again. I bought an expensive camera, I take my own photos. I'll be damned if I'm going to make it easy for lazy people such as yourself to come in and take em' for free.

"footnote re (4) - if they are your own creations then why are you worried that people will copy and paste them into their own web-based works? It's the ultimate free publicity!"

Well, it never ceases to amaze me how a shameless competitor who can't come up with anything on his own will blatently take your stuff and use it against you. No integrity whatsoever.

"What gives you the right?"

What gives YOU the right? The LAW says that my images are copyrighted, and that definatley DOES include the web. Just because it would be unrealistic to sue someone for copyright abuse doesn't mean it's "right."

"Thankfully, it is impossible to right-click protect images, as you request.
If someone wants your images enough then they'll bypass that silly little javascript ('that's not allowed' or 'copyright...' popup that makes it plain to see you are a self righteous twit and just click on: 'View' > Source at the top of their browser window. "

It's because people like you are out there that every single image on my site has a watermark on it. Folks, this guy is a prime example of why it's not a matter of "if", but "when" you will have your stuff swiped. If you care at all and don't want your competitors to steal your hard work and ideas, then make sure to watermark them. It's really the only way to slow it down. This free for all attitude will actually degrade the web experience in the end because everyone who cares about their stuff now must paste watermarks on them.


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Old 12-18-2004, 05:13 AM
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when i first saw this post and the start of the first reply i thought it would go along the lines of

For goodness sakes!

This is the bloody internet!

Why is it that people are always ............

asking questions when the answers are there in front of them

im sure its easier and quicker to go and type something into google and get the answer a hundred times over
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Old 12-18-2004, 06:30 AM
donavichi donavichi is offline

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{literal} <script language="JavaScript">
var popup="Sorry, right-click is disabled.\n\n Copyright б╘2004";
function noway(go) {
if (document.all) {
if (event.button == 2) {
return false;
if (document.layers) {
if (go.which == 3) {
return false;
if (document.layers) {
// --> </script> {/literal}

works unless someone selects view > source...
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Old 12-18-2004, 09:09 AM
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RQJay RQJay is offline

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Most right click protection you can get arround by right clicking and holding down the right click button, then press the left click button to get rid of the "you cant copy this " warning, quickly release and press the right button again, and you can cut copy and paste it.
Its really simple, and just about anyone needing to steel an image knows how to do this.

I personally hate pic theft, especially linkers from Ebay, tryin to sell somthing they are to lazy to get a pic of.

That being said, I hate when I go to right click on a page, and get that little lock out notice, its so anoying.

I myself, find the only way to discourage theft of your pics is to Watermark them, of course with your dot com name on it.
I also prefer to take special photos of my products, using the same background, instead of having a bunch of mix and match photos thru a site, looks pretty unprofesional.
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Old 01-24-2005, 04:54 PM
wazupbouy wazupbouy is offline

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You can also modify your code so that a 1px x 1px transparent gif takes on the same size as the image you are trying to protect and is layered in front of it.

Someone who really wants your image can still grab it, but if they right-clcik on the image they will be trying to download the transparent gif (i.e. transparent.gif).


<div style="position: absolute; left: 5px; top: 5px;">[img]image.jpg[/img]</div>

<div style="position: absolute; left: 5px; top: 5px;">[img]transparent.gif[/img]</div>

This layers the transparent image over the image you want to protect. When a user right-clicks on it and clicks Save Picture As, it will be saving the transparent.gif image. Again, this can be circumvented. However, most users won't take the time to figure this out and other users will not be annoyed with alerts when they try to right-click something.
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Old 02-04-2005, 01:42 PM
Ian Ian is offline

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This is a quick 1 line fix that will stop the quick pic grabber.

<body oncontextmenu="return false" onselectstart="return false" ondragstart="return false">

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Old 02-04-2005, 02:53 PM
PhilJ PhilJ is offline

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<META http-equiv="Imagetoolbar" content="no">


<script language=JavaScript> <!-- //Disable right click script III- By Renigade ( //For full source code, visit var message=""; /////////////////////////////////// function clickIE() {if (document.all) {(message);return false;}} function clickNS(e) {if (document.layers||(document.getElementById&&!document.all)) { if (e.which==2||e.which==3) {(message);return false;}}} if (document.layers) {document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN);document.onmousedown=clickNS;} else{document.onmouseup=clickNS;document.oncontextmenu=clickIE;} document.oncontextmenu=new Function("return false") // --> </script>
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