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A sales report based on users

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Old 08-01-2006, 07:44 PM
metinex metinex is offline

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Default A sales report based on users

With this mod you will get a sales report based on users with their referer and brief order information. It will also list new registered users with no order for sales department to follow up.

Create include/sales_report.php and place the code below:

<?php /*****************************************************************************\ OLJAI \*****************************************************************************/ # # $Id: users.php,v 2005/10/26 05:31:40 max Exp $ # require "./auth.php"; require $xcart_dir."/include/security.php"; $smarty->assign("main","sales_report"); $end_date = time() + $config["General"]["timezone_offset"]; $lastday=(($_POST['lastday']=="0" || $_POST['lastday']) ?$_POST['lastday'] : "0"); $start_date = mktime(date("G",$end_date),date("j",$end_date),date(" ",$end_date),date("n",$end_date),date("j",$end_date),date("Y",$end_date)); $start_date=mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d")-$lastday, date("Y")); $search_condition .= ">='".($start_date)."'"; $search_condition .= " AND<='".($end_date)."'"; $search_condition .= "AND o.status<>'F' AND o.status<>'I'"; $referer_name=" CASE WHEN c.referer LIKE '%location=google%' THEN 'google' WHEN c.referer LIKE '%your-domain-name%' THEN 'your-domain-name' WHEN c.referer LIKE '%msn%' THEN 'msn' WHEN c.referer LIKE '%yahoo%' THEN 'yahoo' WHEN c.referer='' THEN '' ELSE 'other' END AS referer_name"; if($_GET["login"]){ $login=html_entity_decode($_GET["login"]); $query="select orderid,firstname,lastname,total,FROM_UNIXTIME(date,'%b %d, %Y %h:%i %p') as date from xcart_orders o where login='$login' AND " .$search_condition; $smarty->assign("data", create_array($query)); $result=func_query_first("SELECT sum(total) as total,count(*) as cnt FROM xcart_orders o WHERE login='$login' AND $search_condition"); $orders_total=$result['total']; $orders_count=$result['cnt']; }else{ //(select max({$sql_tbl[orders].date} from {$sql_tbl[orders]} where $search_condition) as last_order, $query="SELECT o.login,sum( as total,@total:=ifnull(@total,0)+sum( as orders_total,count(*)as cnt, o.orderid, FROM_UNIXTIME((select max( from xcart_orders o2 where $search_condition AND o2.login=o.login group by o2.login),'%b %d %h:%i %p') as date, o.b_firstname,o.b_lastname,c.s_city,c.s_state, o.status, $referer_name, c.referer FROM xcart_orders o INNER JOIN xcart_customers c USING(login) WHERE $search_condition GROUP BY o.login ORDER BY o.orderid DESC";//cnt desc,total DESC"; $result=func_query_first("SELECT sum(total) as total,count(*) as cnt FROM xcart_orders o WHERE $search_condition"); $orders_total=$result['total']; $orders_count=$result['cnt']; $smarty->assign("data", create_array($query)); $search_condition = " c.first_login>='".($start_date)."'"; $search_condition .= " AND c.first_login<='".($end_date)."'"; $query2="SELECT null,c.firstname as b_firstname,c.lastname as b_lastname,c.s_city,c.s_state,c.login,FROM_UNIXTIME(first_login,'%b %d %h:%i %p') as date,$referer_name,c.referer FROM xcart_customers c LEFT JOIN xcart_orders USING(login) WHERE $search_condition AND xcart_orders.orderid IS NULL ORDER BY c.first_login DESC"; $smarty->assign("users", create_array($query2)); } $smarty->assign("orders_total",$orders_total); $smarty->assign("orders_count",$orders_count); @include $xcart_dir."/modules/gold_display.php"; //$smarty->assign("test", $query); func_display("admin/home.tpl",$smarty); ?>

Create admin/sales_report.php with the code below:

<?php /*****************************************************************************\ OLJAI \*****************************************************************************/ include "../include/sales_report.php"; ?>

Open include/func.php and add the following code somewhere:
function create_array($query) { $result= mysql_query($query); $array_final = array(); while ($query_result= mysql_fetch_array($result)) array_push($array_final, $query_result); return ($array_final); }

Create skin1/mow/sales_report.tpl

{literal} <style> .submitLink { color: #00f; background-color: transparent; text-decoration: underline; border: none; cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; } </style> {/literal} <form name="report" method="post" action="{$smarty.server.REQUEST_URI}"> <input type="radio" name="lastday" value="0" {if $"0" || $""}checked{/if}> Today <input type="radio" name="lastday" value="1" {if $}checked{/if}> Last 1 day <input type="radio" name="lastday" value="7" {if $}checked{/if}> Last 7 day <input type="radio" name="lastday" value="30" {if $}checked{/if}> Last 30 day <input type="radio" name="lastday" value="365" {if $}checked{/if}> Last 365 day <input type="submit" style="margin-top:5px"> <div style="line-height:10px"></div> {if $smarty.get.login} {include file="mow/sales_reports_user_orders.tpl"} {else} {if $orders_total>0} There are {$orders_count} orders. {/if} <table> {if $orders_total>0} {include file="mow/sales_report_table.tpl" data=$data nodata="There are no orders."} <tr><td>TOTAL</td><td></td><td align="right" >${$orders_total}</td> <td></td><td></td></tr> </table> {else}There are no orders for the date range you selected. {/if} <h2>NEW USERS WITH NO ORDER</h2> <table> {include file="mow/sales_report_table.tpl" data=$users nodata="No new users that haven't ordered."} </table> {/if} </form>

Create skin1/mow/sales_report_table.tpl
{section name="id" loop=$data} {if $} <tr> <th align="left" width="160px">Login</th> <th style="padding-right:15px">Name</th> <th>Total</th> <th>Count</th> <th>Last Order</th> <th>Last Order #</th> <th>Referer</th> <th>Status</th> </tr> {/if} <tr> <td> <input style="padding-left:0px; padding-right:10px" onClick="'mow_report.php?login={$data[id].login|htmlentities}'" title="{$data[id].login}" type="submit" class="submitLink" value="{$data[id].login}"> <input name='orderid' type='hidden' value='{$data[id].login}' /> </td> <td>{$data[id].b_firstname} {$data[id].b_lastname}</td> <td align="right">{if $data[id].total}${/if}{$data[id].total}</td> <td align="center">{$data[id].cnt}</td> <td width="105">{$data[id].date}</td> <td align="center">{$data[id].orderid}</td> <td>{$data[id].referer_name}</td> <td align="center">{$data[id].status}</td> </tr> {sectionelse} <tr> <td>{$nodata}</td> </tr> {/section}

Create skin1/mow/sales_reports_user_orders.tpl
<table> {section name="id" loop=$data} {if $} <tr><td colspan="3"> Profile: {$data[id].firstname} {$data[id].lastname} <div style="line-height:10px"></div> </td></tr> <tr> <th align="right" width="45">Order #</th><th width="65" align="center">Total</th><th>Order Date</th></tr> {/if} <tr> <td align="right">{$data[id].orderid}</td> <td align="right" style="padding-right:15px" width="90">${$data[id].total}</td> <td align="right">{$data[id].date}</td> </tr> {if $} <tr> <td>TOTAL</td><td align="right" style="padding-right:15px">${$orders_total}</td> <td></td></tr> {/if} {sectionelse} <tr><td colspan="3"> Profile: {$smarty.get.login} <div style="line-height:10px"></div> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="3">There are no orders yet for this user.</td></tr> {/section} </table>

Open skin1/common_tenplates.tpl and add the following condition somewhere in the if condition:

{elseif $main eq "sales_report"} {include file="mow/sales_report.tpl"}

Open skin1/admin/menu.tpl and add the following code before {/capture} tag:

Finally login to admin area and click on "Sales Report" or browse admin/sales_report.php
Jay S

Xcart 4.1.3 & Mysql 5.0.20
Xcart 4.0.17 & Mysql 4.1
Apache 2.0 & Linux Whitebox 3
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Old 08-02-2006, 08:28 AM
Audiolines Audiolines is offline

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how do we run this file?
version 4.0.17
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Old 08-02-2006, 08:31 AM
Audiolines Audiolines is offline

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when i manually run it i get a blank screen
version 4.0.17
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Old 08-02-2006, 11:12 AM
metinex metinex is offline

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Posts: 82


You need to create mow folder under skin1 along with 3 .tpl files.

Create your .php file under admin folder along with included .php file under include folder.

You also edit the admin menu to include a link. That's it.
Jay S

Xcart 4.1.3 & Mysql 5.0.20
Xcart 4.0.17 & Mysql 4.1
Apache 2.0 & Linux Whitebox 3
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Old 08-02-2006, 11:23 AM
Audiolines Audiolines is offline

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a link to which .php file?
version 4.0.17
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Old 08-02-2006, 11:28 AM
Audiolines Audiolines is offline

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just get a blank page.

copied yoru code exactly
version 4.0.17
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Old 08-02-2006, 11:33 AM
metinex metinex is offline

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Default after you login to admin area.
Jay S

Xcart 4.1.3 & Mysql 5.0.20
Xcart 4.0.17 & Mysql 4.1
Apache 2.0 & Linux Whitebox 3
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Old 08-02-2006, 11:38 AM
Audiolines Audiolines is offline

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hmmm, totally confused. still just blank pages

im not sure where the problem is coming up, as i am not that sql savvy.

any ideas?
version 4.0.17
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Old 08-06-2006, 04:40 AM
metinex metinex is offline

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Posts: 82


I'm sorry, but I think I forgot to mention one of the important things:

Open skin1/common_tenplates.tpl and add the following condition somwhere in the if condition:

{elseif $main eq "sales_report"}
{include file="mow/sales_report.tpl"}
Jay S

Xcart 4.1.3 & Mysql 5.0.20
Xcart 4.0.17 & Mysql 4.1
Apache 2.0 & Linux Whitebox 3
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Old 08-07-2006, 05:01 AM
banzai banzai is offline

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Posts: 9



I get the following error when executing the script:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: create_array() in /mysite/include/sales_report.php on line 59

the script stops at this line: $smarty->assign("data", create_array($query));

any ideas what might be causing this?

thank you
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