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Old 02-02-2003, 11:48 AM
ramtha-we-see ramtha-we-see is offline

Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 14


I understand what I must do to erase the categories from the left. But, to split the main categories and have the subcategories on the left would I split the

{ include file="customer/categories.tpl" }

file into two templates? If so, here is the code for categories.tpl... What should I do with it?
{* $Id: categories.tpl,v 1.16 2002/10/21 07:06:43 zorg Exp $ *} <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=0 width=100%> <TR> <TD class=VertMenuTitle height=26 width=26 valign=center>[img]{$ImagesDir}/dingbats_categorie.gif[/img]</TD> <TD class=VertMenuTitle height=26 valign=center width="80%"><FONT class=VertMenuTitle>{$lng.lbl_categories}</FONT></TD> </TR> <tr><td colspan=2 nowrap> {if $config.General.root_categories eq "Y"} {section name=cat_num loop=$categories} <font class=CategoriesList>{ $categories[cat_num].category|escape }</font> {/section} {else} {section name=cat_num loop=$subcategories} <font class=CategoriesList>{ $subcategories[cat_num].category|escape }</font> {/section} {/if} </td></tr> </TABLE>

Thank you very much in advance for your help!
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