Is there a mod for this or can one be made?
Hi! I am in search of a mod that can allow me to download sales reports from each of my providers and/or manufacturers monthly. It would need to include all discounts/gift certificates etc. to come up with a net monthly sales. If it is possible to have a custom mod built, I am not sure if this is possible, but it would be awesome to have it automatically calculate commissions out of it. For example, I have 36 designers for my digital scrapbooking store. They each receive 70% of their net sales, and we have an advertiser that receives 5% of all sales for the whole store. Again, I don't even know if this is possible, but it would be so convenient and save us so much time if I could see easily at the end of the month how much I need to pay each designer for payroll, in addition to the overall store profits in one spreadsheet or document. Thanks in advance!