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Old 06-27-2004, 09:58 AM
NuAlpha NuAlpha is offline

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Here is the revised version. This should take care of the javascript problem.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>HTML Catalog Cleaner</title> </head> <body> <?php ###################################################### ## ## HTML Catalog Cleaner ## ## ###################################################### ## ## ## Strips every file in the HTML catalog directory ## ## of all excess white spaces. ## ###################################################### ## Version: 1.1.0 (6/26/2004) ## Last updated: 6/27/2004 # Define the Constants # ######################## define('CATALOG_DIR', '/home/nulimec/public_html/catalog'); // Set the absolute directory path to your catalog. define('BAR_LENGTH_REDUCER', 3); // If you have over 1000 HTML files in your catalog, you may wish to set this number higher. # System constants. define('MAX_ET', ini_get('max_execution_time')); define('MAX_IT', ini_get('max_input_time')); # Initialize variables. $successes = 0; $failures = 0; $filelength['init'] = 0; $filelength['final'] = 0; $cnt['tmp'] = 0; // Newline counter $cnt['tot'] = 0; // Totals counter $pblr = 0; // Progress bar length reducer variable # Initialize regular expressions. $regex = array(''=>'/[\t\n\r\f]+/', // Newlines and tabs ' '=>'/ +/', // Excess spaces ''=>'/ /i', // Additional space after non-breaking space '><'=>'/> </' // Space between HTML tags ); $java_saver = '/(<SCRIPT[^>]*>[[:space:]]*|.+?<\/SCRIPT>)/i'; # Function to Clean-up # ######################## function script_shutdown() { ini_set('max_execution_time', MAX_ET); // Reset the maximum execution time. ini_set('max_input_time', MAX_IT); // Reset the maximum input time. ob_implicit_flush(0); // Data should be kept in the buffer until ready. } register_shutdown_function('script_shutdown'); // Register the shutdown function. # Modify PHP Settings # ####################### ini_set('max_execution_time', '14400'); // Make the maximum execution/input time 4 hours so that the script doesn't time-out. ini_set('max_input_time', '14400'); ini_set('zlib.output_compression_level', 'Off'); // Turn off zlib compression, if On, to prevent Mozilla output problems. ob_implicit_flush(1); // Show the progress in the browser. # Pad with 256 bytes for Internet Explorer to show output immediately. for ($pad=0; $pad <= 8*256; $pad++) echo "\t"; echo "Stripping the HTML files of excess spaces... "; # Open the directory and store the file list. if (is_dir(CATALOG_DIR)) { if ($dh = opendir(CATALOG_DIR)) { # Iterate over file list. while (($filename = readdir($dh)) !== false) { // Use instead of scandir to skip some files. if (strpos($filename,'.htm') !== false) $file_list[] = $filename; } closedir($dh); // Close the directory. } # Perform specific operations on the files. foreach ($file_list as $file) { $file_contents = file_get_contents(CATALOG_DIR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file); $filelength['init'] += strlen($file_contents); # Examine document for javascript code blocks and preserve them for restoration. if (preg_match_all($java_saver,$file_contents,$got_java,PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($got_java as $java_chip) { if (is_array($java_chip)) { // Favorite ice cream! :) $java_scripts[] = $java_chip[1]; } } foreach ($regex as $replace=>$finds) // Do each replacement. $file_contents = preg_replace($finds,$replace,$file_contents); # Reverse the damage to the javascripts. foreach ($java_scripts as $jscript) { foreach ($regex as $replace=>$finds) // Determine what the stripped javascript block looks like. $stripped_java = preg_replace($finds,$replace,$jscript); # Find the stripped java and replace it with the original code. $file_contents = str_replace($stripped_java,$jscript,$file_contents); } } else { foreach ($regex as $replace=>$finds) // Do each replacement. $file_contents = preg_replace($finds,$replace,$file_contents); } $fp = fopen(CATALOG_DIR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file, 'w'); // Truncate file, then apply the modifications. if (!fwrite($fp,$file_contents)) { $failure_list[] = $file; // Log failures. $failures++; } else { $successes++; } fclose($fp); $filelength['final'] += strlen($file_contents); if ($pblr == BAR_LENGTH_REDUCER) { // Progress bar length reducer. echo '|'; // Lengthen the progess bar. $cnt['tmp']++; // Increment the newline counter. $pblr = 0; // Reset pblr counter. } else { $pblr++; } $cnt['tot']++; // Increment totals counter. if ($cnt['tmp']==300) { echo ' '; $cnt['tmp']=0; } // Reset the counter. } } else die(''.CATALOG_DIR.' is not a directory! Please check the path and try again.'); echo ' There were '.number_format($successes).' successful cleanings and '.number_format($failures).' failures out of a total of '.number_format($cnt['tot']).' files.</p>'; echo ' Your HTML Catalog files had a total combined length of '.number_format($filelength['init']).' characters.'; echo ' They now have a total length of '.number_format($filelength['final']).' characters.</p>'; echo 'That is a total of <u>'.number_format($filelength['init']-$filelength['final']).'</u> excess white spaces removed from your files. '; if (isset($failure_list)) { echo ' The following files could not be written to: '; $c = 'Y'; // Init background color notifier. foreach ($failure_list as $fail) # Show background color every other line for readability. if($c=='N') {$bgb=''; $bge=''; $c='Y';} else {$bgb='<font style="background-color:#E0E0E0">'; $bge='</font>'; $c='N';} echo $bgb.''.$fail.$bge.' '; } ?> </body> </html>
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