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Editing encrypted files?

   X-Cart forums > X-Cart 4 > Dev Questions > Changing design
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Old 05-29-2007, 11:53 PM
  amaiunmei's Avatar 
amaiunmei amaiunmei is offline

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Default Editing encrypted files?

I am working on some category listing modifications and according to some of the threads that I have read I will need to edit some of the files that are in the 'include/' directory ('include/categories.php').

The barrier that I am coming up against right now is the fact that the file that I apparently need to edit is encrypted. I have seen mention of some type of find&replace technique... but I have not been able to find any stickes or documentation to help explain how oen would make changes to the files that are currently encrypted.

Is there more documentation or a sticky somewhere that would help?

Background: I am making some changes to a category list so multiple category layers can be displayed... even if you are several layers in.

Disclaimer: While I am fairly knowledgable and adept at PHP, and becoming more and more familiar with XCart, I am still getting to know Smarty.
xCart v4.1.7 [unix]

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Old 05-30-2007, 04:11 AM
balinor balinor is offline

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Default Re: Editing encrypted files?

Welcome to X-Cart! Please start by reading the following thread, which will help you get started and hopefully make your experience here a positive one:

Please note that this link is not an answer to your question, but we need you to update your signature with your X-Cart version so that we can answer your question correctly.

As far as encrypted files, X-Cart doesn't contain any. You sure you aren't viewing them with the wrong software?
Padraic Ryan
Ryan Design Studio
Professional E-Commerce Development
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Old 05-30-2007, 04:42 PM
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amaiunmei amaiunmei is offline

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Default Re: Editing encrypted files?

I updated my signature. Thanks for the heads up!

A bit more backgound: I have been reading things like the following quote :
Originally Posted by chamberinternet

This is how it's done:

Modify the "<xcart-dir>/include/categories.php" file:

1) find the following line (it is 290th in X-Cart v4.1.0 by default)

if (($current_area == "C" && defined("GET_ALL_CATEGORIES")) || defined('MANAGE_CATEGORIES')) {

2) replace it with the next one

if (($current_area == "C") || defined('MANAGE_CATEGORIES')) {


...but when I open 'include/categories.php', with any text editor, I see the following:

<?php //0147d /*****************************************************************************\ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | X-Cart | | Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Ruslan R. Fazliev <> | | All rights reserved. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PLEASE READ THE FULLTEXT OF SOFTWARE EVALUATION AGREEMENT IN THE "COPYRIGHT"| | FILE PROVIDED WITH THIS DISTRIBUTION. THE AGREEMENT TEXT IS ALSO AVAILABLE | | AT THE FOLLOWING URL: | | | | THIS AGREEMENT EXPRESSES THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON WHICH YOU MAY USE THIS | | SOFTWARE PROGRAM AND ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION THAT RUSLAN R. FAZLIEV | | (hereinafter referred to as "THE AUTHOR") IS FURNISHING OR MAKING AVAILABLE | | TO YOU WITH THIS AGREEMENT (COLLECTIVELY, THE "SOFTWARE"). PLEASE REVIEW | | THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS EVALUATION AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE | | INSTALLING OR USING THE SOFTWARE. BY INSTALLING, COPYING OR OTHERWISE USING | | THE SOFTWARE, YOU AND YOUR COMPANY (COLLECTIVELY, "YOU") ARE ACCEPTING AND | | AGREEING TO THE TERMS OF THIS EVALUATION AGREEMENT. IF YOU ARE NOT WILLING | | TO BE BOUND BY THIS AGREEMENT, DO NOT INSTALL OR USE THE SOFTWARE. VARIOUS | | COPYRIGHTS AND OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS PROTECT THE SOFTWARE. | | THIS AGREEMENT IS A LICENSE AGREEMENT THAT GIVES YOU LIMITED RIGHTS TO USE | | THE SOFTWARE AND NOT AN AGREEMENT FOR SALE OR FOR TRANSFER OF TITLE. THE | | AUTHOR RETAINS ALL RIGHTS NOT EXPRESSLY GRANTED BY THIS AGREEMENT. | | | | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ruslan R. Fazliev | | Portions created by Ruslan R. Fazliev are Copyright (C) 2001-2005 | | Ruslan R. Fazliev. All Rights Reserved. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ \*****************************************************************************/ if (!extension_loaded('ionCube Loader')) { $_ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $_df = dirname(__FILE__); $_pl = strtolower(substr(php_uname(), 0, 3)); $_ed = realpath(ini_get('extension_dir')); $ts = 0; ob_start(); phpinfo(1); $_p = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $_ts = ((($_pl != 'win') && ($ts = preg_match('!thread safety.*(enabled|yes)!Ui',$_p))) ? '_ts' : ''); $_fn = 'ioncube_loader_'.$_pl.'_'.substr(phpversion(), 0, 3).$_ts.($_pl == 'win' ? '.dll' : '.so'); $_sn = 'ioncube'.$_ds.$_fn; $_ll = ''; function _c($f) { return !empty($f) && file_exists($f); } $_sm = ini_get("safe_mode"); $_sm = ($_sm === 1) || !strcasecmp($_sm,"on"); if (!$_sm) { $_ln = ""; $_rd = str_repeat('..'.$_ds, 4).$_ds; $_i = strlen($_rd); while ($_i--) { if ($_rd[$_i] == $_ds) { $_lp = realpath(substr($_rd, 0, $_i+1).$_sn); if (file_exists($_lp)) { $_ln = $_lp; break; } } } if (!_c($_ln)) $_ln = realpath(substr($_rd, 0, $_i+1).$_sn); if (!_c($_ln)) $_ln = realpath($_ed.$_ds.$_fn); if (_c($_ln)) { if (ini_get("enable_dl")) { $_rd = str_repeat('..'.$_ds,substr_count($_ed,$_ds)).preg_replace('/(.:\\\)|(^\/)/i', '', $_ln); @dl($_rd); if (function_exists('_il_exec')) { return _il_exec(); } } $_ll = '<br />To install the ionCube loader at your server, please add the the following line in your <code>php.ini</code>, before any other <code>zend_extension</code> lines:<br /><code>zend_extension'.($ts ? '_ts' : '')." = ".$_ln."</code><br>"; } } die('This demo version is protected by ionCube PHP Encoder. System failed to install appropriate <a href="">ionCube PHP Loader</a> for your system.<br /><br /> Possible reasons:<br /> 1. You are using MS Windows and X-Cart and PHP are located on different logical drives (eg. PHP is installed on disk C: and X-Cart on disk D:). To resolve this, move X-Cart to the same disk as PHP or put all loader files from the xcart/ioncube directory to the directory defined in the variable extension_dir in php.ini file (c:\php4\extensions\ by default). Also, you can visit the <a href="">ionCube PHP Loader homepage</a>, download the valid loaders for your system and install them following the instructions, provided by README file in loaders archive. <br /> 2. Unsupported version of PHP (currently versions 4.0.6 - 5.1.x are supported)<br /> 3. Dynamic loading is disabled at your system (eg. safe mode is on, or enable_dl is off)<br /> 4. Unsupported operation system (currently demo is available for Windows NT/2000/2003/XP, FreeBSD 4, Linux Intel, Solaris Sparc, NetBSD, OpenBSD).<br />'.$_ll.'<br /> Full version of X-Cart will work on any OS where PHP/MySQL meets minimum <a href="">system requirements</a>.<br/> You can find more information about X-Cart demo at <a href=""></a>.'); } ?> 4+oV565U/ust/ac5k9DLgPGRlXt+uJIZwYqgxR+iGVsArm4lyYlgneaxJPP/6WzQ7unqNNubh2fG pV2i8V3jfxVY30yKW49R0VLffhHPXNe7NJEmi/Bj6E650e1CGBcDAnTQ1Gp4aDGriLa5KRauUSnZ xhgxRC06AxQQgkgnNxxNwRudOB+6koQWY8C2zOu0Ny5DilEtXMz99UIduuF2bCOa88IuVw+Tx7m3 CfVwnoRwulvmM4XqrXxCDZSmyB9posiqkgZLxX8KCs1bTYLM7oahmTwZLH69csTDNhA/dCVpGjh4 VnREIEEuaOjMIzQRUNeEYiroE+th6sHnB4uPLDR5f9/JJHvENVwFxERZiyJTz1kWgDxTdZ5cN2X3 jkFnJH7V9KmUt9/GLQysIS+t1D2OJaaXVqak6MADInn1Wl34eUBR1V2CnXdOXum3Gd9140EajLgv zZcWO/j2SPL9nuqvS/ZTO3IA6LKAtcnmwR/5Ya8B/cxDoT4aK39kRRASxpKJDhRwwgDtIYPziK9/ KIEm8SIJqfN+2XNrH56gSnDq2nSXsJbRBMiZOwG3hzIAcIqqC6trm6lzuwBF90BOO23BevNpnk1D hO81eoH5a6Kxk1xyPPgBZO9pSF2YVYz3nqnxHWl1FKFL5bXONVVw6O30FSIhOSPd/t6kwpDB0sQQ mGM5NUTuEdGKJV5R/Fsf4z8OR/MPwNi6Du93Mszgdy0bCwO/A+X0ASn15M2Q47nTKRYm6gRurOnA hRX+i/7WtCaZCAINo8TeCNgG9Mn+syX89/IehnGjlaHYHgc9enW/2H928u5DkmhOTS/mNPpXupec T8DtDp67q4NaHdFW52ttwNuQBPjfBNoOZL29AxfKH4rePPM20bBUrXZL3PjpEwlNKeLnnITFATKq 72Tg+UYxc6l8Q+uqiq7+mtJKWwjFALFvQ+e/p08xctr2SMjt4U88qrUoOS+jVPQlqP7rBRfhN9Ga 54/GxmU0C8qHdtkOxkYk2ZjBq6MZjyLiMp2ypCTqMHYyQsq8LnygBmIAvFy5e84qpoYtHN3s5VSf kE63b66LFghc/fZNjbKbjdmECHD00oZQJZlY17fl4vOf9G+kKLaPceQ2OcTld+EzrtJYmr2pA2oj X4uO1PwMGpVKT1NUjsDxWECf2G52/eadgesa8VuxUpL3NhMG56ykoCKUgRO1D9LInGLAtg5dY3Io hSOJi/Lz+XyQZGrZl+1HEfjGT3viAFjYTyRMm8/EQ2FeWw/aa3St655lJYc80jxzSL7WCvQ41P/F UWak25FbXsB4CuZ/NnxGvhMFS63MbDoBvH8VHGu380fYPV3jcCIR8x9h7P1p/+Gj2jcCFTJqueop QC9XyC25wuALZL8YDfZ3cB61iWIAyor9k7v1kPGSq7i3nw2hSC2RzW233vUStesoLMQ5OGjSXflG KLrNJxfqIOleQQti+HHC4DYguKVXVHV+EvgyQVZlac9ARUnjGLlvuyU9frgkZdnx6F/E4UDqE9eR R5gg2v7EmM1VcF9PVmacY8JEAwHs/obCZDQUCWr+MFpfAukdIJAGlQ/sD9NdLUFqe1c/yP7ZEQ9U CvakW7lTLVdPMs38Wj/0H4Rne2Qt9dDQ+qAGuUELQnaD4LE0TxRzT4E6Bdfe57LF0fAuJ3Hv0e5f vjnBTFz0jE2xJgoySYFB+Wh/J2L28J8VOlu/NSOl0qTVTm4iTq4j0/Cz1X4iaQJhwEMSIXWEOI8X o60mZIkAT67xyjscft7F0PXMPrQ2vOrsplnhH07xoxM8bsQLQOTMAY6Fxwg4AAZeVlFbDxtmCa58 feKE7h7+MSwZDc+/ZYgYh9uUCu438WmWjW51vTvWCx56TEekTjlLnd1TMScanm2Uyi3k6GZEjjPJ 2wd4y1CviKOepmfjy9lccCAVmXwer6xdIsIO+wmxOIeXBGtU1jG6zP5/Z7DyZ9AhSWmOkChdx5sJ zC0kERaFU+EXb9OAoz8cIdu7Q0gZI3QwSLXopuPeNVwzjAk5sLs47BNNu59LAlCnPHInnW0Y/3fw ngt0BGjcJF+MphQ5Rj6sPfjk4RT5yRaPG49SLeTJP6pg3HffHdvF+gL1ReW/1bqwSJ/iE4sXpqbD AEnHI0z39HvvpgAZuJkmowVTXGynbw61vKAdanCRGV4HyISFwK/DJCmd/TCpc4fNMBxBuY3GWS4j ..... (truncated to save page load... I think the picture is clear enough)

It appears as if all the base files are obfuscated with the IonCube Loader. Is this the case? If so, how do people edit files like 'include/categories.php'?
xCart v4.1.7 [unix]

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Old 05-30-2007, 04:48 PM
balinor balinor is offline

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Default Re: Editing encrypted files?

Well, if looks like you are using a demo version and not a licensed version Did you actually buy the software? If you have a licensed copy, everything is 'open'.
Padraic Ryan
Ryan Design Studio
Professional E-Commerce Development
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Old 05-30-2007, 05:22 PM
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amaiunmei amaiunmei is offline

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Default Re: Editing encrypted files?

Bah! We DO have a licensed copy, but it looks like I have been digging through my original development copy.

I grabbed our licensed copy and YES, it is definitely 'open'.

xCart v4.1.7 [unix]

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