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Old 07-12-2010, 01:28 PM
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gb2world gb2world is offline

Join Date: May 2006
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Default Re: Why are they still using tables for layout?

how could you count cells and adjust div width with css dynamically?

You can set a countdown using smarty based on the administrative setting to insert a div that does a clear:both to start a new line.

If I recall correctly - X-CART used a table for product listings on a multi-column block because they were trying to keep uniform row heights, and it was easier to use a table rather than use css because of the way they were looping through the data. If you happen to have different heights of pictures, and product descriptions and prices are different heights, then you need to resolve all that in the css to keep the rows lined up, whereas using a table, the row heights set up in a grid, so it is easier to account for all the possibilities that users might require.
X-CART (4.1.9,12/4.2.2-3/4.3.1-2/4.4.1-5)-Gold
(CDSEO, Altered-Cart On Sale, BCSE Preorder Backorder, QuickOrder, X-Payments, BCSE DPM Module)
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