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Is there a "Punch Card" add-on?

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Old 06-22-2018, 06:47 AM
Brewhaus Brewhaus is offline

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Question Is there a "Punch Card" add-on?

I'm looking for a way to keep track of how many times a customer has purchased a product over a period of time, so once they reach, say 10, they would get a coupon code to get 1 of the product for free.

The idea is similar to brink-and-mortar stores that have punch cards: "After you buy 9 coffees, get the 10th one free!" or "After you get your hair cut 9 times with us, get your 10th haircut for free!"

Is there a way to do this on X-cart with any existing add-ons?
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Old 06-25-2018, 06:10 AM
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tony_sologubov tony_sologubov is offline

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Default Re: Is there a "Punch Card" add-on?

Hi @Brewhaus,

Sorry, but there is no existing module for that. We can create this mod for you though.
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Originally Posted by Brewhaus
I'm looking for a way to keep track of how many times a customer has purchased a product over a period of time, so once they reach, say 10, they would get a coupon code to get 1 of the product for free.

The idea is similar to brink-and-mortar stores that have punch cards: "After you buy 9 coffees, get the 10th one free!" or "After you get your hair cut 9 times with us, get your 10th haircut for free!"

Is there a way to do this on X-cart with any existing add-ons?
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