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Old 10-21-2005, 04:25 PM
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Stephen Hatton Stephen Hatton is offline

Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 182


Hi All

My quick observations of V4.1.0 from the distribution files are:

1. Pages generated are not XHTML compliant (all HTML tags must be lowercase and must have closing tags).

From the demo site (http// ) given in a previous post:
I am running Mozilla Firefox which has a plugin that checks the HTML validity of pages.
The demo site has 24 errors (serious HTML compliance) and 158 warnings (usually titles for tables and images - not critical but would be nice to make compliant)

Some search engines will not spider pages with errors, so this could become a serious issue in the future.

Here is the link to the W3C validator for the xcart demo:

Here is the link to the CSS validator for the xcart demo

Also in config.php a Blowfish key is generated during the install process:

# The variable $blowfish_key contains your Blowfish encryption key automatically
# generated by X-Cart during installation. This key is used to encrypt all the
# sensitive data in your store including user passwords, credit card data, etc.
# NEVER try to change your Blowfish encryption key by editing the value of the
# $blowfish_key variable in this file: your data is already encrypted with this
# key and X-Cart needs exactly the same key to be able to decrypt it. Changing
# $blowfish_key manually will corrupt all the user passwords (including the
# administrator's password), so you will not be able to use the store.
# Please be aware that a lost Blowfish key cannot be restored, so X-Cart team
# will not be able to help you regain access to your store if you remove or
# change the value of $blowfish_key.
# It is quite safe to use X-Cart with the Blowfish key generated during
# installation; however, if you still want to change it, please refer to
# X-Cart Reference Manual or contact X-Cart Tech Support for details.

If we setup a test site and wish to import an existing live database - do we copy the blowfish key across from the live site to the test site (as a new one is generated on the test site when the software is installed)???

Here are the competitor's verifications:

I am just trying to help with QA.

Ing. Stephen Hatton
Apache Linux V1.3.33
PERL version: 5.8.0
PHP version: 4.3.11
MySQL version: 4.0.22-standard
X-cart V4.0.17: Addons: X-PConfig, X-Giftreg, X-Fancycat, X-AOM