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Extra Fields 4.2.x on Products_list.tpl

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Old 09-02-2009, 06:53 PM
Ordorica Ordorica is offline

Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 14

Default Extra Fields 4.2.x on Products_list.tpl

Hi Guys,

I have searched the forum and looked at in detail but I still can't get my extra fields to show in products_list.tpl

I have made the following change to products.php:

include $xcart_dir."/modules/Subscriptions/subscription.php"; } if (!empty($active_modules["Extra_Fields"]) && !empty($products)) { foreach($products as $k => $v) { $products[$k]["extra_fields"] = func_query("SELECT $sql_tbl[extra_fields].field as field, $sql_tbl[extra_field_values].value as value, $sql_tbl[extra_fields].service_name as service_name FROM $sql_tbl[extra_fields], $sql_tbl[extra_field_values] WHERE $sql_tbl[extra_field_values].fieldid = $sql_tbl[extra_fields].fieldid AND $sql_tbl[extra_field_values].productid = '$v[productid]'"); } } $smarty->assign("cat_products", $products); $smarty->assign("navigation_script", "home.php?cat=$cat&sort=$sort&sort_direction=$sort_direction");

...and I have added the following code to products_list.tpl:

{if $active_modules.Special_Offers ne "" && $product.use_special_price ne ""} {include file="modules/Special_Offers/customer/product_special_price.tpl"} {/if} {else} <span class="price">{$lng.lbl_enter_your_price}</span><br /> {$lng.lbl_enter_your_price_note} {/if} {/if} {if $extra_fields[field].field eq "Stock Availability (Approx.)" && $extra_fields[field].field_value ne ""} {if $extra_fields[field].field_value eq ">5"} <tr> <td width="30%">{$extra_fields[field].field}</td> <td><img src="/skin1/images/quantity/qty_gt5.gif" alt=" " title=" " border="0" height="11" width="40"></a></td> </tr> {/if} {if $extra_fields[field].field_value eq "5"} <tr> <td width="30%">{$extra_fields[field].field}</td> <td><img src="/skin1/images/quantity/qty_5.gif" alt=" " title=" " border="0" height="11" width="40"></a></td> </tr> {/if} {if $extra_fields[field].field_value eq "4"} <tr> <td width="30%">{$extra_fields[field].field}</td> <td><img src="/skin1/images/quantity/qty_4.gif" alt=" " title=" " border="0" height="11" width="40"></a></td> </tr> {/if} {if $extra_fields[field].field_value eq "3"} <tr> <td width="30%">{$extra_fields[field].field}</td> <td><img src="/skin1/images/quantity/qty_3.gif" alt=" " title=" " border="0" height="11" width="40"></a></td> </tr> {/if} {if $extra_fields[field].field_value eq "2"} <tr> <td width="30%">{$extra_fields[field].field}</td> <td><img src="/skin1/images/quantity/qty_2.gif" alt=" " title=" " border="0" height="11" width="40"></a></td> </tr> {/if} {if $extra_fields[field].field_value eq "1"} <tr> <td width="30%">{$extra_fields[field].field}</td> <td><img src="/skin1/images/quantity/qty_1.gif" alt=" " title=" " border="0" height="11" width="40"></a></td> </tr> {/if} {if $extra_fields[field].field_value eq "0"} <tr> <td width="30%">{$extra_fields[field].field}</td> <td>BY ORDER</a></td> </tr> {/if} {if $extra_fields[field].field_value eq ""} <tr> <td width="30%">{$extra_fields[field].field}</td> <td>BY ORDER</a></td> </tr> {/if} {/if} {if $product.appearance.buy_now_enabled} {include file="customer/main/buy_now.tpl"} {/if} {/if} </div>

The extra fields works fine on my product details page so I have used the same code in the products_list.tpl but I can't get the extra fields to appear.

I would really appreciate some help on this.
X-Cart Version 4.3.1 Gold
Firetank Featured Product and Feed Manager
BCSE Product Importer Pro
Apache version 2.2.11 (Unix)
MySQL version 5.0.77-community
PHP version 5.2.8

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Old 09-06-2009, 11:28 PM
lkrivoshiev lkrivoshiev is offline

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Default Re: Extra Fields 4.2.x on Products_list.tpl

Hi Ordorica, I had the same problem and QT helped me. Now it works. Anton Sologubov developed this mod. Here is the message:
================================================== ======
I've modified the following files to implement the modification you meant: * home.php * skin2/customer/main/products_list.tpl and looks that it works properly.
================================================== ======
Here I apply my modified files: home.php products_list.tpl

I think is better to extract the needed code. I hope this will help you.

Lyubomir Krivoshiev
X-cart V4.2.3
BCSE Product importer
...and many others
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The following user thanks lkrivoshiev for this useful post:
Ordorica (09-07-2009)
Old 09-07-2009, 02:48 AM
Ordorica Ordorica is offline

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Posts: 14

Default Re: Extra Fields 4.2.x on Products_list.tpl

Hi lkrivoshiev,

Thank you so much for your reply. With your help I have managed to achieve what I was attempting. My results are posted here for the benefit of others.

In home.php I made the following changes.


if((isset($products)) && (is_array($products))){ foreach ($products as $product){ $custom_extra_fields[$product['productid']] = func_query("SELECT exvalues.* , exfields.field FROM $sql_tbl[extra_field_values] as exvalues, $sql_tbl[extra_fields] as exfields WHERE exvalues.productid='".intval($product['productid'])."' AND exvalues.fieldid=exfields.fieldid"); } } if (isset($custom_extra_fields)) $smarty->assign('custom_extra_fields',$custom_extra_fields);

before the line:
if ($active_modules["Bestsellers"])

In products_list.tpl I added the following code to display the desired extra field data:

{foreach from=$custom_extra_fields item="exfields"} {foreach from=$exfields item="cur_exfiled"} {if $product.productid eq $cur_exfiled.productid && $cur_exfiled.fieldid eq '11'} {if $cur_exfiled.value eq ">5"} <tr> <td>Stock: </td> <td><img src="/skin1/images/quantity/qty_gt5.gif" alt=" " title=" " border="0" height="11" width="40"></a></td> </tr> {/if} {if $cur_exfiled.value eq "5"} <tr> <td>Stock: </td> <td><img src="/skin1/images/quantity/qty_5.gif" alt=" " title=" " border="0" height="11" width="40"></a></td> </tr> {/if} {if $cur_exfiled.value eq "4"} <tr> <td>Stock: </td> <td><img src="/skin1/images/quantity/qty_4.gif" alt=" " title=" " border="0" height="11" width="40"></a></td> </tr> {/if} {if $cur_exfiled.value eq "3"} <tr> <td>Stock: </td> <td><img src="/skin1/images/quantity/qty_3.gif" alt=" " title=" " border="0" height="11" width="40"></a></td> </tr> {/if} {if $cur_exfiled.value eq "2"} <tr> <td>Stock: </td> <td><img src="/skin1/images/quantity/qty_2.gif" alt=" " title=" " border="0" height="11" width="40"></a></td> </tr> {/if} {if $cur_exfiled.value eq "1"} <tr> <td>Stock: </td> <td><img src="/skin1/images/quantity/qty_1.gif" alt=" " title=" " border="0" height="11" width="40"></a></td> </tr> {/if} {if $cur_exfiled.value eq "0"} <tr> <td>Stock: </td> <td>BY ORDER</td> </tr> {/if} {/if} {/foreach} {/foreach}

the above code was added before the line:
{if $product.appearance.buy_now_enabled}

Thanks again, much appreciated.
X-Cart Version 4.3.1 Gold
Firetank Featured Product and Feed Manager
BCSE Product Importer Pro
Apache version 2.2.11 (Unix)
MySQL version 5.0.77-community
PHP version 5.2.8

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Old 05-12-2010, 05:37 PM
TheWrongGrape TheWrongGrape is offline

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Default Re: Extra Fields 4.2.x on Products_list.tpl

Just wanted to add that I tried this and it's not working in 4.3.1.

Edit: Got it working now:
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