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X-Cart 4.1.0 rc1 released

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Old 02-02-2006, 09:51 PM
svowl svowl is offline

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Originally Posted by groovico
Will there be any Mysql patches to jump the 3.5.14 databases to the 4.1.0 RC1 revisions?

We are planning to make available MySQL patches for jumping from 3.5.x (as well as 4.0.x) to 4.1.0, but the production version only (not RC1).
Vladimir Semyonov
Lead Software Engineer
Old 02-03-2006, 06:29 AM
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Originally Posted by TL408
I have said it before and I'll say it again. It doesn't matter how great or feature rich the shopping cart is, it's worthless if the checkout process is not optimized. Not sure what it would take to get this point across to X-Cart. We don't need any more new and cool features. We just need all of these basic functions streamlined first.

One thing everyone seems to forget is theres no "silver bullet" when it comes to a checkout process. Everyone's customer base are of different genders, ages, backgrounds, etc. So one set checkout may not work for group of customers while another setup of the checkout flow may work for another.

It all boils down to know what your customers want and find out what quirks your customer finds in the checkout and make modifications where you think would improve, based off customer comments or survey's.

Compare 3.5.x checkout to 4.1.x RC and I think great strides have been made in the checkout process so far, which means X-Cart is listening to everyone as "whole" and not on an individual basis.

Anyhow just my 2cents.

X-Cart team: XHTML Compliant code, WYSIWYG Editor, System Fingerprints, Search OR logic, Detailed Popup, new patch/upgrade for add-ons and non-standard X-Cart skins *two thumbs up!*
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Old 02-03-2006, 02:04 PM
weckie weckie is offline

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Default running into an error

When i add products or categories, the cats and prod will not appear on the customer site, the do appear in the admin.

Anyone knows what i am doing wrong?
Herman Steijn

Using: X-cart 4.5.4
Old 02-03-2006, 05:23 PM
Light Speed Light Speed is offline

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Default Re: running into an error

Originally Posted by weckie
When i add products or categories, the cats and prod will not appear on the customer site, the do appear in the admin.

Anyone knows what i am doing wrong?

Do you have the categories enabled or are they disabled?

Tuan-Why can't you just change the text "Username" to "Email Address" on your registration page so users will use their email address as their username?

I actually do not want email address as username so I am glad that X-Cart team did not do this.
Old 02-04-2006, 01:58 AM
Light Speed Light Speed is offline

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OK I installed RC1 and have problems.

Install went fine no errors. All permissions set correctly

1) Master account log in bad on install
At the end of install where I am presented with the links to go to admin or customer area I click admin, try to log in with master master for username password and it rejects. Tried a couple times thinking I mistyped master. No go. I have the cart email me the password.

It sends this garbage:

I think that sure doesn't look like master but what the hell and try that and still fail.

I go to the customer area. Register a new account. Go into the DB with Navicat and change that new account to an admin. login it admin area with the new account and delete master.

What's up with that routine?

2) Products not visible on customer side
This is a dry run of the new cart so I figured at install I would have the default products and categories installed so I would have something to play with without copying some of my products over. All the default test categories and products show up in admin but on the customer side all categories show "No products available blah blah"
All categories and products are enabled and have stock.

In admin when I click on categories and view the list of categories it lists the quantities of products in the ones that should show it at this view such as software. It shows 2 but if I click the 2 to view the products and then edit a product or if I choose to modify the category and then save the change and then go back to the main category page the 2 for software changes to N/A!!!

Something is screwy as there are still the two products in software!!

So I delete all categories and products and add one new category and one new product which is visible on the customer side which leads me to problem three.

2) Images in filesystem is not functioning

I go to edit the product and in attempting to add a thumbnail I am able to navigate to the image and select it click apply and the image shows on the admin product detail page but when I click save the image is replaced with the default "no image" image.

Same with product image.
Same with detailed image.

Images location config shows File System for all T, P,C,D,V and M.
"Allow to store remote images only in the directory specified here" has no effect on or off.

Images are in a custom directory I made


Permissions are
cart 755
files 777
images 755

and I even set the permissions on the images to 777 just to se if that would help and it does not.

If I change the Images location to DB then I can add them and they are visible on the admin side and on the customer side.

Why are the images in File System not functioning?

4) tons of java script errors on IE Mac
I know it is a dead browser but I do test for it and I get JS error on:

home.php pageload
detailed image popup
register page states does not work

and others.

On a good note: Played around with checkout and it looks great!
I even like it more than Easy Checkout

I have one question regarding shipping methods.
Is it possible to tie a shipping method to a membership level so only members of that level see that shipping option?

I want to make a custom shipping option for my wholesale membership level customers called "Your carrier" which is essentially free shipping as the shipping will be on their Fed Ex, UPS or freight account and not mine. I do not want this option to be available to anonymous or members.

How can I restrict a shipping method to a membership level?
Old 02-04-2006, 02:07 AM
weckie weckie is offline

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i solved my problem.

I forgot to change back the config.php to CHMOD 644. After i corrected this, everything works fine.

Dont ask me why, but it worked for me....
Herman Steijn

Using: X-cart 4.5.4
Old 02-04-2006, 04:11 AM
matrixa59 matrixa59 is offline

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Just to clarify if we install this and prepare the database in RC1 will we be able to upgrade from RC1 to the final release version or will we have to start from scratch
Old 02-04-2006, 08:07 AM
PhilJ PhilJ is offline

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1) Version on install says 'Version 4.1.0 rc 2'.

2) When using popup window for detailed images, if you have more than one detailed image, they don't appear unless you do a right click > show picture. Sometimes the thumbnail image doesn't appear also. (This happens with IE6, but seems fine with Firefox 1.5).

3) The password security warning still apears, even if you've turned it off in general options.

4) With the 'Simple Mode' module enabled, 'Froogle export' doesn't appear to work. I get the 'Page not found!' error.

5) Seems to be a bug with the WYSIWYG editor in IE6. Try it with the short description of 'Solid poplin shirt #16127'. When you revert back to plain text, part of the description is missing.

6) As a guest, add something to your wishlist. On the next screen, the login box has a number '1' in it. The same happens when you checkout.
Old 02-04-2006, 09:02 AM
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RichieRich RichieRich is offline

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Shouldnt the WYSIWYG editor be using or inputting into a CSS file? If you start adding HTML like this;

<span style="COLOR: #ffa500">My Description of the category</span>[/b]

Isnt this going to make the pages non XHTML transitional?

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Old 02-04-2006, 01:21 PM
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groovico groovico is offline

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Originally Posted by svowl
Originally Posted by groovico
Will there be any Mysql patches to jump the 3.5.14 databases to the 4.1.0 RC1 revisions?

We are planning to make available MySQL patches for jumping from 3.5.x (as well as 4.0.x) to 4.1.0, but the production version only (not RC1).

Excellent to know, any indication on an approxiamte product release date? We're keen to build all new sites on the 4.X branch but would rather start with 4.1 branch since so much has changed.

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