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Old 07-14-2010, 09:36 AM
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gb2world gb2world is offline

Join Date: May 2006
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Default Re: Why are they still using tables for layout?

Okay - I'll give it one more shot - but you have to step outside your singular focus on your design style and imagine you have to support many different designers, and also customers who want to use the cart as is off the shelf.

What you did is exactly what X-CART is good for - they give you open source code, they supply php data to the templates through smarty, so you can create virtually any design you want in any way you want. You should post your products_t to completed mods - a lot of people will likely benefit. Or better yet - Instead of asking QT to hire you - a better approach would be to design a skin and sell it. Many have designed css templates - you can compete with them.

Imagine that a client has asked you to use the same data in the link that you provided - but they want you to fit 4 or 5 columns in the same space. You use the same template you just developed, but clear both on every div within the item class. Also imagine that your client thinks it looks sloppy unless everything is lined up in a grid - all the titles are lined up horizontally, all the images are lined up horizontally, all the prices line up horizontally and all the buttons must line up horizontally. In addition - your client says they don't want to be constrained by thumb heights , title description lengths, etc. and don't want extra white space where it is not needed - so you can not use a max height setting.

You can meet their requirement, or just tell them they have to put up with a broken webpage because you are a css purist.

I'm speculating, but that appears to be the requirement the QT engineers were using.

Can it be done with css - probably, but I think you need php and/or smarty to calculate max required heights per row. Is that requirement unimportant or unreasonable? Debatable, but remember that QT supports people who use the cart as is off the shelf without hiring someone to change the template. Those people might appreciate the grid display so they don't have to dig into code or hire someone.

Before you insult the engineers at QT and and decide that your css skills are better than anyone there - try and understand they might have different requirements and be operating under other constraints. Maybe you should be attacking the management for the requirements imposed instead of the engineers? Who could know. But their lack of skills is really your opportunity.
X-CART (4.1.9,12/4.2.2-3/4.3.1-2/4.4.1-5)-Gold
(CDSEO, Altered-Cart On Sale, BCSE Preorder Backorder, QuickOrder, X-Payments, BCSE DPM Module)
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