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Using Javascript to confirm email address?

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Old 05-01-2004, 02:09 AM
xcell67 xcell67 is offline

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Default Using Javascript to confirm email address?

In order to cut back on mistyped email addresses and customers complaining about not receiving an order confirmation because they didn't type their email correctly, I was thinking about having an added filed to the registration.

Email Address and the new: Confirm Email address

I was trying to see if I could implement the other java validations already there, ie zipcode validation but that didn't seem to work. How does the password and confirm password validation work? I couldn't find any java code for it.

Thanks for reading, I think this is a much needed feature.
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Old 05-01-2004, 07:39 AM
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This is a problem in every store, specifically for someone like me who deals with adolescent boys and young men. People who cannot be bothered to type their name, address or email properly.

This would be a nice feature.
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Old 05-21-2004, 07:34 PM
xcell67 xcell67 is offline

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I created a new field "email2" and tried adding this code to include/register.php

function validate($email, $email2, ==) { if($email == $email2) { return true; } else { return false; } }

but then i got a page error when trying to use register on the customer side, I think i have to try to implement it into register.tpl rather than register.php, anyone know how to make the above code smarty friendly?

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Old 05-21-2004, 08:55 PM
Mod King Mod King is offline

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You could do some javascript regex checking before they submit the form

But i am not sure on your intetions, did you want to make it so that they enter 2 e-mail addresses and you compare them?

If so you have to add both fields to register.tpl

Then you *should* be able to use them in register.php
if you have any problems just bug me
i'm around alot.
Mod King
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Old 05-21-2004, 09:19 PM
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B00MER B00MER is offline

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First edit skin1/check_email_script.tpl, replace its entire contents with:

{* $Id: check_email_script.tpl,v 2004/03/26 09:47:33 svowl Exp $ *} {literal} <script language="JavaScript1.2"> function checkEmailAddress(field) { var goodEmail =^[A-Za-z0-9]{1}([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]+)[^\.]\@[^\.]([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]+\.)+[A-Za-z]{2,6}[ ]*$/gi); if (goodEmail!=-1) { if(field.value==document.registerform.emailtwo.value) { return true; } else { alert("Email's do not match, please correct!"); document.registerform.emailtwo.focus();; return false; } } else { {/literal} alert("{$lng.txt_email_invalid|replace:"\n":" "|replace:"\r":" "}"); {literal} field.focus();; return false; } } </script> {/literal}

Now open up skin1/main/register_contact_info.tpl and underneath the email table row (</tr>) add this:

<tr valign=middle> <td align=right>Validate {$lng.lbl_email}</td> <td><font class=Star>*</font></td> <td nowrap> <input type=text name=emailtwo size=32 maxlength=128 value="{$}"> </td> </tr>

This way your not inserting two emails into the database but rather making sure the user has entered the same values into the email field incase of misstypes. All javascript based.

Above code was written with 3.5.x
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Old 05-23-2004, 08:12 PM
xcell67 xcell67 is offline

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works like a charm,

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Old 05-23-2004, 08:16 PM
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Should be standard in X-Cart. RRF are you awake right now?
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Old 05-25-2004, 08:53 PM
xcell67 xcell67 is offline

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Ah, this was the culprit! After a day of modding I wasn't able to test the gift certificate purchase. I finally found out that this javascript although very effective for validating the email during checkout and register (thank you Boomer) does not allow a gift cert to be purchased. I tried to see if other functions that require email such as contact us had the same problem but it was only gift certificates.

Boomer, Could you modify the java code to exclude its effect on giftcerts or could you tell me what I would have to add to giftcert.tpl for it to work properly?

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Old 05-26-2004, 07:42 AM
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Duplicate the original skin1/check_email_script.tpl and rename it for the modified one and change the include in the register tpl
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Old 05-26-2004, 09:28 AM
Loon Loon is offline

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For a little more explicite directions, for those of us "code challenged", along with the two code updates above from Boomer (call them step 1 and step 2), do this to make the gift certificate email validation operational also:

Step 3: create a new file called [cart directory]/skin1/check_gcemail_script.tpl with contents:

{* $Id: check_gcemail_script.tpl,v 2004/03/26 09:47:33 svowl Exp $ *} {literal} <script language="JavaScript1.2"> function checkGCEmailAddress(field) { var goodEmail =^[A-Za-z0-9]{1}([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]+)[^\.]\@[^\.]([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]+\.)+[A-Za-z]{2,6}[ ]*$/gi); if (goodEmail!=-1) { if(field.value==document.gccreate.emailtwo.value) { return true; } else { alert("Email's do not match, please correct!"); document.gccreate.emailtwo.focus();; return false; } } else { {/literal} alert("{$lng.txt_email_invalid|replace:"\n":" "|replace:"\r":" "}"); {literal} field.focus();; return false; } } </script> {/literal}

Step 4: in the file [cart directory]/skin1/modules/Gift_Certificates/giftcert.tpl
changed include on line 3 to call my new file for giftcert email validation:
{include file="check_email_script.tpl"}
{include file="check_gcemail_script.tpl"}

around line 29, to call the new function created in Step 3 above:
if ((document.gccreate.send_via[0].checked) && (!checkEmailAddress(document.gccreate.recipient_email)))
if ((document.gccreate.send_via[0].checked) && (!checkGCEmailAddress(document.gccreate.recipient_email)))

around line 203, ADD the second email field to the gift certificate purchase form, with a few changes from the one in the registration form:

<tr> <td nowrap align=right>Validate {$lng.lbl_email}</td> <td><font class=Star>*</font></td> <td nowrap> <input type=text name=emailtwo size=32 maxlength=128 value="{$giftcert.recipient_email}"> </td> </tr>

Please Note that I have not thoroughly tested everything. The contact us form still works fine, gift cert purchase works fine, registration (thanks Boomer) works fine. Please post here if you find other problems.

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