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Adding images using ftp (bulk)

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Old 05-26-2006, 03:35 AM
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amy2203 amy2203 is offline

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Default Adding images using ftp (bulk)

I have a php file that pulls all of the products without images from the db.

It then creates a table with these products, and looks for images with the sku as the image name in either jpg or gif. Under each image is a checkbox, that once clicked will assign that image to the product

common_templates.tpl: add the following:

{elseif $main eq "prodwithoutimg"} {include file="provider/prodwithoutimg.tpl"}

replace with your domain name and with the path to your images folder
then upload the following as prodwithoutimg.php to your provider folder:

<?php # # $Id: prodwithoutimg.php,v 0.1 2005/22/11 12:25:55 AH # require "./auth.php"; require $xcart_dir."/include/security.php"; #$addarray[] = $HTTP_POST_VARS['addarray']; if (isset($_POST["format"])) { $format = $_POST["format"]; } if (is_array($disablearray)) { foreach ($disablearray as $prod) { db_query("UPDATE xcart_products SET forsale='N' WHERE productid='$prod'"); } } if (is_array($lowercase)) { foreach ($lowercase as $key => $value) { $prodid = $key; $fileurl = $lowercase[$key][fileurl]; db_query("UPDATE xcart_products SET productcode=LOWER(productcode) WHERE productid='$prodid'"); } } if (is_array($addjpgs)) { foreach ($addjpgs as $key => $value) { $prodid = $key; $fileurl = $addjpgs[$key][fileurl]; db_query("INSERT INTO xcart_thumbnails (productid,image_path,image_type) VALUES ('$prodid','$fileurl','image/jpeg')"); } } if (is_array($addgifs)) { foreach ($addgifs as $key => $value) { $prodid = $key; $fileurl = $addgifs[$key][fileurl]; db_query("INSERT INTO xcart_thumbnails (productid,image_path,image_type) VALUES ('$prodid','$fileurl','image/gif')"); } } $productlisting = func_query("SELECT xcart_products.productid, xcart_products.productcode, xcart_products.product, xcart_products.avail FROM xcart_products LEFT OUTER JOIN xcart_thumbnails ON xcart_products.productid = xcart_thumbnails.productid WHERE xcart_thumbnails.productid IS NULL AND'Y' ORDER BY xcart_products.productcode ASC"); $smarty->assign("productlisting",$productlisting); $smarty->assign("main","prodwithoutimg"); $smarty->assign("addarray",$addarray); $smarty->assign("addjpgs",$addjpgs); $smarty->assign("addgifs",$addgifs); $smarty->assign("format",$format); @include $xcart_dir."/modules/gold_display.php"; $smarty->display("provider/prodwithoutimg.tpl"); ?>

upload the following as prodwithoutimg.tpl to your skin1/provider folder:
{capture name=dialog} <form action="prodwithoutimg.php" method="post"> <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="format" VALUE="list">List View <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="format" VALUE="image">Image View <INPUT TYPE=submit value="Change"> {if $format eq "list"} <table border=1> {section name=productlisting loop=$productlisting} {assign var="prodid" value=$productlisting[productlisting].productid} {assign var="total" value=$} <TR> <td> {$productlisting[productlisting].product} </td><td> Code:{ $productlisting[productlisting].productcode } </td><td> ID: {$productlisting[productlisting].productid} </td><td> Disable: <INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX value="{$productlisting[productlisting].productid}" NAME="disablearray[]"> <INPUT TYPE=submit value="PROCESS ALL"> </TD> </tr> {/section} </table> {else} <table border=1> {section name=productlisting loop=$productlisting} {assign var="prodid" value=$productlisting[productlisting].productid} {assign var="total" value=$} { if $smarty.section.productlisting.index is div by 3} <TR> {/if} <TD> <table><tr><td> [img]{ $productlisting[productlisting].productcode}.jpg[/img] thumb jpeg <INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" NAME="addjpgs[{$prodid}][fileurl]" value="{ $productlisting[productlisting].productcode }.jpg">JPG </td> <td> [img]{ $productlisting[productlisting].productcode}.gif[/img] thumb gif <INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" NAME="addgifs[{$prodid}][fileurl]" value="{ $productlisting[productlisting].productcode }.gif"> gif </td></tr></table> {$productlisting[productlisting].product} Code:{ $productlisting[productlisting].productcode } ID: {$productlisting[productlisting].productid} Qty: {$productlisting[productlisting].avail} lowercase: <INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" NAME="lowercase[{$prodid}][fileurl]" CHECKED> Disable: <INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX value="{$productlisting[productlisting].productid}" NAME="disablearray[]"> <INPUT TYPE=submit value="PROCESS ALL"> </TD> { if $smarty.section.productlisting.index_next is div by 3} </TR> {/if} {/section} </table> {/if} </form> {/capture} {include file="dialog.tpl" title="Products Without Images ($total)" content=$smarty.capture.dialog extra="width=100%"}

add a link to a menu in your admin area to provider/prodwithoutimg.php

ticking the checkbox underneath the image will assign that image to that product.

You can also disable products using the disable checkbox

Be warned this can take a long time if you have a lot of products without images as it is looking for 2 images for each product that may not be there.

Use at your own risk etc etc

I find it very useful and I hope it helps anyone, I am using it on v 4.0.18
X-Cart version 5 (Previously 3.5-4)

Previous Versions included
BCSE Reward Points Mod
Altered Cart On Sale Mod
Wordpress Plugin

Please don't PM me for support. I help where I can on the forum and your question will more likely be answered there.

Shout me a Coffee!
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Old 05-26-2006, 05:15 AM
oracle9i oracle9i is offline

Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 29


havnt tried it but the idea is fantastic. thanks mate
X-CART 4.0.4 (about to upgrade to 4.0.17)
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