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4.1.9 changelog

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Old 10-09-2007, 08:23 AM
carpeperdiem carpeperdiem is offline

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Default 4.1.9 changelog

In case anyone is wondering....

----------------- X-CART v4.1.9 RELEASED

Wed Oct 03 08:17:32 MSD 2007 [!] - osipov - Bug (0026873): Incorrect shipping charge was selected when a discount coupon was used which changed the order total so that a certain shipping charge could not be applied. Fixed.

Tue Oct 02 11:29:10 MSD 2007 [!] - osipov - Bug (0026874): Discount coupon of a "$ off" kind was applied incorrectly. Fixed.

Mon Oct 01 12:21:31 MSD 2007 [!] - ferz - Bug (0026886): When a "purchaseID" field for iDEAL payment gateway was formed, the length limitation of this field was not taken into account. Fixed.

Mon Oct 01 09:55:07 MSD 2007 [!] - ferz - Bug (0026808): When Wholesale Trading module was turned off products added to cart acquired wholesale prices anyway. Fixed.

Fri Sep 28 10:44:41 MSD 2007 [!] - ferz - Bug (0026771): When shipping rates were obtained from Intershipper module for orders with large weight, an error was displayed. Fixed.

Fri Sep 28 09:13:17 MSD 2007 [!] - ferz - Bug (0026582): For X-Cart Pro providers were not taken into account when discount coupons were applied during payment using Google Checkout. Fixed.

Thu Sep 27 10:30:51 MSD 2007 [!] - alien - Bug (0026706): Under certain conditions country zones were detected incorrectly. Fixed.

Thu Sep 27 09:05:13 MSD 2007 [!] - osipov - Bug (0026558): The fact of using gift certificate during payment using Google Checkout was detected incorrectly. Fixed.

Wed Sep 26 13:43:22 MSD 2007 [!] - osipov - Bug (0026506): A situation when due to time collisions multiple identical notifications from Google Checkout was not checked. As a result one order in Google Checkout corresponded to several orders in X-Cart. Fixed.

Wed Sep 26 11:14:35 MSD 2007 [!] - osipov - Bug (0026621): News items were sorted incorretcly in the News Management section (fresh but not sent news items were displayed as old). Fixed.

Tue Sep 25 16:23:12 MSD 2007 [!] - ferz - Bug (0026609): Product's quantity selector had wrong number when product variants were used and maximum amount was greater than variant amount. Fixed.

Tue Sep 25 14:19:14 MSD 2007 [!] - alien - Bug (0026569): When JS was disabled states were not checked in the customer area. Fixed.

Tue Sep 25 12:23:29 MSD 2007 [!] - alien - Bug (0026560): The output was not updated when clearing CC info for large number of orders. Fixed.

Mon Sep 24 16:34:13 MSD 2007 [!] - ferz - Bug (0026502): The values of the variables for displaying paginated information, could be formed incorrectly. Fixed.

Mon Sep 24 12:51:57 MSD 2007 [!] - ferz - Bug (0026505): All shipping methods were hidden even when 'Enable all shipping methods even if a customer is not logged in' option was enabled but 'When a customer isn't logged in, it is presumed that he is from the default country' option was turned off. Fixed.

Fri Sep 21 15:28:38 MSD 2007 [!] - ferz - Bug (0026479): In some templates incorrect image sizes for displaying of thumbnails were used. Fixed.

Fri Sep 21 11:21:26 MSD 2007 [!] - alien - Bug (0025645): Product Minimum order quantity was not checked on checkout. Fixed.

Fri Sep 21 09:19:19 MSD 2007 [!] - ferz - Bug (0026432): When HTML catalog was generated for multiple languages, some forms on HTML pages in the catalog for the second language were malformed. Fixed.

Thu Sep 20 16:37:08 MSD 2007 [!] - ferz - Bug (0026412): Advanced search settings were not stored correctly after any category was opened in the customer area. Fixed.

Wed Sep 19 16:57:36 MSD 2007 [!] - ferz - Bug (0026393): Multiple languages were not supported for Feature Comparison in the customer area. Fixed.

Wed Sep 19 13:40:55 MSD 2007 [!] - ferz - Bug (0026361): The price of a product was displayed incorrectly in email notifications of EGoods module and in the in the "Print order" section. Fixed.

Tue Sep 18 11:13:48 MSD 2007 [*] - osipov - Improvement (0026005): A function for weight converting for centralized weight management in pounds was added.

Mon Sep 17 15:52:22 MSD 2007 [!] - ferz - Bug (0026195): JavaScript code in the "Product variants" section did not work correctly in the Opera browser. Fixed.

Mon Sep 17 15:21:43 MSD 2007 [!] - osipov - Bug (0026138): iDEAL payment gateway integration module did not process orders with products from diferent providers. Fixed.

Mon Sep 17 12:56:39 MSD 2007 [!] - ferz - Bug (0026272): Only English language could be set in the 'iDeal advanced' payment method configuration. Fixed.

Mon Sep 17 11:28:53 MSD 2007 [*] - ferz - Improvement (0026070): An additional JS checking was added on the "Gift Certificate" page in the customers area.

Sat Sep 15 12:12:14 MSD 2007 [!] - osipov - Bug (0026233): During product details import the images which were stored on the file system could be deleted if the products were already linked to those images. Fixed.

Fri Sep 14 14:49:30 MSD 2007 [*] - ferz - Improvement (0026051): Using a "Credit card information removal" tool on the 'Summary -> Tools' page it is now possible to delete CC info not only from the 'P' and 'C' orders, but also from the 'F' & 'D' orders.

Fri Sep 14 13:52:09 MSD 2007 [!] - ferz - Bug (0026206): A typo in the name of "location_ajust.php" file. Fixed.

Fri Sep 14 12:31:07 MSD 2007 [*] - ferz - Improvement (0026041): The SSN field is now displayed not onlye on the customer profile page, but also in the email notifications and order details.

Fri Sep 14 11:18:55 MSD 2007 [!] - ferz - Bug (0026068): Required fields were not checked when a Gift certificate was added to cart. Fixed.

Thu Sep 13 16:50:36 MSD 2007 [*] - alien - Improvement (0025954): An ability to support extended ASCII characters when paying through PayPal was added.

Thu Sep 13 14:15:30 MSD 2007 [!] - osipov - Bug (0026100): During image upload for a product on PHP 4.2.2 an error was displayed. Fixed.

Thu Sep 13 13:53:05 MSD 2007 [!] - ferz - Bug (0026035): Incorrect data were displayed during rebuilding wholesale prices process on the variants modify page in the admin area. Fixed.

Wed Sep 12 15:21:17 MSD 2007 [!] - ferz - Bug (0026060): A JS warning did not work during credit card date checking.Fixed.

Wed Sep 12 10:57:42 MSD 2007 [*] - ferz - Improvement (0026069): .htaccess files were added to multiple directories, restricting access to these directories, to improve security.

Tue Sep 11 15:27:22 MSD 2007 [!] - ferz - Bug (0025358): Order export to Quickbooks format was formed incorrectly when the order contained multiple products, and was partially paid for with a gift certificate. Fixed.

Tue Sep 11 15:21:11 MSD 2007 [!] - ferz - Bug (0026013): When a customer was returning from Google Checkout interface to the customer area, it had not been checked if Google Checkout module was disabled by admin. Fixed.

Tue Sep 11 13:42:34 MSD 2007 [!] - alien - Bug (0025926): Inches were not converted to centimeters for UPS request. Fixed.

Tue Sep 11 11:25:39 MSD 2007 [*] - ferz - Improvement (0025975): Order processing logic for the orders paid for through MultiPay payment gateway was changed.

Mon Sep 03 09:25:20 MSD 2007 [*] - zaa - Improvement: GoEmerchant payment module updated (new request URL).

Fri Aug 31 16:44:44 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: A product' low avail limit could not be set to zero. Fixed.

Fri Aug 31 16:30:39 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Weight for FedEx direct manage shipping module was not calculated correctly. Fixed.

Fri Aug 31 16:17:21 MSD 2007 [*] - zaa - Improvement: "Edit ordered Gift Certificates" link is not shown on the Advanced order management page any more if the order does not contain gift certificates (X-AOM).

Fri Aug 31 15:09:39 MSD 2007 [*] - zaa - Improvement: Product names on the order details page are made clickable links.

Fri Aug 31 14:52:00 MSD 2007 [!] - svowl - Bug: The delivery method selected during Google Checkout was not saved in the order in X-Cart when UPS_OnLine Tools was used, a UPS shipping method was selected and a non-UPS shipping method was also available for selection. Fixed.

Fri Aug 31 14:30:44 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Some pages displayed data as corrupted if the data contained a quote character. Fixed.

Fri Aug 31 09:40:03 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Bestsellers list displayed wrong product prices if the user had a membership and some products contained in it had wholesale prices for that membership. Fixed.

Thu Aug 30 17:24:28 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: The procedure of cloning a product froze if the product code of the product being cloned was very large. Fixed.

Thu Aug 30 16:49:00 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Partner commission was not calculated if the customer was using Google Checkout. Fixed.

Thu Aug 30 16:20:15 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Cardholder name that contained a single quote was displayed with a slash before the quote character on the Order info page (Admin area). Fixed.

Thu Aug 30 15:33:40 MSD 2007 [!] - zaa - Bug: Order tax name was shown regardless of the currently selected shop language. Fixed.

Thu Aug 30 14:47:30 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Image popup caused a javascript error when a user using IE browser attempted to resize the window after it was displayed. Fixed.

Thu Aug 30 13:43:55 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: In stores with enabled X-Affiliate module, a user who knew the IDs of some advertising campaigns being used could submit input data that could alter the store's Advertising campaign statistics. Fixed.
xcart 4.5.4 gold+ w/x-payments 1.0.6; xcart gold 4.4.4
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Old 10-09-2007, 08:23 AM
carpeperdiem carpeperdiem is offline

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Default Re: 4.1.9 changelog

Thu Aug 30 10:20:49 MSD 2007 [!] - zaa - Bug: X-Cart did not send state codes in UPS shipping rates estimation requests. Fixed.

Wed Aug 29 11:25:00 MSD 2007 [!] - svowl - An order was not created in X-Cart after Google Checkout returned information about a successfully placed order and some data in that order contained an apostrophe character. Fixed.

Wed Aug 29 09:41:55 MSD 2007 [*] - zaa - Improvement: PLAIN, CRAM-MD5 and DIGEST-MD5 SMTP authentication methods are now supported.

Wed Aug 29 09:16:41 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: In Admin area, Products list could not be sorted correctly when sorted by quantity if it contained a product with variants. Fixed.

Tue Aug 28 16:50:42 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Image verification module did not work on the Survey filling page if the survey was not displayed in the menu column. Fixed.

Tue Aug 28 12:27:12 MSD 2007 [!] - zaa - Bug: X-Cart did not create the directory access protection file (.htaccess) in the "var" folder during the installation process and in HTML catalog folders during HTML catalog generation procedure. Fixed.

Tue Aug 28 12:11:07 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: The base price of a product with variants, although hidden on the 'Product details' page and not used, appeared as the default price for quantity 1 and membership All in the section 'Modify wholesale prices for selected variants' on the Modify product variants page, which was confusing to users. Fixed.

Tue Aug 28 09:28:51 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: If the option 'When a customer was not logged in, it is presumed that he is from the default country' was enabled, Shipping section was displayed on the Register page when a user was completing registration on the Anonymous checkout page. Fixed.

Mon Aug 27 16:39:44 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Shipping cache stored empty results. Fixed.

Mon Aug 27 15:05:00 MSD 2007 [!] - svowl - Bug: Alternative text messages 'Sorry, there are no available shipping methods for your location' and 'Free shipping' were displayed at the 'Shipping & Payment' step of Fast Lane Checkout at the same time in some cases. Fixed.

Mon Aug 27 10:21:34 MSD 2007 [*] - max - Improvement: PayFlow Pro transaction server URL updated.

Fri Aug 24 14:45:09 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: When a user made an attempt to view the invoice of a deleted oder, the order invoice page displayed an empty page instead of an error message. Fixed.

Fri Aug 24 12:08:38 MSD 2007 [!] - zaa - Bug: A discount could not be added by submitting the 'Edit purchase discounts' form with the "Enter" button. Fixed.

Fri Aug 24 09:25:53 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug (0024196): Typo in skin1/main/register_ccinfo.tpl template. Fixed.

Thu Aug 23 14:03:29 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Typo in include/product_modify.php. Fixed.

Thu Aug 23 13:44:17 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: vote.php was included in product.php when Customer Reviews module was disabled. Fixed.

Thu Aug 23 09:25:20 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: An administrator with 'Fullfillment staff' permissions could export all data. Fixed.

Thu Aug 23 08:58:50 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Event data was not saved on the Create new event page if the event title was empty. Fixed.

Wed Aug 22 16:02:53 MSD 2007 [!] - zaa - Bug: Delivery confirmation option was passed on in UPS international shipping estimation requests. Fixed.

Wed Aug 22 15:29:36 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: The first log-in date was not written for admin/provider accounts. Fixed.

Wed Aug 22 10:56:39 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Image verification module did not work correctly on the News page and on the Fill survey page. Fixed.

Wed Aug 22 10:15:23 MSD 2007 [!] - zaa - Bug: Sending of an email notification about MySQL connection errors led to endless recursive calls. Fixed.

Tue Aug 21 13:49:06 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: PayPal Pro (US) payment module had a wrong currencies list. Fixed.

Tue Aug 21 12:23:29 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: When a customer purchased a product variant, and then the store admin or provider edited the SKU code of that variant, the Order details page showed the new product variant SKU instead of the SKU with which the product variant was ordered. Fixed.

Tue Aug 21 12:15:37 MSD 2007 [*] - zaa - Improvement: Protx payment modules updated (posting of full basket details to the gateway).

Tue Aug 21 12:02:22 MSD 2007 [*] - max - Improvement: ESD product download procedure improved.

Tue Aug 21 10:45:40 MSD 2007 [*] - zaa - Improvement (0023243): List of currency codes supported by UPS Rates & Service Selection OnLine Tool updated.

Tue Aug 21 10:10:58 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: func_check_new_offers() function was declared in init.php (Special offers module). Fixed.

Mon Aug 20 17:26:24 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug (0024586): HTML editor module converted the &lt; and &gt; combinations into the characters < and >. Fixed.

Mon Aug 20 16:47:49 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug (0023745): When an order was being edited in X-AOM, the order total was not recalculated with the discount if the administrator applied to the order a discount coupon that had been deleted or configured a new coupon saving for the order. Fixed.

Mon Aug 20 16:09:24 MSD 2007 [!] - zaa - Bug (0024670): DHL shipping country selection box was displayed even when DHL methods were not allowed by the store administrator. Fixed.

Mon Aug 20 16:09:24 MSD 2007 [!] - zaa - Bug (0024670): UPS shipping rates notice was displayed even when a customer selected a different carrier (DHL, FedEx, etc). Fixed.

Mon Aug 20 13:54:24 MSD 2007 [*] - zaa - Improvement (0024273): Shipping Label Generator module updated (USPS labels retrival, module refactoring, etc).

Mon Aug 20 11:29:58 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug (0024674): In Prodict Configurator module, in the process of generating a list of products which can be selected for a slot, products were not checked for compatibility with the specifications of the other products selected for the current configuration. Fixed.

Fri Aug 17 15:56:54 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug (0024690): The 'Search for wish lists' page did not work correctly when a user was searching for a wishlist by product code. Fixed.

Fri Aug 17 13:55:23 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug (0024656): Product types page had a wrong design (Product configurator module). Fixed.

Fri Aug 17 12:03:23 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug (0024651): Discount coupon codes that contained quote symbols were stored in the order with slashes before the quotes; as a result, discount coupons with such codes could not be found in the database. Fixed.

Fri Aug 17 11:42:29 MSD 2007 [!] - zaa - Bug: Coupon usage counter was not restored if a store administrator deleted an order to which a coupon was applied in "Non finished" or "Queued" states. Fixed.

Fri Aug 17 11:18:29 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Cart page caused an SQL error if the customer entered a county name with quotes, provided that usage of counties was enabled in the store and there were some county-based destination zones. Fixed.

Fri Aug 17 11:15:11 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug (0024639): Store coupons page and Counties management page did not work correctly if a coupon code or a county name contained a quote character (The coupon code/county name were truncated at the quote character). Fixed.

Fri Aug 17 10:40:52 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug (0024630): A user could create an event message with empty fields. Fixed.

Thu Aug 16 17:11:09 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Product international data updating procedure caused an SQL error if the user was editing two or more products at the same time. Fixed.

Thu Aug 16 14:13:19 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug (0024600): func_unlock() caused a PHP error if the server file system was NFS. Fixed.

Thu Aug 16 13:54:18 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug (0024596): Webmaster mode caused a Javascript error if the user was using IE browser and if the label being edited contained a block-type tag. Fixed.

Thu Aug 16 11:05:34 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug (0024585): Payment system core could not process errors from PayPal Pro: DirectPayment payment module correctly. Fixed.

Thu Aug 16 10:14:41 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: The function func_calculates_taxes() did not work correctly if some taxable products did not have a 'taxed_price' field. Fixed.

Wed Aug 15 15:36:47 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: HTML Editor module added the tags <html><body> ...</body></html> when the user was editing embedded static pages. Fixed.

Wed Aug 15 14:58:12 MSD 2007 [*] - max - Improvement (0024465): An option 'List of shipping methods available for a product with free shipping should be defined based on the weight of the product' added.

Wed Aug 15 11:09:32 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: A user could not upload-and-assign images to products if the server operating system was Windows and the web server was IIS and the web server did not have write permissions on the temporary directory. Fixed.

Tue Aug 14 12:26:30 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Cart normalization did not work for configurable products. Fixed.
xcart 4.5.4 gold+ w/x-payments 1.0.6; xcart gold 4.4.4
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Old 10-09-2007, 08:24 AM
carpeperdiem carpeperdiem is offline

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Default Re: 4.1.9 changelog

Tue Aug 14 09:06:50 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug (0024465): Typo in the func_weight_shipping_products() function. Fixed.

Mon Aug 13 15:59:02 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug (0024407): Related products list did not take into account product variants' quantity-in-stock. Fixed.

Mon Aug 13 15:33:51 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug (0024320): In Contact Us form options, it was not possible to define multilanguage answer options for additional fileds of the selectbox type. Fixed.

Mon Aug 13 13:58:33 MSD 2007 [!] - zaa - Bug (0024405): Random exclamation marks were appearing in email messages with long lines sent from X-Cart. Fixed.

Mon Aug 13 09:39:54 MSD 2007 [*] - zaa - Improvement: The code responsible for creation of HTML catalog destination directory refactored.

Fri Aug 10 15:58:09 MSD 2007 [!] - zaa - Bug (0024364): AuthorizeNet SIM payment module configuration page had an incorrectly specified description for the parameter responsible for the difference between server time and the Authorize.Net server time. Fixed.

Fri Aug 10 11:16:35 MSD 2007 [*] - zaa - Improvement (0020453): Detailed information about environment/server check problems can now be displayed on the second step of X-Cart installation procedure.

Fri Aug 10 09:09:04 MSD 2007 [*] - zaa - Improvement (0024219): Ability to restore customer session from the X-Cart session identifier if viaKlix callback did not include it added.

Wed Aug 08 15:51:18 MSD 2007 [*] - max - Improvement: Tax service name format validation added.

Wed Aug 08 10:10:58 MSD 2007 [!] - zaa - Bug (0024190): In cart.php the name of the variable storing the value for the option "When a customer isn't logged in, it is presumed that he is from a default country" was defined incorrectly. Fixed.

Wed Aug 08 09:01:11 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug (0024206): The total number of checkout steps was not displayed correctly if the user was anonymous. Fixed.

Mon Aug 06 16:33:32 MSD 2007 [*] - max - Improvement (0018321): PayFlow FPS is added for PayFlow Pro payment module.

Mon Aug 06 11:10:17 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug (002412: Typo in PayPal Pro (US version) payment module: when a user entered an invalid CC number, he was redirected to a wrong place. Fixed.

Mon Aug 06 11:02:19 MSD 2007 [!] - zaa - Bug (0024129): Installation script had incorrectly specified rules for creation of .htaccess files in var/tmp and var/upgrade folders. Fixed.

Mon Aug 06 10:18:00 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug (0024117): HTML catalog pages could not be generated correctly for manufacturer pages with non-default sorting of products if all the products of the manufacturer were displayed on a single page (without pagination). Fixed.

Mon Aug 06 09:58:47 MSD 2007 [!] - zaa - Bug (0024097): FedEx fuel surcharge value was not calculated correctly (FedEx Rate Tools integration method). Fixed.

Mon Aug 06 09:43:04 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Typo in patch script. Fixed.

Fri Aug 03 10:00:39 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Users online module did not display users statistics correctly when session type 1 was used by the store and the value of the PHP option 'session.gc_maxlifetime' was smaller than the value of $use_session_length (session duration) in config.php. Fixed.

Thu Aug 02 18:20:21 MSD 2007 [!] - zaa - Bug: Results of category details (category name, description) modification in the default administrator language were not synchronized between categories and international categories data tables. Fixed.

Thu Aug 02 17:07:20 MSD 2007 [!] - zaa - Bug: Language variables whose value included a portion that was supposed to be dynamically substituted for by a certain value (like the portion {{customer}} in the variable eml_dear that is supposed to be replaced by the actual customer name) were processed incorrectly if the value that was entered dynamically into that portion contained special symbols in it. Fixed.

Thu Aug 02 16:27:00 MSD 2007 [!] - zaa - Bug: Admin area 'Languages' page contained an incorrectly rendered link to WYSIWYG editor in webmaster mode. Fixed.

Thu Aug 02 16:21:50 MSD 2007 [*] - max - Improvement: viaKlix 2.0 payment module updated.

Thu Aug 02 15:15:13 MSD 2007 [!] - zaa - Bug: Results of membership assignment were not saved for configurable products. Fixed.

Thu Aug 02 11:44:40 MSD 2007 [!] - zaa - Bug: Registration script could not correctly perform notification of a customer about an incorrectly specified user name. Fixed.

Wed Aug 01 15:28:33 MSD 2007 [*] - zaa - Improvement: For cart pages, a notification about incomplete orders is added (is displayed to customers who have not finished one or more previous orders).

Wed Aug 01 11:50:29 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: When a manufacturer had a very big products list, HTML catalog could not process pages for that manufacturer correctly. Fixed.

Tue Jul 31 17:12:14 MSD 2007 [!] - zaa - Bug: Opener/Closer images on the Advanced search page had a non-standard value for "cursor" CSS property. Fixed.

Mon Jul 30 15:00:26 MSD 2007 [*] - zaa - Improvement (002135: Native 3-D Secure support for WebCraft/Transactium payment module added.

Mon Jul 30 12:28:20 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: SaferPay payment module did not work correctly if some customer profile fields contained special symbols. Fixed.

Mon Jul 30 12:23:23 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Order total amount was not calculated correctly if the order had a discount coupon applied to it and that discount coupon was deleted from the database. Fixed.

Mon Jul 30 11:13:08 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Users search by Pending membership did not work correctly. Fixed.

Mon Jul 30 11:01:13 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Configurable products could not be added to the wish list when Product options module was disabled. Fixed.

Mon Jul 30 10:13:31 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Page title was not displayed correctly if the option 'Maximum length of page title element' was enabled and page title was assembled of language variables.

Mon Jul 30 09:10:31 MSD 2007 [*] - zaa - Improvement: HTML meta keywords and description tags moved above javascript code for SEO purposes.

Fri Jul 27 17:25:39 MSD 2007 [*] - max - Improvement: eSelect Plus payment module now supports Canadian merchants.

Fri Jul 27 14:05:19 MSD 2007 [!] - zaa - Bug: HTML catalog generation script was stripping HTML anchors from generated HTML links. Fixed.

Fri Jul 27 11:36:47 MSD 2007 [!] - zaa - Bug: Results of product details (product name, description, full description) data modification in the default administrator language were not transferred to the international product info table. Fixed.

Fri Jul 27 10:29:32 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: PayFuse payment module did not save some error messages in order details. Fixed.

Fri Jul 27 09:32:44 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: FedEx online shipping method did not calculate shipping rates correctly for some destination countries. Fixed.

Thu Jul 26 15:58:44 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Product import procedure did not work correctly if the file being imported had a column 'manufacturer' (Import 3x-4x module). Fixed.

Thu Jul 26 09:01:44 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: FedEx online shipping method did not calculate shipping rates correctly if the destination country was AU. Fixed.

Wed Jul 25 11:16:19 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Space symbols were not removed from a new tax name at the time of saving if they were placed at the beginning and/or end of the tax name. Fixed.

Wed Jul 25 10:57:24 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Payment transactions were declined if the customer was using NetRegistry payment module and the cardholder name was 16 symbols in length or longer. Fixed.

Wed Jul 25 10:39:11 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: The {{$path}} tag in error messages (X-Magnifier module) was not replaced by the file system path. Fixed.

Wed Jul 25 10:32:57 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Reset button did not work correctly on the Search for products page. Fixed.

Wed Jul 25 10:17:28 MSD 2007 [!] - zaa - Bug: Rates returned by FedEx Ship Manager Direct integration had an incorrect estimated delivery date. Fixed.

Wed Jul 25 09:14:27 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: FedEx online shipping method did not calculate shipping rates correctly if the destination country was UK. Fixed.

Tue Jul 24 09:40:57 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Google checkout button was displayed as disabled if a customer added just a gift certificate to the shopping cart and did not refresh the cart page. Fixed.

Mon Jul 23 16:09:22 MSD 2007 [*] - zaa - Improvement: Ability to specify a 'From' email address for the SMTP envelope of emails sent via SMTP server added.

Mon Jul 23 12:38:36 MSD 2007 [*] - zaa - Improvement: Protx VSP Direct payment module updated according to the latest Protx integration manual (new request URLs).

Mon Jul 23 11:58:21 MSD 2007 [*] - zaa - Improvement: Protx VSP Form payment module updated according to the latest Protx integration manual (new request URLs, recording of 3-D Secure check result).

Mon Jul 23 09:54:55 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: 'Reset' button on the 'Search for orders' and 'Search for users' pages did not clear the search fields. Fixed.

Mon Jul 23 09:15:16 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Billing address was used as Shipping address in PayFuse payment module. Fixed.

Fri Jul 20 17:19:26 MSD 2007 [*] - zaa - Improvement: 3-D Secure support for eSec.ReDirect payment module added.

Fri Jul 20 16:21:44 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Typo in include/func/func.product.php. Fixed.
xcart 4.5.4 gold+ w/x-payments 1.0.6; xcart gold 4.4.4
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Old 10-09-2007, 08:24 AM
carpeperdiem carpeperdiem is offline

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Default Re: 4.1.9 changelog

Fri Jul 20 12:17:33 MSD 2007 [*] - zaa - Improvement (0020854): 3-D Secure support via CardinalCommerce Centinel for eSec.Direct payment module added.

Fri Jul 20 12:14:42 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Typo in shipping/shipping.php. Fixed.

Fri Jul 20 09:42:44 MSD 2007 [*] - max - Improvement: Quantum payment module updated: XML integration changed to QGWdatabase Engine.

Thu Jul 19 16:37:13 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: A user could not assign a price corresponding to the product quantity '1' and membership 'All' as specified in the 'Modify wholesale prices for selected variants' section to the selected variants on the Product variants modification page. Fixed.

Thu Jul 19 11:30:25 MSD 2007 [!] - zaa - Bug: GnuPG/PGP email encryption did not work on Windows systems. Fixed.

Wed Jul 18 15:21:59 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Product variants were not rebuilt if product options were copied from another product in mass product editing mode. Fixed.

Wed Jul 18 13:57:01 MSD 2007 [!] - zaa - Bug: The error 'Page not found' was displayed when an administrator with "Fulfillment staff" membership was trying to generate a shipping label on the Orders page of X-Cart admin area. Fixed.

Wed Jul 18 11:52:24 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Discounted subtotal was not displayed correctly on the Order details page (Admin area) if a global discount and a free shipping coupon were applied to the order. Fixed.

Wed Jul 18 10:24:16 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: The page for configuring an offer's condition (Special Offers module) did not have a note for 'Give bonus for each instance of this set' option workflow. Fixed.

Wed Jul 18 09:32:11 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Some category fields were nullified in the Import procedure if the CATEGORIES import section did not have columns for these fields. Fixed.

Wed Jul 18 09:15:30 MSD 2007 [*] - zaa - Improvement (0022479): Logging of ePDQ Card Prefix (First digit of the supplied card number) added for transactions processed via ePDQ PCI payment gateway.

Tue Jul 17 18:02:02 MSD 2007 [*] - zaa - Improvement (0022479): Logging of ePDQ Authorisation result code added for transactions processed via ePDQ PCI payment gateway.

Tue Jul 17 15:05:06 MSD 2007 [*] - zaa - Improvement (0021239): Slim CD payment module updated to support Slim CD PostXML web service interface.

Tue Jul 17 14:52:37 MSD 2007 [*] - zaa - Improvement (001947: HTTP proxy support added to Cybersource payment gateway integration script.

Tue Jul 17 08:31:07 MSD 2007 [*] - zaa - Improvement: Ability to enable/disable displaying of a link to an embedded static page in customer area Help section added.

Mon Jul 16 17:21:57 MSD 2007 [*] - max - Improvement (0020987): Caledon payment module updated: 3D secure support added.

Mon Jul 16 10:49:49 MSD 2007 [*] - max - Improvement (0021149): SecurePay payment module updated.

Thu Jul 12 10:02:00 MSD 2007 [!] - svowl - Bug: Import of order tracking numbers did not work under certain circumstances. Fixed.

Thu Jul 12 09:09:00 MSD 2007 [!] - svowl - Bug: User profile fields were displayed on the 'Shipping & Payment' page on checkout independently from the settings in General settings/User Profiles options. Fixed.

Fri Jul 06 14:48:00 MSD 2007 [!] - svowl - Bug: There was not any confirmation message after successful submission of the 'Contact us' form. Fixed.

Fri Jul 06 13:51:00 MSD 2007 [!] - svowl - Bug: Page title (<title> tag) was displayed incorrectly in some cases when the SEO option 'Maximum length of page title element' was set to a non-zero value. Fixed.

Thu Jul 05 14:36:00 MSD 2007 [!] - svowl - Bug: Products' detailed descriptions were not exported during the operation of exporting multi-language product data. Fixed.

Thu Jul 05 10:36:00 MSD 2007 [!] - svowl - Bug: The quantity of orders for the date range 'Today' was different on the Search for orders page and on the Summary and Admin main page. Fixed.

Wed Jul 04 16:14:00 MSD 2007 [*] - svowl - Improvement: A new option 'Display default values in all extra fields for which non-default values have not been defined' added on the General settings/Extra Fields options page.

Tue Jul 03 14:57:00 MSD 2007 [*] - svowl - Improvement: An anonymous visitor can now add a configurable product to the wish list without pre-authorization.

Tue Jul 03 10:52:00 MSD 2007 [!] - svowl - Bug: If the sum of a global discount and values of coupons applied to an order were greater than the order subtotal, the discounted subtotal was calculated incorrectly (was greater than zero). Fixed.

Tue Jul 03 09:26:00 MSD 2007 [!] - svowl - Bug: DHL/ARB shipping rates calculation turned into an endless loop if the shipment date was detected by DHL service as a holiday. Fixed.

Mon Jul 02 11:20:00 MSD 2007 [!] - svowl - Bug: Default product variant marker was lost after product variants were rebuilt. Fixed.

Fri Jun 29 16:14:55 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Typo in Javascript code on the Calendar page. Fixed.

Fri Jun 29 14:34:02 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Product option exceptions were not imported correctly if the name of the option group and option names in the PRODUCT_OPTION_EXCEPTIONS section were empty. Fixed.

Thu Jun 28 17:45:18 MSD 2007 [*] - max - Improvement: Authorize.Net: SIM payment module updated.

Thu Jun 28 16:01:14 MSD 2007 [*] - max - Improvement: Search string statistics improved (deletion of statistical records and search string length limit added); small design changes made to the Search string statistics page.

Thu Jun 28 14:57:27 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Email message to the store administrator from the Contact Us page was not assembled correctly: the option for the 'Title' field in General settings->Contact Us form options section affected not only the field 'Title', but the field 'Company' as well. Fixed.

Thu Jun 28 09:45:48 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: 'Add to cart' and 'Add to wishlist' buttons were not displayed on the Product details page for products that had variants and a quantity of the main product equal to zero. Fixed.

Wed Jun 27 13:55:47 MSD 2007 [*] - max - Improvement (0020851): iDEB payment module updated (transformed to a web-based module; 3D Secure support added).

Wed Jun 27 11:20:24 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Language variables that did not have a value in the selected language were not displayed in the Variables list on the Languages page. Fixed.

Wed Jun 27 10:31:20 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: 'Operate as user' link was displayed on the Create user profile page (Admin area). Fixed.

Wed Jun 27 10:23:52 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Section title was not displayed correctly on the General settings page if the language variable for the section title was missing. Fixed.

Wed Jun 27 10:11:21 MSD 2007 [*] - max - Improvement: HTML catalog now supports <IMG> / <A> HTML tags with non-standart href / src fields.

Tue Jun 26 16:34:43 MSD 2007 [+] - max - Improvement: 3D Secure support added for eSelect Plus payment module.

Tue Jun 26 09:36:15 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Linkpoint payment module did not work correctly if the user went to the Payment page (after the Last checkout step), used the 'Back' button and then clicked the 'Submit order' button once again. Fixed.

Mon Jun 25 16:16:42 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Typo in the Shipping options page (FeDex shipping module section). Fixed.

Mon Jun 25 12:21:16 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Pagination mechanism did not work correctly on the Survey modify page (maillist section and survey forms section). Fixed.

Fri Jun 22 10:39:12 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: func_send_simple_mail() function did not work correctly with SMTP protocol. Fixed.

Thu Jun 21 11:42:45 MSD 2007 [*] - max - Improvement: X-Magnifier module updated.

Thu Jun 21 10:11:39 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: Small defect in Cart page design (visible when the cart contained a configurable product with options surcharge). Fixed.

Wed Jun 20 09:10:17 MSD 2007 [!] - max - Bug: A language label for a new language was not created if the label did not have a value in the default customer language. Fixed.
xcart 4.5.4 gold+ w/x-payments 1.0.6; xcart gold 4.4.4
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Old 10-09-2007, 01:23 PM
carpeperdiem carpeperdiem is offline

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Default Re: 4.1.9 changelog

Fri Sep 14 12:31:07 MSD 2007 [*] - ferz - Improvement (0026041): The SSN field is now displayed not onlye on the customer profile page, but also in the email notifications and order details.

Hmm... something tells me that this should be the first stop post-install and comment this out. I can't see ANYONE wanting the SSN to travel via email. WHY was this added to core functionality of xcart, when it sounds like it should have been a mod for the one person who wanted it. Just my $.02

Thu Aug 02 16:21:50 MSD 2007 [*] - max - Improvement: viaKlix 2.0 payment module updated.

Hmm... maybe all the changes that forum users have been making to it over the past 2 years have been brought up to date? I hope so. If not, I have a version that works just fine.

Tue Jul 17 08:31:07 MSD 2007 [*] - zaa - Improvement: Ability to enable/disable displaying of a link to an embedded static page in customer area Help section added.

Aah! Very nice. Very useful. Thanks!

In all, it looks like lot of energy was given to payment gateways. This is good. Hopefully, it will be a painless upgrade -- make sure you are backed up 1000% before trying this out.
xcart 4.5.4 gold+ w/x-payments 1.0.6; xcart gold 4.4.4
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Old 10-09-2007, 03:09 PM
somekindahate somekindahate is offline

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Default Re: 4.1.9 changelog

Originally Posted by carpeperdiem
Hmm... something tells me that this should be the first stop post-install and comment this out. I can't see ANYONE wanting the SSN to travel via email. WHY was this added to core functionality of xcart, when it sounds like it should have been a mod for the one person who wanted it. Just my $.02

I can't image someone actually using their personal SSN, maybe this is for companies who provide their Tax ID which wouldn't be as much of a risk?
X-Cart Gold v. 4.1.10
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Old 10-09-2007, 11:40 PM
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ambal ambal is offline

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Default Re: 4.1.9 changelog

CHANGELOG is quite big this time. To make things simpler I just post here that major changes were advanced SEO capabilities, online payment security with 3DSecure transactions and new re-worked X-Magnifier module (see
Sincerely yours,
Alex Mulin
VP of Business Development for X-Cart
X-Payments product manager
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Old 10-10-2007, 12:17 AM
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Ene Ene is offline

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Default Re: 4.1.9 changelog

Also please pay attention to the following new X-Cart constants in config.php file:

# The constant SECURITY_BLOCK_UNKNOWN_ADMIN_IP allows you to enable a
# functionality that will prevent usage of your store's back-end from IP
# addresses unknown to the system.

# The constant USE_SESSION_HISTORY allows you to enable synchronization of
# user sessions on the main website of your store and on domain aliases.
define("USE_SESSION_HISTORY", true);

# The constant FORM_ID_ORDER_LENGTH sets the length for the list of unique
# form identifiers. A unique form identifier ensures that a form is valid
# and serves as a protection from CSRF attacks. If FORM_ID_ORDER_LENGTH is
# not declared or is set to a non-numeric value or a value less than 1,
# it's value will be set to 100.
define("FORM_ID_ORDER_LENGTH", 100);

# The constant FRAME_NOT_ALLOWED forbids calling X-Cart in IFRAME / FRAME tags.
# If you do not use X-Cart in any pages where X-Cart is displayed through a
# frame, this option can be enabled to enhance security. This option prevents
# attacks in which the attacker displays X-Cart through a frame and, using web
# browser vulnerabilities, intercepts the information being entered in it.
define("FRAME_NOT_ALLOWED", false);

If you have any questions, please ask.
Eugene Kaznacheev,
Evangelist/Product Manager at Ecwid: (since Sept 2009)

ex-Head of X-Cart Tech Support Department
ex- X-Cart Hosting Manager - X-Cart hosting
ex-X-Cart Technical Support Engineer

Note: For the official guaranteed tech support services please turn to the Customers HelpDesk.
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Old 10-10-2007, 12:30 AM
josebueso josebueso is offline

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Default Re: 4.1.9 changelog


Can see the upgrade Pack

x-cart 4.7.9 Gold Plus
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Old 10-10-2007, 12:41 AM
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Zaja Zaja is offline

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Default Re: 4.1.9 changelog

Has anybody else noticed the significant performance improvement?
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
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