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Old 11-22-2016, 06:03 AM
Triple A Racing Triple A Racing is offline

Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Crisp White Skin in 5.3.* - Custom Modifications?

Thanks to this forum and all the helpful people in it, in our live store, we use a standard XC5 skin, but then modify this in many different ways, via a Custom Module and a very long list of associated modified files. Works very well, it's easy to use (after a steep module creation learning curve...) and it's very upgrade friendly, because you can test the upgrade on the Custom Module in your dev store, prior to running a live store upgrade. It simplifies things too, as no additional Theme Tweaker, Custom CSS /JS or custom_skin changes are needed because the Custom Module completes all the changes itself.

Meanwhile, we are busy deeply investigating Crisp White Skin in our dev store and the best way to re-work that in many areas. This is also, for argument's sake, a Custom Module carrying out lots of changes on a standard XC5 skin. Again, we don't want to use Theme Tweaker, Custom CSS /JS or custom_skin, so in short, can we run a Custom Module on top of an existing Custom Module? i.e. say; Crisp White skin mods module on top of Crisp White skin module? Has anybody tried this?

If the answer is '...yes the logic flow works and there won't be an endless loop...' then in the Main.php file that will be required to make this happen, will the Customer Interface line change from a normal:
\XLite::CUSTOMER_INTERFACE => array('*custom_module*' . LC_DS . 'customer'),
To a more specific:
\XLite::CUSTOMER_INTERFACE => array('*custom_module*' . LC_DS . 'crisp_white/customer'),
or something completely different?

If the answer is no.... Then yes we can edit the existing Crisp White skin module related files, but that makes future upgrades a big problem again or we can use Theme Tweaker, Custom CSS /JS or custom_skin but those are our last choices really, but we can't think of any other ways...
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