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New Custom Order Invoice

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Old 07-08-2003, 05:09 AM
machnhed1 machnhed1 is offline

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Putting a mod like that on the board is pure capitalism. He is providing a value added service and charging for it. Think about what your time is worth, multiply that by the time you will spend making the mod yourself. If the cost is above what he is charging go buy the mod. If it isn't, go at it alone. Either way, the product is a perfectly viable and I, for one, hope quite a few people who need it buy it.
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Old 07-08-2003, 05:53 AM
stryker898 stryker898 is offline

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Invincible...I notice that you have edited your file for this mod, and though I completely appriciate the fact you put it up for free...DONT ever be pressured to give your code away for free. For the two guys that made fun of or laughed at paying for the mod then go edit your own damn code...HOW RUDE. I spent 1 hour the other day to put "Recover Password" in the Authentication box. Easy for some yes, difficult for a newb like me...yes. I was going to post it, but felt everyone would think what's the big deal, it's an easy I didn't.

Is there anyone intrested in getting this fairly easy mod? I choose to post the code for free, but I'm sure there are others that would pay for mods we deem easy. Do your own thing, Invicible and don't let people make you feel guilty for investing all those hours!!!!!

Never take life too seriously, cause none of us are getting out of here alive!
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Old 07-08-2003, 08:33 AM
jpsowin jpsowin is offline

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I agree. Those guys are jerks. Don't be pressured. Just because somebody wants something for free, doesn't mean they should get it. They probably download their software off kazza, too. Alot of people on here are freeloaders, and don't know how to make a business run in the real world. Why they buy a freaking shopping cart to charge people then get mad at others when they charge people is beyond me. Just ignore people like that, and you'll be better off.
Joshua Sowin
...taking things one TPL at a time.
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Old 07-08-2003, 12:35 PM
inVINCEible inVINCEible is offline

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Thanks for your support guys. I don't mind giving away the code for the invoices. For every jerk that will use it, I'm there there's three of you guys that have helped me sometime in the past. Hope you guys like the mod.

Letme know when someone has actually installed it. I didn't get a chance to install it on a fresh cart.

Originally Posted by stryker898
I spent 1 hour the other day to put "Recover Password" in the Authentication box.

I did the exact same modification.
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Old 07-08-2003, 01:55 PM
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adpboss adpboss is offline

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Just my two cents.

I think Invincible is entitled to charge for this. I know that Shan and Funky and Boomer help out a lot and help build a community that will also use their services. I think that is smart business. I'm not a developer however if I did develop or pay to develop a mod, I would expect to be able to resell it. That's called business... Time and effort are equal to money.

The only person(s) who really gain a massive advantage from forum participation are the X-Cart Developers who have what I would imagine to be 90% of their support issues answered here.

Guys, if you want free mods, then you had better be prepared to do some research and find them on this board. I modded my print and html displayed invoices by researching 5 different posts on this board. It takes time. If you are not up to it, then go pay someone to do the work for you. Don't look for handouts. Ask the Development Team why they didn't include it because IMHO they are the only entity required to give you free X-Cart functionality.

Invincible, good on ya. I love how we can buy the service from your store. If your work for others is of the same quality that you did for yourself, then it is a cheap and essential mod for anyone looking to add some professional presentation to their store.

Oh yeah, and he did include a free download of the mod. He's charging for his time to implement it.

'Nuff said.
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Old 07-08-2003, 05:51 PM
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groovico groovico is offline

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Originally Posted by genekurtz
I have replied to his solicitation through my PM as "Not a chance". With everything that everyone does on this board to help each other out this made me really chuckle. Thank heaven Shan, Funky, and Boomer (as well as everyone else that gives advice) don't charge to help out or most people on here would be broke by now. Get a life invisible!

You're obviously not in real business making a comment like that. People don't have to give you everything for free on a plate.

What have you done in return for example? He's well within his rights to charge for a service. It's called "business" none of this is a charity.

There's no need to be rude to people over it. He takes time out to figure out how to do the mod, posts it up on the site, then takes time out to contact you.

You make money out of your shop therefore, why should someone give their time for free to enhance your business? It's almost like asking an employee to work for free.

Some people don't have the knowledege to modify the tpl's themselves and risk screwing an important part of their shop so don't ridicule him for making a small charge for his time!
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Old 07-08-2003, 06:52 PM
genekurtz genekurtz is offline

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Now if the rest of you are done with your ridiculous comments:

Quoted from groovico

"You're obviously not in real business making a comment like that. People don't have to give you everything for free on a plate.

What have you done in return for example? He's well within his rights to charge for a service. It's called "business" none of this is a charity.

There's no need to be rude to people over it. He takes time out to figure out how to do the mod, posts it up on the site, then takes time out to contact you.

You make money out of your shop therefore, why should someone give their time for free to enhance your business? It's almost like asking an employee to work for free. "

I am sure that you find telemarketers calling you about their products a welcomed solicitation as they have found a way to trim your long distance bill or a better way for you to take a vacation through time share huh? Didn't think so!

And as for you telling me I did not need to be rude right after insulting me yourself...good example!

And as for not being in real have no idea the level of my business expertise (at least I have shown where I am from and my url). Regardless, this is not a forum for business. It is a forum for support. I may not have helped people as much as you maybe but I have paid for a feature that will be in the next release of x-cart giving the ability to set tax exempt status for different membership levels. Big whoopie? Yes...for someone in the US that sells retail AND wholesale it is.

I will tell all of you why I wrote what I did. His statement was "now that I see that people want it I decided to charge for it". When he did not think it was all that special he was willing to give it away and not until people showed an interest did he say that he decided to charge. If you don't like my opinion than I really could care less as I am entitled to my opinion. I appreciate the help that is given to me on this board and if there is a time that I feel that it would be easier to pay to have it done than to just do it myself I would contact one of the pro's here (which could also be someone like invinceable) but that was not the way it was presented originally. This is a forum in which everyone helps everyone reach a common efficient, good-looking cart. That is why I sign on get help and see if I have encountered something that I can help someone with. If it is to just be a place to sell your wares then I don't need to be here. It is wonderful if someone wants to sell something but present it as such from the beginning and why not have a place on the forum where they can post these items that they want to sell. I don't feel I need to be PM'd to be solicited for it or have to wade through these solicitations to find the help that is needed. This is still a forum provided by x-cart for x-cart support. I probably won't get any help anymore for stating my opinion but I live in AMERICA where you CAN say what you feel...popular or not! I hope you all have a great day.
Gene Kurtz
The Perfect Game
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Old 07-08-2003, 08:54 PM
genekurtz genekurtz is offline

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Originally Posted by adpboss
Just my two cents.

I think Invincible is entitled to charge for this. I know that Shan and Funky and Boomer help out a lot and help build a community that will also use their services. I think that is smart business. I'm not a developer however if I did develop or pay to develop a mod, I would expect to be able to resell it. That's called business... Time and effort are equal to money.

The only person(s) who really gain a massive advantage from forum participation are the X-Cart Developers who have what I would imagine to be 90% of their support issues answered here.

Guys, if you want free mods, then you had better be prepared to do some research and find them on this board. I modded my print and html displayed invoices by researching 5 different posts on this board. It takes time. If you are not up to it, then go pay someone to do the work for you. Don't look for handouts. Ask the Development Team why they didn't include it because IMHO they are the only entity required to give you free X-Cart functionality.

Invincible, good on ya. I love how we can buy the service from your store. If your work for others is of the same quality that you did for yourself, then it is a cheap and essential mod for anyone looking to add some professional presentation to their store.

Oh yeah, and he did include a free download of the mod. He's charging for his time to implement it.

'Nuff said.

And just a quick note to ADP...he was NOT giving it for free and just charging to implement it. You did not notice his post has been edited three times. He was charging for the download of the mod until he encountered resistance from people that he PM'd. Then he sent a follow up PM stating that he "was sorry for being an ass" and charging for the mod (those were his words). Just a little info as you came late and did not see what transpired originally.
Gene Kurtz
The Perfect Game
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Old 07-08-2003, 09:09 PM
inVINCEible inVINCEible is offline

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Originally Posted by genekurtz
And just a quick note to ADP...he was NOT giving it for free and just charging to implement it. You did not notice his post has been edited three times. He was charging for the download of the mod until he encountered resistance from people that he PM'd. Then he sent a follow up PM stating that he "was sorry for being an ass" and charging for the mod (those were his words). Just a little info as you came late and did not see what transpired originally.

Yea, I was charging for the code earlier. I felt that the invoice really makes an improvement on anyone's cart that uses it. It's like groovico said.. it's essentially improving someone elses business so that they can profit off of it. Also, with the way the old templates were setup, this change also adds functionality. I know that my x-cart client used to do all invoicing through another program by cutting and pasting order information.
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Old 07-08-2003, 09:27 PM
genekurtz genekurtz is offline

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That' fine but then everything that happens here, all of the advice that's given, is improving people's stores and I have not seen anyone post anything saying that they wanted to profit from what they were sharing until your post. I do see people requesting quotes to have a site modified or wanting a certain mod developed and that is something different. They are asking for something specific to be developed that they needed. I was going to have BOOMER do my site (skin) because he gave a very fair price (especially for the level of work he produces) but then I felt that I wanted to learn how to implement the things that people on this forum where sharing. Now my site may not look anywhere near as good as something that BOOMER, or funkydunk, or Shan (or any of the others that sent me quotes) could have made it look but at least I can say I am the one who created it (with the help of the great folks here).

And as for remarks about "not being a business person" I would have to say that those of you that feel that way are the ones who are clueless about how to survive in business. It would almost seem as those that have made those statements have never been in a real business. Do you just take the pricing given by suppliers and never question it or try to get it as low as possible? Do you not try to leverage and get "freebies" whenever and wherever possible? The whole purpose of a business is to bring in as much as possible with the least amount of outlay. Then, and ONLY then, will you be truly as profitable as possible. I have an obligation to shareholders to make them the most for their money. That is business! It even carries over to you walk into a car dealership and pay sticker price for a car? Do you not bargain and haggle in everyday life? Think about it!
Gene Kurtz
The Perfect Game
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