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Export Users 4.0.x Solution

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Old 03-11-2007, 01:05 PM
speedworx speedworx is offline

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Default Export Users 4.0.x Solution

I've poured through the forums here and have seen many requests for a method to export user information from within the administration interface. As I need this too, I developed a solution that is working for me in 4.0.17 - 4.0.19. There are a few steps but they're relatively simple to follow.

Step 1 - Add Language Variable (Administration > Languages > English >)
Variable: lbl_export_users
Value: Export Users

Step 2 - Create New Directories

Step 3 - Create Admin Wrapper File (your_xcart_dir/admin/export_users.php)
Complete file content:
<?php # # $Id: export_users.php,v 2007/03/10 07:41:48 tewald Exp $ # define('USE_TRUSTED_POST_VARIABLES',1); $trusted_post_variables = array("mode"); require "./auth.php"; require $xcart_dir."/include/security.php"; $location[] = array(func_get_langvar_by_name("lbl_export_users"), ""); include $xcart_dir."/modules/Export_Users/export_users.php"; $smarty->assign("main","export_users_admin"); # Assign the current location line $smarty->assign("location", $location); @include $xcart_dir."/modules/gold_display.php"; func_display("admin/home.tpl",$smarty); ?>

Step 4 - Create Admin Processing File (your_xcart_dir/modules/Export_Users/export_users.php)
Complete file content:
<?php # # $Id: export_users.php,v 2007/03/10 14:58:23 tewald Exp $ # if ( !defined('XCART_SESSION_START') ) { header("Location: ../"); die("Access denied"); } if ($REQUEST_METHOD == "POST") { $users_data = func_query("SELECT CONCAT(firstname, \" \", lastname) AS fullname, company, b_address, b_city, b_state, b_zipcode, b_country, email, phone, fax FROM xcart_customers WHERE usertype LIKE 'C' ORDER BY fullname ASC"); if ($users_data) { $delimiter="\t"; if (!strncmp($export_fmt,"csv",3)) { header("Content-Type: application/csv"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"users_data.csv\""); switch($export_fmt) { case "csv_semi": $delimiter=";"; break; case "csv_comma": $delimiter=","; break; default: $delimiter="\t"; break; } } elseif (!strncmp($export_fmt,"xls",3)) { header("Content-Type: application/x-msdownload"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"users_data.xls\""); } else { header("Content-type: text/plain"); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=users_data.csv"); } $smarty->assign("delimiter", $delimiter); $_tmp_smarty_debug = $smarty->debugging; $smarty->debugging = false; $data .= "Full Name" . $delimiter; $data .= "Company" . $delimiter; $data .= "Address" . $delimiter; $data .= "City" . $delimiter; $data .= "State" . $delimiter; $data .= "Zip" . $delimiter; $data .= "Country" . $delimiter; $data .= "Email" . $delimiter; $data .= "Phone" . $delimiter; $data .= "Fax" . $delimiter; for ($row = 0; $row < sizeof($users_data); $row++) { $line = ''; while (list($key, $value) = each($users_data[$row])) { if ((!isset($value)) OR ($value == "")) { $value = $delimiter; } else { $value = str_replace('"', '""', $value); $value = str_replace("\r","",$value); $value = str_replace("\r\n","",$value); $value = trim($value); $value = '"' . $value . '"' . $delimiter; } $line .= $value; } $data .= trim($line)."\n"; } $data = str_replace("\r","",$data); $data = str_replace("\r\n","",$data); if ($data == "") { $data = "\n(0) Records Found!\n"; } $smarty->assign("data", $data); func_display("modules/Export_Users/users_export.tpl",$smarty); flush(); } $smarty->debugging = $_tmp_smarty_debug; exit; func_header_location($HTTP_REFERER); } ?>

Step 4 - Create Skin File 1 of 2 (your_xcart_dir/skin1/modules/Export_Users/export_users_admin.tpl)
Complete file content:
{* $Id: export_users_admin.tpl,v 2007/03/10 12:56:57 tewald Exp $ *} {include file="page_title.tpl" title=$lng.lbl_export_users} {capture name=dialog} <TABLE border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="5"> <FORM name="export_users" action="export_users.php" method="POST"> <INPUT type="hidden" name="mode" value="export"> <TR> <TD width="20%" class="FormButton" nowrap>{$lng.lbl_export_file_format}:</TD> <TD width="10">&nbsp;</TD> <TD width="80%"> <SELECT name="export_fmt"> <OPTION value="xls_tab"{if $search_prefilled.export_fmt eq "xls_tab"} selected{/if}>XLS</OPTION> <OPTION value="csv_tab"{if $search_prefilled.export_fmt eq "csv_tab"} selected{/if}>CSV {$lng.lbl_with_tab_delimiter}</OPTION> <OPTION value="csv_semi"{if $search_prefilled.export_fmt eq "csv_semi"} selected{/if}>CSV {$lng.lbl_with_semicolon_delimiter}</OPTION> <OPTION value="csv_comma"{if $search_prefilled.export_fmt eq "csv_comma"} selected{/if}>CSV {$lng.lbl_with_comma_delimiter}</OPTION> </SELECT> <INPUT type="button" value="{$lng.lbl_export_all}" onclick="document.export_users.mode.value='export_all'; document.export_users.submit();"> </TD> </TR> </FORM> </TABLE> {/capture} {include file="dialog.tpl" title=$lng.lbl_export_users content=$smarty.capture.dialog extra="width=100%"}

Step 5 - Create Skin File 2 of 2 (your_xcart_dir/skin1/modules/users_export.tpl)
Complete file content:
{* $Id: users_export.tpl,v 2007/03/10 06:20:27 tewald Exp $ *} {$data}

Step 6 - Add Export Users Link to Admin Menu
Modify your_xcart_dir/skin1/admin/menu.tpl:
<A href="{$catalogs.admin}/export_users.php" class="VertMenuItems">{$lng.lbl_export_users}</A><BR>
<A href="{$catalogs.admin}/users.php" class="VertMenuItems">{$lng.lbl_users}</A><BR>

Step 7 - Add Export Interface
Modify your_xcart_dir/skin1/single/home.tpl:
{* START EXPORT USERS ADMIN *} {elseif $main eq "export_users_admin"} {include file="modules/Export_Users/export_users_admin.tpl"} {* END EXPORT USERS ADMIN *}
{elseif $main eq "general_info"} {include file="admin/main/general.tpl"}

1. This only exports the usertype of Customer (not Admins or Providers). If you want to change this, just modify the SQL statement in your_xcart_dir/modules/Export_Users/export_users.php. For example, you can remove the "WHERE usertype LIKE 'C'" to get all users.
2. If you want to add/remove exported fields, modify the SQL statement in your_xcart_dir/modules/Export_Users/export_users.php AND add/remove lines in the same file from the section containing code like:
$data .= "Company" . $delimiter;
Just remember if you add a field, add a line and vice versa for deleting. The last line though must have the newline character ( i.e. $data .= "Fax" . $delimiter . "\n"; ).

Well, that's it for my first posted mod. I hope it helps as I've received great assistance from this forum as well.
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Old 03-24-2007, 03:05 PM
smrtsu smrtsu is offline

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Default Re: Export Users 4.0.x Solution

Thanks for creating this mod - I just had a client ask me for this feature. There are a couple of minor tweaks, basically just inconsistencies in the instructions:

Originally Posted by speedworx
Step 1 - Add Language Variable (Administration > Languages > English >)
Variable: lbl_export_users_title
Should read: Variable: lbl_export_users

Originally Posted by speedworx
Step 4 - Create Skin File 1 of 2 (your_xcart_dir/skin1/modules/export_users_admin.tpl)
Should read: Step 4 - Create Skin File 1 of 2 (your_xcart_dir/skin1/modules/Export_Users/export_users_admin.tpl)

Otherwise, works great!
xcart v4.0.17
xcart v4.0.19
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Old 03-24-2007, 03:29 PM
speedworx speedworx is offline

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Default Re: Export Users 4.0.x Solution

Good catches on the steps - thanks smrtsu. I've updated my first post to include your edits. I'm glad it was of help too.
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Old 03-24-2007, 03:32 PM
smrtsu smrtsu is offline

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Default Re: Export Users 4.0.x Solution

It's the curse of being an instructional designer
xcart v4.0.17
xcart v4.0.19
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Old 05-06-2008, 12:32 PM
fb-guy fb-guy is offline

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Default Re: Export Users 4.0.x Solution

Hello all,

I wanted to check in a see how this mod is working for folks. We want to export about 13,000 customer names and email addresses to allow for import into Constant Contact. We've decided to give our email newsletter management to service provider, rather than run it through our service provider.

Is this the best way to tackle the customer export requirement?

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Old 05-07-2008, 03:00 PM
fb-guy fb-guy is offline

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Default Re: Export Users 4.0.x Solution

Hello again,

I am installing the mod and have encountered this error. I will try to see what I did wrong, but does anyone have an idea. Thanks.


<b>Warning</b>: Smarty error: unable to read resource: "modules/Export_Users/users_export.tpl" in <b>/home/store-directory/Smarty-2.6.9/Smarty.class.php</b> on line <b>1088</b><br />
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Old 05-14-2008, 05:00 PM
fb-guy fb-guy is offline

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Default Re: Export Users 4.0.x Solution


Any ideas here?
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Old 05-22-2008, 08:50 PM
intel352 intel352 is offline

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Default Re: Export Users 4.0.x Solution

The instructions have an error, move this file:
to this location:

Originally Posted by fb-guy
Hello again,

I am installing the mod and have encountered this error. I will try to see what I did wrong, but does anyone have an idea. Thanks.


<b>Warning</b>: Smarty error: unable to read resource: "modules/Export_Users/users_export.tpl" in <b>/home/store-directory/Smarty-2.6.9/Smarty.class.php</b> on line <b>1088</b><br />
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Old 05-22-2008, 09:23 PM
fb-guy fb-guy is offline

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Default Re: Export Users 4.0.x Solution

Thanks. I finally caught that -- I should have said something.
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Old 05-29-2008, 10:59 AM
BrighterBlooms1 BrighterBlooms1 is offline

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Default Re: Export Users 4.0.x Solution

I too have installed this error, when i try to open the .xls file i get an error that says "unable to read" and when i try to export to a .csv, it goes to a blank screen. any ideas?
X-cart version 4.6.5
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