Thread: What's new mod
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Old 02-13-2005, 03:01 PM
walteis walteis is offline

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Default What's new mod

I've created a pretty simple "what's new" modification that someone might be interested in. It displays all the products that were created within a configurable number of days.

First, create a PHP file called newest.php that contains the following code:

<? // set variables $daterange = 60 * 60 * 24 * $wn; // days in unix time $nowtime = time(); $oldtime = $nowtime - $daterange ; $objects_per_page = $config["Appearance"]["products_per_page"]; // the database query $search_data["products"] = array(); $search_data["products"]["forsale"] = "Y"; $from_tbl[$sql_tbl['featured_products']] = 0; $search_condition = "DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL ". $wn . " DAY) <= from_unixtime(".add_date.") AND "; $mode = "search"; include $xcart_dir."/include/search.php"; $location[]=array("What's New",""); // give the product array to smarty to make it available sitewide. $smarty->assign("newproducts",$products); $smarty->assign("location",$location); $smarty->assign("navigation_script","home.php?wn=$wn"); ?>

Then change home.php to include the following:

if (!empty($wn)) { include "./newest.php"; $smarty->assign("wn","$wn"); }

I put that right after the Bestsellers code.

Next, you'll need a template called customer/main/newest.tpl

Visit this area of the store to see all the new items we've added in the last {$smarty.get.wn} days. {if $mode eq "search"} {if $total_items gt "1"} {$lng.txt_N_results_found|substitute:"items":$total_items} {$lng.txt_displaying_X_Y_results|substitute:"first_item":$first_item:"last_item":$last_item} {elseif $total_items eq "0"} {$lng.txt_N_results_found|substitute:"items":0} {/if} {/if} {capture name=dialog} {if $newproducts ne ""} {if $total_pages gt 2} {assign var="navpage" value=$navigation_page} {/if} <TABLE border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> {if $sort_fields} {assign var=url value="home.php?wn="|cat:$smarty.get.wn|cat:"&"} <TR> <TD>{include file="main/search_sort_by.tpl" sort_fields=$sort_fields selected=$search_prefilled.sort_field direction=$search_prefilled.sort_direction url=$url} </TD> </TR> {/if} <TR> <TD> {include file="customer/main/navigation.tpl"} {include file="customer/main/products.tpl" products=$newproducts} {include file="customer/main/navigation.tpl"} </TD> </TR> </TABLE> {else} {$lng.txt_no_new|substitute:"XX":$smarty.get.wn} {/if} {/capture} {include file="dialog.tpl" title="New Products" content=$smarty.capture.dialog extra="width=100%"}

Then edit customer/home_main.tpl to include the previous template:

{elseif $main eq "subscriptions"} {include file="modules/Subscriptions/subscriptions.tpl"} {elseif $wn ne ""} {include file="customer/main/newest.tpl"} {elseif $main eq "catalog" and $current_category.category eq ""} {include file="customer/main/welcome.tpl" f_products=$f_products}

Then I added a config table setting called TFTACustom.wndays, you can call it anything you'd like.

Assuming that you called it that, you can then add a link in the categories.tpl


This mod works as written with 4.0.7

X-cart Gold 4.1.7 on Linux/Apache.
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