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Old 09-26-2012, 03:36 PM
Pyro Pyro is offline

Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 506

Default Re: Customize invoice based on product purchased


Thank you for the base that you provided. Could you please see where I am going wrong?

My scenario is that I want to display a certain message if a certain product is ordered.

As such, I have gone right to mail/html/order_invoice.tpl .

Here is the code that I am currently trying. The values in red are values that I have tried in with quotes and without quotes, but I get the same result either way.

{assign var="ordered8" value=0} {foreach from=$order.products item=product} {if $product.productid eq "8"} {assign var="ordered8" value=1} {/if} {/foreach} {if $ordered8 eq 1} extra thank you {else} no thank you for you {/if}

The output is always "no thank you for you", even if product 8 was ordered and is on the invoice.

Is there anything that you can see that I am missing?

Thank you very much for any guidance!
Best Wishes,

4.5.2 Gold (work in progress)
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