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Old 06-21-2006, 08:37 PM
DavidPFarrell DavidPFarrell is offline

Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 11


:: EDIT ::

Okay here's what I did and so far it seems to work:

The $products array gets defined in a code snippet at the bottom of $xcart_dir/products.php. I moved that code snippet into a new file $xcart_dir/products_by_catid.php and modified products.php to include the new file. Now I have the freedom to load a $products array any time I want. I simply set $cat then include products_by_catid.php. After I verified that this small change worked (i.e. hit reload and page still there), I then modified products.php to cycle through the $subcategories array and, for each subcategory, grab the products list and store it in a "products" field.

What would make this mod really nice would be a simple way to enable/disable it from the admin console. Any Ideas?

Also, the code snippet that I added to products.php could just as easily be placed in $xcart_dir/home.php instead, which may actually be a more appropriate place for it.

Feeback appreciated.


PS: Oh, and it would be nice to have another mod that would add the subcats for the subcats I might try that one later.

Here's a small test snippet and the file changes for the mod:

Test Snippet To Try In: $xcart_dir/skin1/customer/main/subcategories.tpl
{if $subcategories} <ul> {foreach from=$subcategories item=subcat} [*]{$subcat.category|escape} <ul> {foreach from=$subcat.products item=subproduct} {if $subproduct} [*]{$subproduct.product|escape} {/if} {/foreach} [/list] {/foreach} [/list]{/if}

Create New File: $xcart_dir/products_by_catid.php
<?php /*****************************************************************************\ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | X-Cart | | Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Ruslan R. Fazliev <> | | All rights reserved. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PLEASE READ THE FULL TEXT OF SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT IN THE "COPYRIGHT" | | FILE PROVIDED WITH THIS DISTRIBUTION. THE AGREEMENT TEXT IS ALSO AVAILABLE | | AT THE FOLLOWING URL: | | | | THIS AGREEMENT EXPRESSES THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON WHICH YOU MAY USE | | THIS SOFTWARE PROGRAM AND ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION THAT RUSLAN R. | | FAZLIEV (hereinafter referred to as "THE AUTHOR") IS FURNISHING OR MAKING | | AVAILABLE TO YOU WITH THIS AGREEMENT (COLLECTIVELY, THE "SOFTWARE"). | | PLEASE REVIEW THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT | | CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING OR USING THE SOFTWARE. BY INSTALLING, | | COPYING OR OTHERWISE USING THE SOFTWARE, YOU AND YOUR COMPANY | | (COLLECTIVELY, "YOU") ARE ACCEPTING AND AGREEING TO THE TERMS OF THIS | | LICENSE AGREEMENT. IF YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO BE BOUND BY THIS | | AGREEMENT, DO NOT INSTALL OR USE THE SOFTWARE. VARIOUS COPYRIGHTS AND | | OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS PROTECT THE SOFTWARE. THIS | | AGREEMENT IS A LICENSE AGREEMENT THAT GIVES YOU LIMITED RIGHTS TO USE | | THE SOFTWARE AND NOT AN AGREEMENT FOR SALE OR FOR TRANSFER OF TITLE.| | THE AUTHOR RETAINS ALL RIGHTS NOT EXPRESSLY GRANTED BY THIS AGREEMENT. | | | | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ruslan R. Fazliev | | Portions created by Ruslan R. Fazliev are Copyright (C) 2001-2006 | | Ruslan R. Fazliev. All Rights Reserved. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ \*****************************************************************************/ # # $Id: products.php,v 1.12 2006/01/11 06:55:57 mclap Exp $ # # Navigation code # if ( !defined('XCART_START') ) { header("Location: home.php"); die("Access denied"); } # DavidPFarrell - This code was copied, unaltered, from $xcart_dir/products.php # # Get products data for current category and store it into $products array # $old_search_data = $search_data["products"]; $old_mode = $mode; $search_data["products"] = array(); $search_data["products"]["categoryid"] = $cat; $search_data["products"]["search_in_subcategories"] = ""; $search_data["products"]["category_main"] = "Y"; $search_data["products"]["category_extra"] = "Y"; $search_data["products"]["forsale"] = "Y"; if(!isset($sort)) $sort = $config["Appearance"]["products_order"]; if(!isset($sort_direction)) $sort_direction = 0; $mode = "search"; include $xcart_dir."/include/search.php"; $search_data["products"] = $old_search_data; $mode = $old_mode; if (!empty($active_modules["Subscriptions"])) { include $xcart_dir."/modules/Subscriptions/subscription.php"; } # /DavidPFarrell ?>

Modify File: $xcart_dir/products.php
<?php /*****************************************************************************\ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | X-Cart | | Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Ruslan R. Fazliev <> | | All rights reserved. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PLEASE READ THE FULL TEXT OF SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT IN THE "COPYRIGHT" | | FILE PROVIDED WITH THIS DISTRIBUTION. THE AGREEMENT TEXT IS ALSO AVAILABLE | | AT THE FOLLOWING URL: | | | | THIS AGREEMENT EXPRESSES THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON WHICH YOU MAY USE | | THIS SOFTWARE PROGRAM AND ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION THAT RUSLAN R. | | FAZLIEV (hereinafter referred to as "THE AUTHOR") IS FURNISHING OR MAKING | | AVAILABLE TO YOU WITH THIS AGREEMENT (COLLECTIVELY, THE "SOFTWARE"). | | PLEASE REVIEW THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT | | CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING OR USING THE SOFTWARE. BY INSTALLING, | | COPYING OR OTHERWISE USING THE SOFTWARE, YOU AND YOUR COMPANY | | (COLLECTIVELY, "YOU") ARE ACCEPTING AND AGREEING TO THE TERMS OF THIS | | LICENSE AGREEMENT. IF YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO BE BOUND BY THIS | | AGREEMENT, DO NOT INSTALL OR USE THE SOFTWARE. VARIOUS COPYRIGHTS AND | | OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS PROTECT THE SOFTWARE. THIS | | AGREEMENT IS A LICENSE AGREEMENT THAT GIVES YOU LIMITED RIGHTS TO USE | | THE SOFTWARE AND NOT AN AGREEMENT FOR SALE OR FOR TRANSFER OF TITLE.| | THE AUTHOR RETAINS ALL RIGHTS NOT EXPRESSLY GRANTED BY THIS AGREEMENT. | | | | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ruslan R. Fazliev | | Portions created by Ruslan R. Fazliev are Copyright (C) 2001-2006 | | Ruslan R. Fazliev. All Rights Reserved. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ \*****************************************************************************/ # # $Id: products.php,v 1.12 2006/01/11 06:55:57 mclap Exp $ # # Navigation code # if ( !defined('XCART_START') ) { header("Location: home.php"); die("Access denied"); } if ($config["General"]["disable_outofstock_products"] == "Y") { $avail = ($config["General"]["unlimited_products"] =="N")? " AND $sql_tbl[products].avail>0 " : ""; $current_category["product_count"] = func_query_first_cell ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $sql_tbl[products], $sql_tbl[products_categories] WHERE $sql_tbl[products].productid=$sql_tbl[products_categories].productid AND $sql_tbl[products].forsale='Y' $avail AND $sql_tbl[products_categories].categoryid='$cat'"); if (is_array($subcategories)) { foreach($subcategories as $k=>$v) { $subcategories[$k]["product_count"] = func_query_first_cell ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $sql_tbl[products], $sql_tbl[products_categories] WHERE $sql_tbl[products].productid=$sql_tbl[products_categories].productid AND $sql_tbl[products].forsale='Y' $avail AND $sql_tbl[products_categories].categoryid='$v[categoryid]'"); } $smarty->assign("subcategories",$subcategories); } } if ($active_modules["Advanced_Statistics"] && !defined("IS_ROBOT")) include $xcart_dir."/modules/Advanced_Statistics/cat_viewed.php"; # DavidPFarrell - Add a "products" field to each subcategory containing the array of products for that subcategory if (is_array($subcategories)) { $_oldcat = $cat; foreach ($subcategories as $_catid => $_subcat) { if (!empty($_catid)) { $cat = $_catid; $products = ""; include $xcart_dir."/products_by_catid.php"; if (is_array($products)) { $subcategories[$_catid]["products"] = $products; } } } $smarty->assign("subcategories",$subcategories); $cat = $_oldcat; } # /DavidPFarrell include $xcart_dir."/products_by_catid.php"; $smarty->assign("products",$products); $smarty->assign("navigation_script","home.php?cat=$cat&sort=$sort&sort_direction=$sort_direction"); ?>

=== Original Post ===
I could really use a response to this if anyone is out there?

It looks like "products.php" finds the product list via a specialized search. I was thinking we could do a similar thing within the loop that cycles through the sub-cats.

I was also thinking of trying to modify home.php and/or categories.php and/or products.php to create "subcat_products[subCatId]" (and possibly subcat_subcats[])

My concern with these is the extra function calls or includes changing variables that aren't needed for this mod but might be needed by other pages.

X-Cart v4.1.10 Gold
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