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Old 02-04-2003, 12:18 PM
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minorgod minorgod is offline

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Posts: 402

Default mail notification in func_place_order(),func_process_order()

I'm trying to limit the number of extraneous e-mail notifications sent to the store admin in xcart 3.3.1. I see two functions in the /include/func.php file where I could edit this functionality. I'm not sure which function contains the appropriate code though, or which function is called during customer checkout. Could someone please clue me into the difference in these two functions? I've already edited the func_place_order() for functionality that depends on order success and failure, but I can't really tell when the func_process_order() comes into play. Both functions appear to send e-mail notifications, but why would one function contain some of the same notifications as the other. Are both functions called during customer checkout or is only the func_place_order() called during checkout?
Getting back into x-cart dev after a long hiatus. Modded lots of x-carts from version 3.1.x to 4.1.x. Developer of ImageScaler mod, Pre-login per user coupon mod, Wordpress feed mod, DigitalSubscriptions mod, Phonetic bulk download keys addon for DownloadExpander mod, Serial Number Generator for ESD products, Custom CMS/LMS integrations, external products mod, and more.
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