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<li> doesn't appear on product listing using firefox??

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Old 05-18-2009, 10:17 AM
Christofer Christofer is offline

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Default <li> doesn't appear on product listing using firefox??

Hello there, i am not sure about that i am telling. So have a look. On explorer the <li> appears normal, on firefox not. On firefox they appear only if there is <ul> before the <li>

have a look at the link with firefox and with explorer, and confirm me if you see the same on both browsers
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Old 05-18-2009, 07:04 PM
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Default Re: <li> doesn't appear on product listing using firefox??

validate HTML, might help you find the error.
xcart 5.1.2
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Old 05-18-2009, 08:02 PM
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cflsystems cflsystems is offline

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Default Re: <li> doesn't appear on product listing using firefox??

Originally Posted by Christofer
Hello there, i am not sure about that i am telling. So have a look. On explorer the <li> appears normal, on firefox not. On firefox they appear only if there is <ul> before the <li>

have a look at the link with firefox and with explorer, and confirm me if you see the same on both browsers
<ul> defines an unsorted list, <li> defines an item in the list. FF is acting the right way, IE doesn't
YOu have to use <ul> and change its behaviour with css to fit your needs.
Steve Stoyanov
Web Development
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Old 05-18-2009, 08:33 PM
Christofer Christofer is offline

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Default Re: <li> doesn't appear on product listing using firefox??

yes i found that after some search on google. I just wonder why on explorer shows the result i wanted even if it wrong.. And also if you put padding-left:17px; on firefox will appear exactly on the start of the line (as i wanted to appear) but on explorer it will appar about 50 px more right
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Old 05-19-2009, 04:29 AM
balinor balinor is offline

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Default Re: <li> doesn't appear on product listing using firefox??

Welcome to the nightmare that is IE - things that should work correctly don't work in IE, and things that shouldn't, sometimes do. IE is always off in some way.
Padraic Ryan
Ryan Design Studio
Professional E-Commerce Development
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