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Old 05-06-2003, 06:10 PM
poboy poboy is offline

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Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 59

Default You're the man..


You are the man, I had to change the code a tiny bit, but I would have never done it with out you, I can promise you that. Here is the code that I used:
{* $Id: subcategories.tpl,v 1.29 2002/11/26 14:55:13 alfiya Exp $ *} { include file="location.tpl" } {if $active_modules.Bestsellers ne "" and $config.Modules.bestsellers_menu ne "Y"} {include file="modules/Bestsellers/bestsellers.tpl"} {/if} { include file="customer/main/navigation.tpl" } {if ($navigation_page eq "")||($navigation_page eq "1")}{$current_category.description|regex_replace:"/[\n]/":" "} {/if} {capture name=dialog} {assign var="tmp" value="0"} {section name=cat_num loop=$subcategories} {if $subcategories[cat_num].category}{assign var="tmp" value="1"}{/if} {/section} {section name=cat_num loop=$subcategories} { if %cat_num.first% } {if $tmp} [img]../icon.php?categoryid={$cat}[/img] {/if} <table border=0 cellspacing=5> {/if} {*if $subcategories[cat_num].product_count or $subcategories[cat_num].subcategory_count*} <tr> {* new funkydunk bit *} <td align="left" valign="middle"> [img]{$ImagesDir}/arrow.gif?categoryid={$subcategories[cat_num].categoryid}[/img] </td> {* end of funkydunk bit *} <td align=left nowrap width=95%> <font class="ItemsList">{ $subcategories[cat_num].category|escape }</font> </td> <td align=right nowrap><font class=Text> {if $subcategories[cat_num].product_count} { $subcategories[cat_num].product_count } {$lng.lbl_products} {elseif $subcategories[cat_num].subcategory_count} { $subcategories[cat_num].subcategory_count } {$lng.lbl_categories|lower} {/if} </font></td> </tr> {*/if*} { if %cat_num.last% } </table> {/if} {/section} {if $tmp and $products ne "" } <br clear=_all>{*<hr size=1 noshade>*} {/if} {/capture} {include file="dialog.tpl" title=$current_category.category|regex_replace:"/.*\//":"" content=$smarty.capture.dialog extra="width=100%"} {include file="customer/main/products.tpl" products=$products} {if $products eq "" and $tmp eq "0"} {$lng.txt_no_products_in_cat} {/if} {if $products eq ""} {if $f_products ne ""} {include file="customer/main/featured.tpl"} {/if} {/if} { include file="customer/main/navigation.tpl" }

Check it out and please pass it on. I'm also pulling my icon out of the images directory and not the database. Thank you for helping, seriously.
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