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Old 06-02-2004, 05:00 AM
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groovico groovico is offline

Join Date: Apr 2003
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I really hate to say this... but the new product screen is actually really awkward.

It's slowed the product population process down even more than before, it's too cumbersome and it's actually doubled the amount of clicks.

A few points on it (I know this is the unfinished beta)

There's nothing that tells you what product you are editing when you switch screens.

The way it's laid out makes quick editing really slow, there's no "quick edit" screen where you can see everything at a glance, so you need to click each section link in turn, which adds even more main screen refreshes.

The whole product screen can be done on one page, with each of those sections being Iframes which refresh inside themselves (example adding options, the main product page would not refresh, only the options iframe would) it would speed up the whole thing considerably, you wouldn't have full screen refreshes and you could see all the information in one go.

I think the above would seriously improve that area, it wouldn't take much to do as the way the product screens are done it's actually translates over to the above format very easily.

Picture it this way, the main product info up at the top, then a series of scrollable windows (self refreshable) for each other section like product options, details pictures etc etc directly under one another. You can even use Hidden divs to hide them so they aren't always on show, but as long as there is an option to "open all" with one click.

I'm almost tempted to mod it up just now. But it would be so nice if it was done in the actual distribution

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