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Old 02-04-2003, 11:04 PM
ATKOgirl ATKOgirl is offline

Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 448

Default Need Help w/Smarty & Fetching


I need to "fetch" my product descriptions from my suppliers web site. I found a script to do in with regular information, but does anyone know how to do it using the db and Smarty?

The script I have looks like this:

<?php $theLocation=""; $startingpoint = "Overview: </font>[/b]</td>"; $endingpoint = ""; // - "Don't touch this part..." preg_match("/^(https?:\/\/)?([^\/]*)(.*)/i", "$theLocation", $matches); $theDomain = "http://" . $matches[2]; $page = $matches[3]; $fd = fopen($theDomain.$page, "r"); // can change to "rb", on NT/2000 servers, if problems. $value = ""; while(!feof($fd)){ $value .= fread($fd, 4096); } fclose($fd); $start= strpos($value, "$startingpoint"); $finish= strpos($value, "$endingpoint"); $length= $finish-$start; $value=substr($value, $start, $length); // end "don't touch this part" $value = eregi_replace( "<IMG alt=[^>]*>", "", $value ); $value = eregi_replace( "<class[^>]*>", "", $value ); $value = eregi_replace( "<table[^>]*>", "", $value ); $value = eregi_replace( "<tr[^>]*>", "", $value ); $value = eregi_replace( "<td[^>]*>", "", $value ); $value = str_replace( "</font>", "", $value ); // Remove closing </font> tags. $value = str_replace( "</table>", "", $value ); // Remove closing </table> tags. $value = str_replace( "</tr>", "", $value ); // Remove closing </tr> tags. $value = str_replace( "</td>", "", $value ); // Remove closing </td> tags. $value = str_replace( "<center>", "", $value ); // Remove <center> tag... $value = str_replace( "</center>", "", $value ); // ...alignment calls. $value = str_replace( "", "", $value ); // Remove tags. $value = str_replace( "", "", $value ); // Remove closing tags... $value = str_replace( "Overview: [/b]", "", $value ); // Remove Overview:... $FinalOutput = preg_replace("/(href=\"?)(\/[^\"\/]+)/", "\\1" . $theDomain . "\\2", $value); echo $FinalOutput; //prints it to your page flush (); //force output to your page faster ?>

However, this is extremely slow and I have no clue how I would integrate it to work with x-cart and smarty. Any help is greatly appreciated.

X-Cart Versions: 4.1.10 and 4.2.0
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