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Old 11-28-2012, 06:00 PM
carpeperdiem carpeperdiem is offline

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Default Re: X-Payments ROLL CALL

Originally Posted by tartaglia
The display creates lots of whitepace, I had to reorder my payment methods so that CC was last so it would even look half decent.

Maybe we should share out lite.css files?

I tried placing Credit Card as last payment method, but in my opinion, it put the option too far down the page. But now we have all the unfinished and "x-payments started" orders if the customer then goes to PayPal or pay with points or get certificate. Maybe that's the lesser of the evils? I want credit card to be the default payment method - so it really needs to be in the top slot.

The big problem right now is that anon customer orders all seem to fail on first attempt creating duplicate or triplicate orders (or customer walkaways had 3 of those on Monday) -
But there are another 8-10 interface issues that are simply Very Poor Choices and these need to be fixed,
And of course, the use of coupons that send the wrong payment amount to the gateway.

Besides that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
xcart 4.5.4 gold+ w/x-payments 1.0.6; xcart gold 4.4.4
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