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Old 06-08-2004, 10:55 AM
NuAlpha NuAlpha is offline

Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: US
Posts: 598


Another update for this module. Better detection of one too many characters in postal codes and additional correction of 'fat-fingering' the dash.

<?php ######################################### ## ## Validate Zipcode ## ## ######################################### ## Version: 1.2.6 (3/2/2004) ## Last updated: 6/8/2004 if (!defined('XCART_SESSION_START')) { header("Location: ../"); die("Access Denied!"); } function validate_zipcode($zipcode,$country='') { $zipcode = trim($zipcode); // Prep by removing excess spaces. switch ($country) { case 'US': // Validate United States postal codes. if (strlen($zipcode) > 5 && strlen($zipcode) <= 10) { // If not length 5, then check for valid format. if (preg_match("/^([0-9]{5})([-=._\/\ ])?([0-9]{4})?(.)?/", $zipcode, $checkZip)) { if (!empty($checkZip[3])) { // Is it a zip+4 code? # Prevent char deletion by concatenation or overflow during next part of validation code. Instead, cause an error. if (empty($checkZip[4])) { // This checks if the last digit will be cutoff from an empty $checkZip[2]. if (empty($checkZip[2]) || $checkZip[2] != '-') $checkZip[2] = '-'; // Ensure that a dash is present in 9 digit zip code. $zipcode = $checkZip[1].$checkZip[2].$checkZip[3]; } else // Cause an error because there are 10 digits, instead of 9 with a partitioning character. $zipcode = ''; } else // Cause an error from incorrect length. $zipcode = ''; } else // No valid zip code matched. $zipcode = ''; } elseif (strlen($zipcode) < 5 || preg_match("/[[:alpha:]]/i",$zipcode)) // Check min length or presence of a letter. $zipcode = ''; # If none of the above, do not modify zipcode. It is a valid 5 numeric digits. break; case 'CA': // Validate Canadian postal codes. if (strlen($zipcode) >= 6 && strlen($zipcode) <= 7) { // Check for valid length. if (preg_match("/^([A-z0-9]{3})([-._\/\ ])([A-z0-9]{3})(.)?/i", $zipcode, $checkZip)) { if (empty($checkZip[4])) { if ($checkZip[2] != ' ') $checkZip[2] = ' '; // Ensure that a space is between the two code segments. $zipcode = $checkZip[1].$checkZip[2].$checkZip[3]; } else // Cause an error because there are 7 digits, instead of 6 with a partitioning character. $zipcode = ''; } else // Cause an error from incorrect length. $zipcode = ''; } else // No valid zip code matched. $zipcode = ''; if (!empty($zipcode)) $zipcode = strtoupper($zipcode); // Capitalize alphabetic characters for Canadian postal code. break; } return $zipcode; } ?>

Again, let me know if you have problems with this so that I can correct any bugs.
X-Cart Pro 4.5.5 Platinum
X-Payments 1.0.6
PHP 5.3.14
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