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Old 08-31-2015, 06:29 PM
Rob Rob is offline

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Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 83

Default Custom CSS is acting strange

there is a bunch of code in the custom css tab in "look and feel", but box that says Use custom css is un-checked.

The template looks normal, I'll call it "original"

The code in the css box makes reference to the side bar.

if I check the box use custom css, the side bar changes in the template. I'll call it "changed sidebar"

If I uncheck the box it goes back to the "original".

if I delete all the code in the custom css box, so the box is empty, and check the box use custom css, the template changes from the "original" to "changed sidebar"

This defies logic to me. if the box is checked to use custom css and the code in the box changes the template from "original" to "changed sidebar" the deleting all the code in the box should bring the template back to "orininal" no "changed sidebar"

Also, If I check use custom css, and only put in:

.powered-by .powered-by-label {
display: none;

it changes the template to "changed sidebar" and does not remove the powered by notice.

Core version: 5.2.6
X-Cart version 4.6.3
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